Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Real_OGH, Sep 18, 2015.

when does everyone want to start the reboot?

  1. 21th September

  2. 1th October

  3. ASAP

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  1. atreiu

    atreiu Fapstronaut

    Still here, still strong.
    Longest streak since I joined this community ;)
    meg_swee and Jodokus like this.
  2. Jimmy F. Pearson

    Jimmy F. Pearson Fapstronaut

  3. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    Awww yeah, over a week, longest I've gone in a long time! I do have to say it's incredibly hard to avoid the edging and I have done some over these last 7 days but to say I've come a long way is a major understatement. I'm gonna focus harder on eliminating this 100% from my life.

    Just like the marathon I ran yesterday, nothing great comes with the snap of your fingers. It might take a long time but eventually you'll cross that finish line. I'm now officially ready to endure this and do what it takes to erase this garbage from my like once and for all!
    Hiro 304 likes this.
  4. Leo_Guy97

    Leo_Guy97 Fapstronaut

    I'm joining the challenge. Hope this time everything goes well.
    volt2187 likes this.
  5. Hollowonetwo

    Hollowonetwo Fapstronaut

    I'm in. Been clean since friday. Going for 90 days, brothers and sisters. GO GO!
    volt2187 likes this.
  6. Jimmy F. Pearson

    Jimmy F. Pearson Fapstronaut

    Checking in, day 4. 7 days seem easy now. :D
  7. blazor28

    blazor28 Fapstronaut

    sorry guys i relapsed but i m starting stronger .
  8. proxerproxer

    proxerproxer Fapstronaut

    Starting Fresh again...... :)

    A clean no pmo result is what i want.....
  9. theDoctorSmith

    theDoctorSmith Fapstronaut

    Daily Check-in

    Procrastinated today. Skipped work. No urges today. Spent some quality time with family.

    I've added new goals to my daily list. Completed some. Skipped a lot. Overall a disappointing. Tomorrow will be better. I will make sure of it.
  10. VHunterD

    VHunterD Fapstronaut


    Yes I can't answer scientifically but I think that our penises become more easily stimulated and can sustain and stronger (and larger) erection with more days of restraint.

    I think there is partial truth in the Seinfeld episode where George got smarter and more productive when he got cut off from sex.
  11. Saoirse

    Saoirse Guest

    About 4 months in. How was it so far? Month 1 - easy, if you keep your eye on the goal. Month 2 - pretty much coasting - I had 1001 things arranged to keep me occupied. Month 3 - horrible. All your urges come back to haunt you and you find yourself trying to sneak past your own PMO blockers that you installed. Month 4 - a big hot cup of 'shut the f*ck up' is served to those urges as a weird sense of control takes over. Right now I know I can MO if I want, but I know I won't. P is blocked on my PC, and my urges have faded away because the virtual bullshit [and frankly emasculating] world of P is closed off. I feel no need to dig about for P Subs, like a shameless creep, and am getting on with things. Four months in and changes are now being made real. For all of you at 1 day or day 1000, keep going. :)
    dtoney12 and meg_swee like this.
  12. Vadel79

    Vadel79 Fapstronaut

    I'm close to the end of 90 days... sometimes it's very hard...
  13. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    Sorry for being away for a while. I had some exams and they went ok, gotta work harder for the next one. Studying kept me busy and It's day 25 now. The urges are here but they are not a threat anymore...
    theDoctorSmith and PsyMon like this.
  14. PsyMon

    PsyMon Guest

    It's been a while since I've checked in, but I'm on day 40 without PMO. It's really getting tough now.

    I wouldn't say I've been completely clean though. P subs are a problem for me and I touch myself sometimes (not MO), and that is playing with fire. PMO is on my mind a lot, more so than before NoFap. The first two weeks were my best in terms of ignoring urges but now I feel more at risk of relapsing.

