Have any of you successfully become a morning person?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Don Gately, Oct 19, 2023.

  1. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    I've struggled my whole life with getting enough sleep. I was late in the military, I was late to school, and basically anything I've ever done in the morning, I've been at risk of being late because I don't get to bed in time the night before. I'm also late to other stuff, but going to bed at night and getting up in the morning is consistently difficult.

    I've tried to troubleshoot this from every direction I know. I've read research, I've taken naps, not taken naps, made goals for bedtimes, tried to get in a routine, exercised at night, exercised in the morning, logged my bedtimes, gone home from social things earlier, and a bunch of other things. I just can't seem to wind down in time to get enough sleep. I struggled with porn for about 8-9 years, and it's been over a year and a half since I looked at it, but as much I thought that would help with going to bed, it hasn't solved it.

    I just don't know if I am capable of this. I might start going to 12 Step again specifically for sleep issues. It feels like it's beyond my power to do well.
  2. I remember reading in the book Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker that humans generally can be divided into two broad sleeping schedules: early birds who go to bed early and wake up early, and night owls who go to bed late and wake up late. It explained this by saying that having people up at night has an evolutionary advantage, as there are people up to keep guard and look out for predators during the night. This makes a lot of sense to me: some people are just night owls and instinctually wired to go to bed later than others. Unfortunately however society in general doesn't recognize this and tries to force everyone into an early bird routine. So night owls tend to be under-slept, because they are expected to get up with everyone else, but their bodies won't let them go to bed early with everyone else.

    Just mentioned this to suggest that you might be a night owl. If you are you might naturally want to go to bed later and wake up later. If your schedule allows it, it might be good to just adjust it and wake up later when your body wants to. Instead of trying to convert yourself into a morning person which you have said you have had difficulty doing.
  3. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    I just pushed myself to keep my 7am and 9pm alarms on seven days a week. Now I get up regularly after years of center Ted effort and discipline pretty early
  4. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    Yes, I took a stress management course in college and my final project was on sleep. I had to be meticulous, document in a journal how I was spending my time each day. For me, the key to a good morning routine is a good evening routine. I dimmed the lights by a certain time, put away all screens, changed into sleep clothes, and fixed a hearty meal. After dinner was over, I would leave all the dishes for the morning and fix some Sleepy Time tea. Then I would go to my prayer/meditation room and drink my tea and practice listening to the silence, maybe journal for the day, or pray, read, and calm down. Normally it takes me 10 minutes to fall asleep. The point was to cue my body that the day is over and tell my brain to start producing melatonin. I've heard red light is good for that also, but I haven't tried it. Well, one night, by accident, I left a caffeinated drink out by my bedside - it was green tea - and when my alarm rang in the morning, I chugged it all down and almost instantly my eyes woke up and my brain turned on high gear. It must've been 4-5am. Then I went to the kitchen and did all the dishes from the night before. And by 5-6 am, I was already awake and having a productive morning. Then by 6, 630 I would be on knees ready to say my morning prayers again and do all my morning rituals. Eventually, all of that became a rhythm. Music really helped, or podcasts. Now I love doing the dishes too, because I associate the smell of the soap with a good 30-60 minutes of brainstorming, thinking, listening, reflecting, etc. So yeah, I get that first jolt and do the dishes first thing in the morning while listening to music or a podcast, and before the day even begins, I already have that momentum. I can't say this will work for everyone. I was intentional about it, and then eventually I started to love the morning time, because it is quiet and no one is awake, and everything is calm. Nowadays, it is harder for me to wake up without brain fog, so sometimes I will brew a batch of coffee and keep it in the fridge, so that when I wake up, iced coffee gets me going almost immediately. During worse weeks, I'll chug a RockStar first thing. My sleep hygiene in general is not the best, anyway. But I have a job where I need to be awake early, and also I practice being more disciplined as a lifestyle with the gym, work, spiritual life, goals, etc., so waking up early is great for overall self-development and growth mindset. The biggest thing is creating an enjoyable routine that give you life and inspiration.
  5. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    I'm working on going to bed earlier, but I have never been a morning person. My friends laugh at me because I like to sleep in. Maybe some people are just wired to start their day earlier.
    Don Gately likes this.
  6. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    I really appreciate that insight! I would really like to just get into a self-acceptance mode about this and not have to feel tired all the time, but there are some complications with work. I'll see what I can do, though. Thanks for sharing! I do think a lot of my family are night owls naturally, so it would make sense if it's genetic.
  7. I'm sorry, that must be frustrating. Yes, our society expects everyone to be morning people. Even though people have different preferred sleeping schedules. It's called chronotypes in scientific literature I believe. And it's a natural human variation.

    There is solid scientific evidence about this. Like this article. Despite this, not many people know much about this topic.

    I hope you can work out a solution. Maybe your boss or HR would be willing to listen if you brought it up with them.
    Don Gately likes this.
  8. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reference. Even if it doesn't get any easier to manage schedule with work, it's nice to know I'm not just lazy!
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
    Liege Blåhaj likes this.
  9. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    I think some people are just wired as night owls. Maybe you change your habits to work with it? Can you work later hours? Start your day at 10 or 12 instead of 6 am?

    Side note/ you really want to be an early riser? Have kids. Those Lil bastards will have you up by 6 am every morning without you doing a damn thing.
    Don Gately likes this.
  10. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I did, after many years of trying and failing.
    I echo the words about a strong evening routine - putting my phone in a different room was honestly life-changing for me. I would also suggest doing something you really enjoy first thing in the morning. I used to try and get up and exercise - go for a run - and if that is your joy, go for it! But i live in england, it is usually raining and for half the year it is pitch dark and cold and damp, it takes a lot of discipline to go from my bed to there.
    So now my first activity is reading, 10-20mins, something i enjoy and look forward to. Then i do some yoga - again nothing strenuous, 20mins or so, help me stretch and wake up and feel good. Then i make some coffee and start planning my day.
    Again the point is that i enioy these things and look forward to them, they are more fun than lying in bed late. They don't take long and i am still up an hour or more before the rest of my family when they are done (currently wake at 5.30am).

    I understand the mindset of getting up and doing all your worst jobs first so you can enjoy the rest of your day. But it doesnt work for me. So, might be something to try!
  11. Nerdynerd

    Nerdynerd New Fapstronaut

    Well I was… Naturally i also think im a night owl, but I actually had managed to get into a nice 5am morning routine. It was really going great for a couple of months, but when a project in my school started, in which you had to drive as many kilometres with your bycicle in 3 weeks as possible, I sadly got out of my routine. Because I was almost every day outside tracking my kilometres until 8 pm and I still had to eat and do school stuff I went to bed at 11pm or later. And now its been 4 months and i am still struggling to get back into my routine not having been able to do it consistently for a week… I’d love to have an accountability partner to get back to it. If someones down message me and if possible European time.
    Don Gately likes this.