What is God doing?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Jwaggy, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. For your own sanity you need to answer the question "does this girl fancy me or not?". Am I right?
    So, as another poster said, ask her out on a DATE. A clear date, dinner, cinema, ice skating etc... if she fancies you she will drop other things to do it or try very hard to reschedule. If she says she can't do it then you have your answer - she doesn't fancy you and you need to move on.
    HopeFaith likes this.
  2. Jwaggy

    Jwaggy Fapstronaut

    I think I'll still try, but I have been thinking about a good deal and have decided that I probably should move on. Thanks for your helps guys.
  3. To straightly answer your question: nobody knows what God is doing, and eventhough somebody knows, no way to make God does the otherwise. I dont want to say that we have to surrender and believe God's plan is the best, but unfortunately that's the only thing we can do.

    I had similar experience. Once I really like a girl, and fell in same confusion like yours in first page: should I keep pushing my luck by pestering her, or should I lay low waiting for better chance. Situation get worse when she ignored me, and out of my desperation, I confessed to her through text. She rejected me instantly. I was brokenhearted so bad that I became ill and irritated seeing those in love. It lasted for a year until time finally healed me and I found another girl whom I believed is my true love, and now we are already in relationship for 4 years and still counting. Thinking back, I start to understand that maybe the reason God let me meet and fall in love with the previous girl is so that I can meet with my current GF. And never once again I regret my decision to confess to that girl .

    Same goes to you bro. Just do whatever your heart tells you to do. And when all is said and done, always remember: these too will pass
    iborntobefree and HopeFaith like this.
  4. Jwaggy

    Jwaggy Fapstronaut

    Thanks, man. That's really encouraging. I agree, although we might not want to surrender to God's will, that is the best, and this has become my most common prayer recently;
    "Your will be done."
    iborntobefree likes this.
  5. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    Well, chasing after a girl is actually just gonna make her run further away from you.

    Neediness is not attractive.

    You have to be confident, self-assured, and carry yourself with high self-esteem. I know it ain't easy, and I certainly can't do it that much, but this is what you need to do.

    Stop texting her. She will notice that more than you texting her all the time. The wait n see what happens. She may send you a message. Whatever, if she ain't interested , she ain't interested.

    To answer you title question: I don't know what god is doing. I haven't seem much evidence of a god yet.
  6. Jwaggy

    Jwaggy Fapstronaut

    Do you want to see evidence for God? Or are you conveniently blocking out the evidence so that you won't have to change the way you live?
    iborntobefree likes this.