Borderline personality disorder

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by NamelessJohn, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    Anyone else here have it?
  2. commitedtochange

    commitedtochange Fapstronaut

    I may. I went to UCLA and got a preliminary diagnosis of BPD. I was diagnosed with OCD @ 9. I watched porn a lot (I saw porn for the first time when I was about 4 years old-my dad left it out). I watched P online, my dad bought me P magazines, and videos. I even once Fapped in the same room as two of my friends fapping. I am not sure what exactly I am dealing with. GAD, OCD, BPD, porn-addiction, or a combo of all of them. But I do know that I have had a hard time not looking at P, and then I tend to find loopholes. :(
  3. foodman389

    foodman389 Fapstronaut

    That could mean a lot of things I think. You're going to have to specify a little more.

    PS: Good song man, I'm a big fan :D (your signature)
  4. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    Well technically it could however BPD is used to refer to this disorder.
    It really means "emotional regulation disorder" meaning I have emotions that are so intense that I can't regulate them like normal people can....if that makes any sense.

    And yeah, it's a great song.
  5. foodman389

    foodman389 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I get this a lot too, the unpredictable emotions. I just assumed they came from PMO in some way. I thought if I made it to 90 days that it might start to fade away, at least that's what I hope. I mostly get depression though, it just comes out of nowhere, and I am completely aware, but it just happens, and before I know it I'm super sad. Eventually it will pass though, I'll just get busy doing something. Sometimes it lasts longer than others though.
  6. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    I had BPD because I was abused growing up. I really hate thinking about it but the stuff my dad did has left me messed up for life. I think that's also the cause of my pmo addiction.
  7. foodman389

    foodman389 Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear that man, that sucks that you have to suffer for something that your dad did. I got into PMO by a friend telling me how great it was. That feels like a million years ago now though. I hope I can put that memory in my past and I hope you can too.

    Best of luck towards your goals :D
  8. dedManfapping

    dedManfapping Fapstronaut

    If you`re new to Nofap,be assured that crazy feelings and emotions are perfectly normal,and they WILL pass.Were you professionally diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder?If so,I wouldn`t be so quick to swallow what some overpaid prick in a suit says until you`ve done at least 90 days.Psychiatry is a scam plain and simple.They create a generalized "condition" which may be be the result of any number of underlying conditions,apply a brand name to it,and then create an expensive product to "treat" it.You never recover from this condition,you "manage" it with the help of said product until you die.That`s the general business plan of professional Psychiatry.I myself was diagnosed with clinical depression,(opposite problem that you have.I had zero emotions),was prescribed Paxil,and about a week in started having suicidal thoughts and began obsessing about really stupid and unimportant things like the color of the neighbor`s car,what his dog was thinking about,ect.Really fucked up stuff.So I tossed them in the incinerator and went through the really shitty withdrawals that accompany quitting SSRIs cold turkey.My point is that after 31 days of Nofap I can honestly say I feel pretty damn good and I`m only a third of the way there.I`m getting better in other words.Give the 90 hard mode treatment a go before those fuckers get you hooked on their "product" and you may be pleasantly surprised after a few weeks.

    Food for thought;

    “Virtually anyone at any given time can meet the criteria for bipolar disorder or ADHD. Anyone. And the problem is everyone diagnosed with even one of these ‘illnesses’ triggers the pill dispenser.” — Dr. Stefan Kruszewski, Psychiatrist

    “There are no objective tests in psychiatry-no X-ray, laboratory, or exam finding that says definitively that someone does or does not have a mental disorder.” “It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.” — Allen Frances, Psychiatrist and former DSM-IV Task Force Chairman Allen Frances, Psychiatrist and former DSM-IV Task Force Chairman

