Hello there, Grant here on Day 1

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Grant_This, Jun 17, 2023.

  1. Grant_This

    Grant_This Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,
    I'm Grant, 29 and live in Kansas. I've been watching/looking at porn since probably 13 or 14. My dad is one of the main reasons why it was engraved into me as he had a similar problem and I would see it sometimes. I only know realize how much that set me on this course. The past year and a half I have made major strides in my P consumption and it has gone dramatically down but its still not enough of an improvement to make it better within my relationship.
    I wouldnt say im on the extreme side of this addiction, i can go days without watching or looking. And while im not glued to it all day it has made things difficult in my relationship and i want to keep said relationship. I will tell my gf how much I want to stop and I tell her I won't look at it but then I do casually on my phone at work lioe im scrolling facebook. It has a hold over me that i am just now willing to fight off.
    This is the start of something good for me I just know it. And with therapy and some app blockers I know I can. Let me know if you guys have any tips for me in my journey, going in kinda blind here.
  2. Hey Grant - I'm also 29 and I have a very similar story (not my dad though - brothers). I live in Pittsburgh, and it looks like we both started our journey yesterday. Are you interested in being close accountability partners and helping eachother through this?

  3. Grant_This

    Grant_This Fapstronaut

    I am definitely willing to do anything to help so, sure! Lets keep in touch. I should be doing journals about my thoughts that day, i am also still learning to navigate through this website and where everything is.

    First question. Are you doin no PMO or NoFap or something different? It seems what i am doing, no PM, is something i need to search for more on here. I am trying to just not have the temptation to look at P. Good to meet you!
  4. Hey man - I'm doing no PM for at least the next 30 days (taking it week to week). I'll send you my phone number in a pm.