The Jedi Temple (open)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Marcus Aurelius, Aug 25, 2019.


    JEDI KNIGHT Fapstronaut

    Day 20✅
    what if... dooku never turned to the dark side. i must admit its one of my favorite characters. elegant, smart, rich and one of the best swordsman.

    best of luck @-Angel- , i wish you success.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2023
  2. Dovahkin101

    Dovahkin101 Fapstronaut

    Day 3 - Youngling

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    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    Hello there again fellow Jedis :)

    Day 1 - Youngling

    Going again for this season back to Hard Mode. Because of the Jedi Friend JEDI KNIGHT is still here and NNN is approaching. I won't miss my NNN image for this lol. So let's go and see if I can get far enough. I want to see what they are going to with NNN challenge here unless they make it into a Hard Mode challenge again. I am not joining then. Also I am still not done with Hard Mode any way. I haven't reach my bare minimum when I truly am taking a break from it. Ah @-Angel- come back anytime and I will see you in the other challenges any way with or without The Jedi Temple I know I can do this. We will see with my progress in Hard Mode in general then if not I will head back to SR streak only if I fail and take a break again then come to Hard Mode to hit my bare minimum.So let's go JEDI KNIGHT and fellow Jedis.

    It is still my Vader self is still fighting me
    It's Vader time

    I sense...

    Fighting the dark side

    Jedi out
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2023
  4. Dean-Winchester

    Dean-Winchester Fapstronaut

    Loved Star Wars growing up. Fan of the original (and hush hush...the prequels too), not so much the newer stuff. Loved Clone Wars though, and enjoyed the Kenobi series.

    I guess it's time to begin my training. First off, training with Master Yoda in the Jedi Temple as a Youngling.

    Day 0 - Youngling

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    Day 2 - Youngling

    Am I doing this daily again? I guess lol...not in a mood. Oh well the JEDI KNIGHT is here. Taking advantage before he disappears again. Let's go Jedi brother.
    And I was trying to make a challenge or challenges but it is still hard to do images and GIFs. Damn it. I was going to an all SR challenge. Maybe I can make an alternative for the regular ones with just text? We will see. Those challenges IMO are boring but it will only consist of me doing simple check ins lol. That's it.

    Jedi out

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  6. hantyumi

    hantyumi Fapstronaut

    Sorry for my inconsistent checkins
    Day 14
  7. Dean-Winchester

    Dean-Winchester Fapstronaut

  8. Dovahkin101

    Dovahkin101 Fapstronaut

    Day 1 - Youngling

    I have relapsed. But I have been doing better lately. Relapsing every couple of weeks is better than every day. And that is progress. Making my days count better.
  9. -Angel-

    -Angel- Fapstronaut

    Youngling: 1/6
    Midichlorian Count: 100

    Stupidly sat through several sex scenes during a TV show, so I'm resetting the counter in line with the no porn rule. Took a break from my work, and it never even clicked in my mind that I shouldn't be watching this stuff. Way too tired at the time.

    JEDI KNIGHT Fapstronaut

    Day 0
    relapse again, the same problem that i always have, alcohol and loneliness.

    but im not gonna go deep in that im just gonna make this week the best ever.
    making every day and hour count.
    gonna write a plan about it.

    welcome @Dean-Winchester

    haha @LLOYYD it seems like whenever one of the three leaves another comeback.

    lets go @Dovahkin101 lets make this week the best posible.

    one last thing, a reminder that pmo is never the asnwer. dont let your brain trick you like i let him. you feel much worse after the relapse. of course you all now this. but if i can remember the feeling that one has after a relapse i would never failed again. the further i go in day i forget this.
  11. -Angel-

    -Angel- Fapstronaut

    I've changed my name from -Angel- to -Negan- (watching Walking Dead and love it).

    Think we're all starting pretty much from scratch. This weekend seems to have taken most of us out. I guess the one positive is, we can push each other on.

    I'll try and check in as often as I can. These next few weeks will give me an idea on how busy I'm going to be on a consistent basis. Might as well use No Nut November to complete our Youngling and Padawan trials, and end NNN as Jedi Knights!
  12. hantyumi

    hantyumi Fapstronaut

  13. LLOYYD

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    Day 3 - Youngling

    I know how that feels. When I am in Hard Mode and I have to do that. Most likely, I will fully give in to the dark side of PMO because I hate resetting for that reason (No P rule) lol...That's it.

    @JEDI KNIGHT Eh well I am trying to be honest. I can't do Semen Retention alone here since this challenge a Hard Mode after all. It seems like -Angel- hasn't left just yet :D I just decided to come back and just do my journey with the fellow Jedi Friend here which is you while doing NNN along the way. Then we see from there. If I am successful then I will continue moving upward on Hard Mode here and the rest of them after November. If not well, I will go back to Semen Retention goal alone with the other challenges that I will keep doing as well. I think I was getting a hang of it by myself but oh well I decided on a whim to do it since NNN is approaching so why not do it for the next 30 days on Hard Mode here and go from there. I will just stick through here for now. Because as I said Hard Mode really helped with my Semen Retention streak so that is a positive doing it here and the rest for me. Eventually, I will do only Semen Retention alone since that will be my long term goal opposed to Hard Mode. Any way, let's go JEDI KNIGHT.

    I am ready to go back where I left off!

    Fight the dark side

    Jedi out

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  14. -Angel-

    -Angel- Fapstronaut

    Youngling: 2/6
    Midichlorian Count: 200
  15. Dean-Winchester

    Dean-Winchester Fapstronaut

  16. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    I'm back on Hard Mode, so starting this challenge again!

    Day 0!

    JEDI KNIGHT Fapstronaut

  18. Dovahkin101

    Dovahkin101 Fapstronaut

    Day 1 - Youngling

    I relapsed again. NNN is coming up tomorrow so I would like to be able to participate in that.

    There is a concept I thought of that might help. Porn addiction never really existed before the internet. I mean it would have been a lot harder to be addicted. Before television we never looked at screens. So it's quite unnatural to look at a screen all day, much less crave to look at one for porn. With that thought, I notice the feeling of resistance in me to try to not use technology. But I don't need the technology, other than stuff like email. I will try a short screen fast today and only use the computer for something that's necessary.

    Also that rather than jumping right onto porn when I have the triggering thought, or try to resist it by distracting myself, I will slow down and create a space between the triggering thought and my reaction.
  19. -Angel-

    -Angel- Fapstronaut

    Youngling: 3/6
    Midichlorian Count: 300

    I actually thought of that concept while watching The Walking Dead. No internet, no computers (unless they're powered by green energy), and lack of access to food and water. Pretty much all addictions wiped out. People having to work together, growing fresh food, hunting in nature, no computers, or TV screens (unless they're powered naturally, and infrastructure already in place), but books which they can scavenge. Sometimes, it seems quite appealing.
  20. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut