Sperm retention is myth or at best not whole truth

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by JustinX, Mar 19, 2023.

  1. Akt1

    Akt1 Fapstronaut

    The women i know that were "easy hookups" that put synthetic, highly unnatural hormones in their bodies - fooling the femaly biology into thinking that its constantly pregnant and then peeing that out in nature poluting nauture - are now aging alone with a couple of cats.

    So with respect for the women, dont do that to them either..
    the bonding can get destroyed if you abuse your sexuality..

    its a spiritual act, the soul is always present.
    cant fool the soul..

    i hate that i once live my life like that (male.)
    not been "hooking up" the last 7 years - i will only have a wife in my life when i meet her.
    and there are some women that have big integrity - you can sense them on nofap.

    Adnilgo and (deleted member) like this.
  2. I agree. I think hook-ups, porn, masturbation, etc are all ways in which we dehumanize each other and ourselves and fail to show a reverence for the inherent dignity we hold as human beings.
    tawwab1 likes this.
  3. Akt1

    Akt1 Fapstronaut


    "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
    hantyumi and loneloan like this.
  4. Meh. Chardin was a modernist, so I’m cautious around him. He says we’re spiritual beings, but we’re not completely spiritual as we’re made of body and soul. An angel would be a spiritual being as their nature lacks corporeal form. Possession for example would be a spiritual being having a human experience, which is pretty telling for Chardin if you ask me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2023
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  5. Akt1

    Akt1 Fapstronaut

    got ya,
    I have no knowledge whatsoever regarding his background.
    But the quote always reasoned with me.
    Ive also been studying NDE´s on youtube, which have put the world in a new perspective to say the least.
    hantyumi and (deleted member) like this.
  6. fernando55

    fernando55 Fapstronaut

    I am one of those who think that pmo is mythologized by the shame of saying that post ejaculation problems may exist and therefore there is some truth in the myth (I have had some symptoms) although perhaps pmo is just a factor derived from another problem. .. for example I read something about problems with the vagus nerve or I don't know something hormonal, that's why I believe in the pmo myth
  7. fernando55

    fernando55 Fapstronaut

    I add that this shame is due to the bias of wanting to look masculine or how unprofessional and scientific it sounds
  8. hantyumi

    hantyumi Fapstronaut

    Relapses dont always have to hit after the first day. Can take some few days more.
  9. Ascended Ninja

    Ascended Ninja Fapstronaut

    The fact that he says after sex he is more motivated and had morning wood afterwards, shows that he was repressing. This activated and circulated his overall energies so he confuses this with being empowered and gaining energy.

    Theres no point arguing with these individual. Its like the kruger effect. So little energy they cannot tell how little they have and so if their experience cannot produce the understanding you have arrived at no amount of explaining will get him to see the truth that you do, because he cannot see in his direct reality at his level.

    As he ages he will understand.....
    hantyumi likes this.
  10. Sleeperhead

    Sleeperhead Fapstronaut

    If you put some figures to it then it will make more sense.

    Your body is producing 130k sperm cells everyday in a cycle that takes up to 70 days. So a guy fapping every day is going to be at zero and will take 70 days to reach maximum capacity. After 70 days the sperm that isn't ejaculated is broken down and replaced by the fresh ones. After 70 days of complete abstinence you will have around 8 billion sperm cells stored up.

    The average guy ejaculates up to 300k sperm cells in one load. So what? You aren't going to lose everything you have stored up in one ejaculation even several ejaculations you will only take a small hit, but you will notice a slight drop in benefits, if you keep ejaculating multiple times a week then each week after the next without a break you will slowly revert to the depleted coomer you once were, and you will need to abstain again to get back to how you were.

    It's not just sperm/semen retention there is an orgasm hangover that builds up the more you ejaculate - it doesn't matter porn or not. It's going to make you desensitised to dopamine affecting your mood and energy levels. Really retention and the chemicals in your brain go hand in hand in this regard. Obviously when you are depleted your brain wants to put the brakes on chasing sex, it's cyclical in a way.
  11. FormerLeatherneck

    FormerLeatherneck Fapstronaut

    Sounds like Bro Science. “Believe me Bro”!
  12. Sleeperhead

    Sleeperhead Fapstronaut

    In other words there are too many difficult words and concepts for your pea brain to handle.

    Let's go over this slowly. Here are the facts supported by science. Be warned there are some difficult words in there.

    The sperm retention cycle:


    And the post-orgasm hangover:


    Now can we put 2+2 together, or is this too much broscience?

    So the longer you abstain for the more your sperm cells build up, and the more you orgasm the more "hangover effects" you experience.

