in that moment

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by overcome, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. overcome

    overcome Fapstronaut

    Sometimes, (often), i have that urge to "jack" overtake me and I think "ah, crap, here we go again." I have weak safety measures on my youtube security and even my phone, it's no prob to blank out mentally for as long as it takes to unlock those codes and get busy. Can anyone relate? If so, what do you do in that moment?
  2. overcome

    overcome Fapstronaut

    Yea, i agree thanks for the suggestion. I'll try that next time
  3. GoAway

    GoAway Fapstronaut

    It sounds easy, but I find it much harder to execute whenever I end up in the situation. Any suggestions on how to make this become an easier action, because my willpower is very low when it comes to quitting PMO.
    overcome likes this.
  4. Shellder

    Shellder Guest

    I don't want to be rude, but get your shit done. Pretty often "weak willpower" is simply boredom and going automatic. I, for example, went hyperproductive since I started 2 months ago, just to cut myself out of masturbation.
    I didn't have to hide and lock my computer, I actually think it would backfire. Just changed the way I use it.
    overcome likes this.
  5. overcome

    overcome Fapstronaut

    Man, I like those suggestions Cold Turkey! I had a library not that far from my house and when my last laptop crashed (from a porn virus, no doubt) i didn't get the password for the Internet at the pad, i would just take it to the library. However demands got so that I had to have access to the net after library hours. I have NOT ONCE messed w porn on this laptop but i have my phone and Xbox live/ internet which is the challenge
  6. overcome

    overcome Fapstronaut

    Yes, again, I agree. This is where the self discipline comes into play to get rid of those attachments and simplify your electronics. You end up saving money as well haha
  7. In that moment, right in the thick of it? There is only one thing you can do.

    Remember us. Remember your Brothers in Arms. At that moment you forgot about us, about the fight. Keep us with you at all times, since we can not and will not run forever. We are holding strong and we all feel when you slip, we feel it in our bones. Remember we also feel when you win the battle, we all stand taller and march forward.

    Keep us with you and say, right at that moment: No. This was the old me, FUCK THAT. I do not masturbate anymore. I live life to the fullest, as the fullest. I am pure energy, master of my mind, body and emotions.
    Getter Better and overcome like this.
  8. overcome

    overcome Fapstronaut

    Thank you for that! This message is saving me right now. It's almost been a week since I fapped last. Day by day
    SolidStance likes this.