    As you may see I am somewhat opinionated on this subject.
    Good luck man.
  9. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    Well I was diagnosed with BPD at 16. Before that I was diagnosed with PTSD. And I have the symptoms almost all the time not just when I'm coming off porn. The treatment I'm in has helped so I'm fairly certain that I do have it - or at least have the symptoms of it. At one point I was talking 4 differnt pills and they were not helping at all so I can kinda see what you mean. Now I'm not taking any and I am doing alright. My life is pretty stable, my relationship is stable (we only had one real fight), I rarely self harm at this point, and I'm getting rid of porn completely now.
    If I had to diagnose myself, I think I'd just call it PTSD and be done. It's obvious that I got my symptoms from the trauma I went thru as a child which is pretty much what PTSD is.
  10. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    There are so many disorders out there it gets kinda confusing. I do the same. I'll stop but then find some way to slip back into it.
  11. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    I should add that my goal for now is 90 days. If I can do that, hopefully I'll be free of this curse and never watch porn again.
  12. dedManfapping

    dedManfapping Fapstronaut

    Now PTSD is a whole other matter and I`m very sorry to hear that.Trauma cuts deep I know.Here is something you might want to have a look at when you get chance.

    A lot of veterans use EFT to reduce the effects of post traumatic stress disorder.It looks odd but thousands swear by it.

    Good luck man.
  13. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    Having a much better day today. I was able to get a bunch of stuff off my chest last night and I made 90$ today. I won't let my guard down just because I'm feeling good today though.
  14. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Hello John. Sadly, the responses expressed on this thread so far are mostly wrong. However, I agree there are no medications for BPD. You have a serious and enduring disorder which has a profound affect on your life and has nothing directly to do with an addiction to masturbation/pornography. The causative factor was the abuse and any other invalidating experiences you suffered as a child. I assume you have had some sort of psycho dynamic therapy. At any rate it is nice to know you have had a reasonable day. Btw, I have BPD, too.
  15. commitedtochange

    commitedtochange Fapstronaut

    I Know. I don't even know what category to be placed in any more. My GF/Fiance has Aspergers and very early on Trust became a HUGE issue in our relationship. A year ago I stopped watching P. I feel like things that get me "excited" are less and less extreme. She has an issue with nudity in movies, so we stopped watching any movies with nudity (which i suppose is good for me) but its like I feel hyper-aware of anything that probably wouldn't have turned me on so much-does. Like the cover of a Magazine, a bilboard, trending news sites. I feel like while I don't look at P, my mind finds other ways to get excited. Then I don't know if it is OCD or PMO or what is going on. It drives me nuts because on one hand I consider myself a feminist (I am a man) and do not want to objectify women, and at the same time that is ALL I think I have ever done. I hate myself for it. For finding loopholes and justifying it to myself. Then feel like I'm lying to my fiance. I may be attempting to do something impossible, but I truly want to not feel sexually aroused by anyone other than my fiance.I feel like I owe that to her. If i am going to be with someone I want to give them my all-and i feel like I am cheating if I feel sexually aroused by anyone else. Psychiatrists just tell me that it is normal to notice other women and feel that way, but I don't want to-especially if I have a problem with PMO. It is all very confusing and I am searching for answers on how I can do this-not being told that its okay to look but not touch-because that doesn't fly with my fiance, and it really doesn't fit into my morals or beliefs.
  16. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    It sucks. I really hate it.
  17. Dir3ctX

    Dir3ctX Fapstronaut

    Hey, for anyone around, i also bpd&bipolar, and i will be happy to hear more guys here sharing about how they handle the nofap and generaly life...
  18. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

  19. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I have BPD, which I do my best to manage each day. I have had help in the form of psycho educational courses (STEPPS and STAIRWAYS) and psychodynamic therapies (cognitive analytic therapy: CAT and mentalisation-based treatment: MBT).
  20. Dir3ctX

    Dir3ctX Fapstronaut

    Hey thanks for sharing did you found cat and mbt helping? Does nofap help stabling abit? Do you succesed to work? Live alone? Thankss