Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by movingon77, Apr 18, 2023.

  1. movingon77

    movingon77 Fapstronaut


    After 135 days of no PMO I feel I can finally stand up and ring the bell for a success story. Nofap has totally changed my life!

    I am in a long distance relationship where we see each other for 4 days on and 10 off. This has in the past given me plenty of chances to masturbate. There were a few times in our relationship that we would go a visit without sex because I wasn't in the mood and we would just chalk it up to being tired from all the travelling. That couldn't be any more different now...

    After 12 days of no PMO I was lying on the bed watching my partner
    getting undressed and she looked beautiful. She is. She is hot and I am such a lucky guy that she is into me. Because of porn I have seen more tits than all of my forefathers together!
    As soon as I took the porn blinkers off she started looking amazing!! We had sex a couple of times that weekend. That was enough motivation to keep me going.

    By my next visit I had managed to go 14 days without masturbating. My dick had started feeling harder and bigger. This time we had sex 3 times and my partner commented that I had hit spots that I had never hit before. Positive reinforcement!!!

    In between my next visits I opened up to her and told her that I had quit porn for 30 days. She knew that I masturbated but never knew the frequency of it. I told her how beautiful I had found her after just 12 days of no PMO and that was enough for me to continue. I explained that I was feeling better with myself. I had an increase in confidence, it was easier to look people in the eye and to have small chat
    as well as my dick was now getting turned on very easily and that it meant that the only time I would orgasm would be with her. She loved it and said that she could tell that I was bigger because of how I felt in her mouth.
    I loved hearing that!!!

    Over the next few months our sex life got better and better. I started getting morning wood again which I totally love now, as well as erections while I am sleeping...which my partner loves. Without PMO I am totally into my partner. She is now my only release so I have become more attentive to her and her needs.

    I thought I had a decent sex life. My partner was always up for it. Now I have an amazing one and my partner really loves it too. I have the dick of a 16 year old again. Nofap has restored my libido, and given me a new and better relationship with my penis and in turn with the wife.

    Don't give up guys...the benefits far outweigh that quick 5 second dopamine release.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2023
  2. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Great job, motivational
    movingon77 likes this.
  3. B L A N K F A C A E

    B L A N K F A C A E Fapstronaut

    Congrats man,i know its easier said than done but dont look back
    movingon77 likes this.
  4. starsandsuns

    starsandsuns Fapstronaut

    Good testimony about how quitting porn only offers benefits
    movingon77 likes this.
  5. movingon77

    movingon77 Fapstronaut

    Too many triggers.
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
    kilimandzaro, starsandsuns and 500 like this.
  6. Fuck yeah. I love this post. Your energy is incredibly positive!
    kilimandzaro likes this.
  7. movingon77

    movingon77 Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro. Positive energy and too many triggers.
  8. Amazing to hear, congrats on the success and thank you for the inspiration!
    movingon77 likes this.
  9. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    Wow! Reading that I’m inspired to tell my wife I’ve given up PMO!!!! Maybe not till I’ve done my 90 days… or I might not make it based on your story!!!!
    movingon77 likes this.
  10. movingon77

    movingon77 Fapstronaut

    You're welcome. Glad my journey can motivate you the same way that other people's stories have motivated me. I would say that telling my partner I had quit PMO was the best thing I could have done because it lead to conversations that we needed to have.

    I didn't want to be one those guys that says they are going to do something, get all the positive energy from it and then not deliver. I went 30 days to make sure I was good with it and then told her. If your counter is correct and you are 52 days in you are already doing amazing. I would tell her.
  11. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    It really is 52 - but i so badly want to make the 90!!
    movingon77 likes this.
  12. Hopeful husband

    Hopeful husband Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your success story. I needed to read something like this today. It gives me hope.
  13. movingon77

    movingon77 Fapstronaut

    Well I have made it to 200 days. Not masturbating seems to have become a lifestyle. Moods have improved, much happier with myself and with life in general. Calmer, more chilled, and sex with the mrs is the best it has been. Also gave up weed and am 6 weeks clean on that one. And it all started with not playing with my dick. Who would have thought. Stay strong folks.
    Newbie Jasper likes this.
  14. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    congrats buddy! I’m looking forward to joining you in that happy place… but still just shy of the first 100!!

    As I keep saying - it’s not mine to play with anymore! ;-)
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    movingon77 likes this.