    Can it be that these two basic concepts in conjunction explain the benefits of nofap?
  13. FormerLeatherneck

    FormerLeatherneck Fapstronaut

    I was referring to the OP. Lighten up Francis.
  14. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    Im going to assume this means no wet dreams. Even if you didnt mean that rule, I personally will add it for my own frame of mind.
    contrary to yogic texts which classify WDs as "prostatic fluid", its been conclusively proven that WDs leak real live sperm.
    I like the 70-days rule tho!!
  15. FormerLeatherneck

    FormerLeatherneck Fapstronaut

    It takes 74 days to reach Spermatogenesis.
    loneloan likes this.
  16. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    if you have any Paper on that topic, please share!:)
    once the 74 days are over; does the next cycle (of spermatogenesis) start over? is it a different cycle which co-exists ,or does it build on-top-of the previous cycle?
    Assume no leakage of any kind during the 2,3 process \cycles, for the sake of the info I need to understand here
  17. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    Don’t need science to figure out the realities of SR. That science is poor anyways. Doesn’t even come close to the complexity of it.
  18. Ascended Ninja

    Ascended Ninja Fapstronaut


    Question For Dhananjay
    I have been practicing celibacy for a couple of days now and having more erections than ever before . My question is, what happens to all the semen that rose up in the private area after the erection subsided? And I mean without any release. Does the semen absorb back into the body? Does it start transmuting into energy?
    Q: What happens to semen that has been generated further to an erection if there is no ejaculation?
    For semen to get fully reabsorbed into the body, it requires continued periods of celibacy in thought, word and deed beyond three to four months.
    During this time if unchaste thoughts were to be entertained, semen flows out in a wet dream and no reabsorbtion occurs.
    The first three to four months of celibacy do not involve reabsorbtion to a large extent but consist of non-production.
    The body which was earlier required to replenish lost reserves of semen now gets a breather and reduces this process.
    Removal of onus on the body to generate and ready semen results in increased vigor and vitality.
    The reason why frequent erections are observed in the beginner celibate is due to the previous conditioning of the mind and psyche towards constant sexual activity.
    As celibacy gets longer and longer, this unnatural need of the mind and body for sexual gratification reduces
    Dhananjay-Celibacy Questions And Answers
  19. Ascended Ninja

    Ascended Ninja Fapstronaut

    Questioner: Why do wet dreams happen?
    Dadashri: If there is a tank of water, and the water starts dripping then would you not understand that there is an overflow occurring from the top? Wet dream is an overflow. When a tank overflows, should you have a natural outlet?
    Therefore if you control what you eat, you would not have wet dreams. That is why these sadhus eat only once a day. They do not take anything else, such as tea.
    Questioner: In this the evening meal is important. We should decrease the evening meal.
    Dadashri: You do not need an evening meal at all. This Jain maharaj here only has one meal per day.
    Even then there is no problem of loss of semen in the wet dream. The Lord has said this too. The force of the full tank will pop the cork below. Until brahmacharya takes hold, the semen will drain for sure. The rise of the semen begins with the vow of brahmacharya.
    Proceed with great caution. There is no problem if the semen discharges in a wet dream on its own four times in a month, but you must not discharge it intentionally with masturbation. That is a mistake. It is like committing suicide. This is all a result of eating odd things. Who would give the freedom for this type of discharge of wet dreams? That master says that there should not even be a discharge. Then what, should you jump in a well and kill yourself?
    Questioner: Is the discharge of semen part of the nature of the non-self (pudgal) or is it because there some leakage of ours, somewhere?
    Dadashri: When you see someone, and when your vision becomes sexual, certain part of the semen becomes ‘exhausted’.
    Questioner: That also happens with thoughts.
    Dadashri: It becomes ‘exhausted’ through sexual thoughts as well, just as it becomes ‘exhausted’ through the sexual look. The stock, that has been ‘exhausted’, then discharges.
    Questioner: But those who practice brahmacharya do not have those circumstances, they stay away from women, they do not keep pictures of women or calendars with pictures of women and yet their semen discharge occurs. Isn’t this a natural process?
    Dadashri: Even then, he can see sex with in his mind. Secondly, if he eats too much and if too much semen is being produced from it, then it is possible for it to flow out.
    Who does semen not leak out? A person whose semen becomes very strong, has become very thick, would not leak out. All these others are semen that has become thin.
    Questioner: Can the flow of semen be stopped through power of the mind?
    Dadashri: Power of mind the works a lot. It is only the power of mind that works. But it has to be in conjunction with Gnan. Power of mind would not stay on its own.
    (Brahmacharya: Celibacy Attained With Understanding, Dada Shri).
  20. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Jeezus Krist, guys you are going completely off topic.
    I created this thread to share my experience with people who experienced the same (see first post) so we can both learn more.
    If you want to talk complete opposite or offtopic create your own thread and dont spam here.