I can't quit....give me advice.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Misunderstood, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Misunderstood

    Misunderstood Fapstronaut

    I can't quit. Longest I ever go is two days and then I relapse hard. It's not porn or images or things like that, I'm not addicted to those. It's just masturbation itself. I've been off porn for about a month now but I can't break my masturbation addiction. I never noticed how bad it was until I attempted to quit.

    I tried everything. I have an elastic band on both of my wrists and I hit myself with any time I get the temptation. I have K9 installed even though porn isn't a problem, I just don't want to be tempted. I read more often now and I write down shit in my notebook every day, I have a job. I try to do whatever I can to stop but my willpower gets broken every time. And not fapping felt great even for the first two days. I had more energy, I didn't wake up tired in the morning. I slept better (though I fell asleep easier when I fap). I just get tempted and I have to flush one out. Mostly it's because of the tempations at school. I see a girl with a nice butt wearing yoga pants or something and I get turned on for like the rest of the day. I don't know what else I can do. I always fail on the third day, I just get too horny. Any advice. I really want to complete my 100 days and hopefully quit for good.
  2. CrazyGopher

    CrazyGopher Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you're having a tough time, and feeling pretty frustrated about this whole thing. Sorry about that :(

    Yeah, that is definitely going to make it more difficult for you. Is there anything you can do to help avoid looking at these girls in skimpy clothing?
  3. LegoT

    LegoT Fapstronaut

    I've been there. Sometimes when there is a lot of sexual stimulation in our daily lives, it makes it a lot harder.

    However, I would avoid using things like "I can't". Every time you say or think that way, you've already failed. You definitely CAN do it! Your body doesn't need to have some sort of sexual release, but your addicted brain is telling you that you do. It's totally a mental game. If you're head isn't in it, you loose every time.
  4. CheshireCat2323

    CheshireCat2323 Fapstronaut

    Urges are a natural part of the process, it's an unfortunate pain you'll just have to live with and deny. Think of it as a beast within you which gets angry within you and starts making you feel bad, or horny, or irritable, or fuzzy headed etc. whenever you do not feed it. This beast is killing you, and you've recognized that, but the only way to kill it is to starve it and every time you do you feel pain. I'm on day 21 and I sometimes feel like I need to puke when I know I don't, or I'll get tired suddenly, or I'll get so horny it's almost like it's taking over me. Rebooting is all about facing your urges and conquering them, growing as a result, and it takes time. I highly recommend hopping on over to youtube and watching videos by the Sacred Sexuality Project which has lots of good advice on quitting and dealing with your urges, including many techniques to do so. I've been using cold showers for almost a week now and it's awesome.
  5. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

  6. freedomwarrior

    freedomwarrior Fapstronaut

    Learn about the chaser effect that is beating you up. Also understand that your arousal is gone in less than 10 minutes, UNLESS your arousal continues to be fed every 10 minutes or less. If you continue to think about that short skirt or sexy legs or giant breasts, guess what? You are never going to lose your arousal. Learn how to move your mind away from Betty's boobs and on to anything else.
  7. basstrombone

    basstrombone Fapstronaut

    Truer words have never been spoken. Its so easy to think that is a body thing when its really a mind game.
  8. Misunderstood

    Misunderstood Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys for your response. Tomorrow (3/9/14) will mark day one. I think my problem is that I reward myself for lasting long. Like I've never lasted more than two days but I have made it to two days like 3 times. On the third day, I notice a pattern. I sorta reward myself for lasting so long and think "One fap can't hurt" or "fantasizing about this girl won't be an issue" and it usually leads to fapping. I will not let my brain win. I'm going accomplish my 100 days and keep going, never looking back. I spend way too much time jacking off when I should be outside, getting girls. Just one question, do you guys have any time for when you get urges? I usually go to the bathroom (Idk why this works but it does) or walk around my house or something but even then, I still get heavily tempted. Oh well, I guess I really gotta work harder than I am now to beat this addiction.
  9. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    The main issue is (as a few have pointed out) is the negativity. Thinking negatively will bring negative things to you. More importantly though, thinking positively will bring positive things to you. Even if focusing on NOT FAPPING, you're still focusing on the negative which you want to remove. Focus on nature, comedy, science, meditation, a fun game, etc. as these things bring you positive energy. I highly recommend watching this movie, The Secret: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltGstp5GaFc It has nothing to do with porn, but you may certainly find it motivating in this life-long change you wish to make.

    I wish you luck! Remember to stay positive.
  10. aspire

    aspire Fapstronaut

    You can't keep a bird from flying over your head, but you can keep it from building a nest on your head. Yoga pants are going to happen, but what will you do when it does happen? Keep looking? Look away but look again? Instead, you can choose to deliberately direct your eyes away and keep them away. Consistently do something else in your mind when this happens. For me, immediate silent prayer helped me to see that I had allowed my eyes to focus there in the first place, and helped me to avoid doing that. Don't just kill old habits. Build new ones.
  11. sac

    sac Fapstronaut

    same happens to me..
  12. chase

    chase Fapstronaut

    a very good advice here, thanks !
  13. Misunderstood

    Misunderstood Fapstronaut

    God, last night and this morning was hard as hell. I had so many temptations. I got a huge boner while I was trying to go to sleep and my mind started to wander to fantasy. I quickly changed what I was thinking about and ignored the boner till it went away. Felt great that I resisted the urges. Hopefully, it keeps up.