    Those of you who have made it past 40 days, what were your experiences around this point in your reboot?
  15. Nadeem786

    Nadeem786 Fapstronaut

    5 days completed, its day 6 now. I am more alert for triggers now, hopefully i will succeed this time...
  16. theDoctorSmith

    theDoctorSmith Fapstronaut

    Oh man I am having the same problems. Started right after I hit 40. I haven't been taking my other goals seriously either. All because I had a break from work and then I just decided to relax and procrastinate. Broke all kinds of daily goals.
  17. meg_swee

    meg_swee Fapstronaut

    Sorry been on holiday which was good kept my mind busy, going pretty well atm keeping busy is the key. think this is the longest i have been forever it seems and although the urges are coming im fighting them stronger because i think jee ive never been this far i must keep going and mot relapse. Stay with me will power please
    Nadeem786 likes this.
  18. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    checking in....

    the first weekend comes near (once again). My urges are building up but I'm prepared. I won't give in. The strategy with the wristband (chastity belt for my hand) bears fruit. I didn't wear it often since there is not much risk until the first weekend. However only its existence helps me remembering my decisions. I will wear it the whole weekend though. Maybe the weekend will not be that hard after all: I'll keep myself buisy the whole weekend and be at home as rarely as possible.

    Overall I'm quite content with myself. There are only some things I still did not do, which haunts me a little bit. Well today I have much time.
    And the world around me is spinning, engaging and full of possibilities.

    I'm going to the University (I gave myself a second chance) and I'm surrounded with beautiful young girls. Because it's reality and for god's sake it isn't summer ;) it's not triggering me. But from time to time I have some improper thoughts o_O
    theDoctorSmith likes this.
  19. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    I'd like to share some ideas with you now which might be useful to you as well.
    Even if, until now, I wasn't strong enough to permute them myself.

    About sexual thoughts

    It's not possible to prevent them entirely, but as soon as we become aware of them we must stop ourselves. What we should prevent is to crave and rave over something to build up desires.
    The rebooting process demands it and its the third most important thing IMO - after making the decision to quit (giving the reasons to quit) and being educated about Porn Addiction and the Reboot Process.

    The searching of sexual material / p-subs is the result of former sexual thinking. Either that or it's simply a reflex we learned in our p-addiction. Whatever, when we want to be able to stop ourselves at this point we must be able to cut the sexual thought process, this faster and faster spinning around sexual ideas and porn material.
    Naturally it will be the easier the earlier you do something to stop it.

    How do we stop these thoughts

    - with knowledge and awareness
    - with strategy
    - with force

    Awareness roots in the knowledge about yourself, your addiction and the Reboot Process and from your dedication to quit porn (or masturbation).
    If you agree with me, that preventing any sexual thoughts as good as possible is necessary during Reboot, you will understand that awareness is important in each minute.
    Strategy is something that is discussed a lot in the forum. According to Sunzi strategy brings winning without fighting. Strategy is important, but I'm no Sunzi so I can't avoid the fight. I need force! I realized that some days ago, when I read this:


    Porn cannot just be a toy you are trying to put down but having difficulty walking away from. You have to want it dead. You have to want to kill it. You cannot keep porn in your life, even just a little bit, and quit the addiction. With the counters, a lot of guys approach this like seeing how long they can hold their breaths. Problem: no one can hold their breaths forever. Solution: you have to learn how to quit breathing. You have to expel porn from your life, defriend it, excommunicate it, loath it, hate it, reject it. The big mistake a lot of guys make is thinking if they can go on a few three week periods without porn it will get easier. It does not. There is only one extremely difficult, unpleasant, hurtful, mentally, physically, emotional torture-ous way to beat the addiction, and that is to starve it to death. If done right--and this sucks, I know--quitting porn will be the most painful thing you have ever done in your life. Let me say that again so I am clear, "If done right, quitting porn will be the most painful thing you have ever done."

    Read the full post here:

    Keep strong everybody!
    Saoirse, Real_OGH and Greenleaf like this.
  20. Hollowonetwo

    Hollowonetwo Fapstronaut

    Update! 7 days today my friends! Objectifying women and thinking about sex all the time, even dreaming of sex (no wet dreams yet, this streak). Hope it will ease in time. Trying to lift my head and eyes and look at women's faces instead of groins, but it's hard. My brain wants its dose, but I'm confident that it is healing itself everytime I'm abstaining from PMO or MO. 90 days, here we come!! GOGOGO
    StaticGrey likes this.