7 years not masturbating

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Parsifal, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. IGY

    IGY Guest

    The fact that you have self-control not to masturbate, do you think that will help you fight your addiction to pornography?
    Jodokus and flame0 like this.
  2. You may have heard the saying; knowledge is a double edged sword. I read that along with the beauty you now perceive that there is also a certain ugliness.. Well as it has been said once and plenty of times over; with power comes responsibility. With these new powers you hold you must make good use of them. We are young and to wield these powers at such an age will allow us much success social and physical wise.
    I agree, masturbation creates a void. It is like a black hole, it takes in as much as it can to satiate its disgusting pull, yet all it gives back is either nothing, or (as there has experimentally been shown) radiation. This is useless to us.
    Good luck in your journey.
  3. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Watching porn but not masturbating. Sounds like madness! :rolleyes:
  4. Lazarus Shuttlesworth

    Lazarus Shuttlesworth Fapstronaut

    I see you started young so how was your flatline process like? And tips for overcoming it
  5. shaan

    shaan Fapstronaut

    Ohkay good one dear ,you have amazing will power , my question is , do u have full hair on your head? Any hairloss ? And what about your skin? And body hair?
  6. HomeAlone

    HomeAlone Fapstronaut

    I think the semen recycles itself and the body and brain uses it for nutrient to provide energy and focus. I dont think he is carrying the same semen in his balls for 7 years. If he did they all would be seven year old boys and girls swimming in there lol
  7. Jokerzgottayou

    Jokerzgottayou Fapstronaut

    Share some tips bro how were you able to go that long !!!!
  8. wetdreamsonly

    wetdreamsonly Fapstronaut

    I may be wrong, but I think the original poster is pulling a fast one here. Firstly, age - abstaining through the teen years is doubtful but possible. But, still watching porn but not masturbating, very doubtful.

    From my perspective, porn is much worse than masturbating. If somebody masturbated 2 or 3 times a week without using porn, using either no fantasy at all or PG rated fantasies, that would be pretty darn wonderful.

    While giving up porn, masturbation and orgasm for many of us is the ultimate goal, if we could give up porn and reduce the frequency of masturbation significantly, that would be a pretty wonderful achievement and for some might be more sustainable.

    That said, if one can get the wet dreams rolling, and rolling fairly regularly, it goes make it easier to fully give up masturbation.

    But to me, evil #1 is porn, evil #2 is excessive masturbation.
  9. jerr91

    jerr91 Fapstronaut

    But... how? Are you asexual?
  10. De la

    De la New Fapstronaut

    7 yrs!....for me,day 1 and very much determined to make it,,you 've inspired me!...
  11. Dir3ctX

    Dir3ctX Fapstronaut

    ROFL I fall down from my chair

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  12. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    Great work. 7 years is a great Archievement. Lets Celebrate.
  13. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    I do not understand why not find a mate? I do not thing celibacy for ever is good for us.
    Yesodi likes this.
  14. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    I completely agree with you. We were programed to Find and hook up with Someone. In other words, Life is Love and If you have not tasted love, you have not tasted Life!
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  15. GorNite

    GorNite Fapstronaut

    Congrats Brother!
    eventually you get to a point where it gets out of sight and out of mind.
    Your priorities change and you start seeing such things as insult to your personality
    getmylifeback91 likes this.
  16. TrueOrFalse

    TrueOrFalse Fapstronaut

    Impressive if it's true man. I doubted after reading you view porn but cool if I'm wrong there.
    badhou3a likes this.
  17. getmylifeback91

    getmylifeback91 Fapstronaut

    Brother @Parsifal thanks for the inspiration!!! How do you manage your sexual urges then? Have you ever felt really sexually frustrated? If so, what do you do to manage this emotion?
  18. Jonny123

    Jonny123 Fapstronaut

    HI Yesodi - I am in a similar situation but I have a good relationship - just not a sexual one with my wife. I am in hard mode for the month of November but have no real prospect of leaving hard mode without MO - So should I just resign myself to no mor Os - would this be possible. I have a Catholic background - should I also strive for total abstinence/
  19. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    @Jonny123, that is a very personal decision, influenced by many things, including your world-view on religion, morality, and health.

    As to your question on "would it be possible to resign one's self to no more [intentional] Os?": I think that the bottom-line theoretical answer is yes. This is certainly not something trivial to accomplish, but I am quite sure that I know of people who are realistic candidates for at least approaching such a challenge. On one hand, because such a challenge seems so difficult, I have until very recently viewed such people as being "nearly super-human." On the other hand, now that I am on day 63 of my first serious attempt in seven years to once-again stop intentional MO (with me often totally amazed at how I somehow managed to continue this streak for even another day!), I am beginning to say to myself that this challenge is actually very "simple": it's simply a matter of deciding that "I will not fap!", and then finding the strategies that work: avoiding triggers, keeping busy, urinating, ... etc. I currently feel, that -- despite the immense challenges -- there is really no reason for me to not continue this way for as long as needed. (And I pray that I will be given the strength and the day-to-day assistance to succeed!)

    But whether or not you should strive for total abstinence depends on such questions as:
    • How deep is your commitment to your religion's teachings?

    • How would this affect your "good relationship" with your wife? Would it be damaging if she knew? Alternatively, to what extent could you harmonize the possibility of keeping this secret from your wife (or engaging in MO at all) with your personal views on morality?

    • How do you view the various "health-related" claims (recently also being discussed here on the Forums) regarding the importance of maintaining a certain schedule of masturbation, in order to "flush the pipes" ... etc.
    These are very personal questions, and only you can decide on these for yourself.

    BTW, I encourage you to check out the new "Loneliness" section of the Forum, as well as the "Sexless Relationship anyone?" thread in the "Relationships" section.
  20. Jonny123

    Jonny123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your detailed reply Yesodi. I have posted in the "Sexless Relationship anyone?" thread. Thanks for pointing me there.
    Responding to your specific and very helpful points. Religion is not really the issue. i am so impressed by you determination to continue and would wish to do the same. I am finding it difficult to contemplate "O" now after 107 days - but I have M and P and relapsed on these yesterday ( I seem to be able to go about a week). I have told my wife about M and she does not object. I am too embarrassed to admit to P but I reckon she knows (eg through seeing me change screens quickly on the computer) Thats what I want to get away from so that I could rebuild a normal relationship with a real person (my wife) - even though that might mean very infrequent O Therefore that is why I am doing hard mode within a marriage as part of a reboot (though so far not very successful). In terms of health - I just wonder, if frequency was very low, that a "supervised MO" within the marital bed might not be a bad thing say twice a year?
    Yesodi likes this.