My brain sabotages me to fap

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by I'm Spiderman, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. I'm Spiderman

    I'm Spiderman Fapstronaut

    When im at the day 23 or 24 and have so much sexual desire, my brain tricks me to fap.

    Like if i flipp the coin and appear that side i've chosen i will fap and flip to and flip until yay thats my side...or if on the radio they put one song that i've chosen i will fap.

    Is like the universe want me to cancel this and get back to the old habits.

    What can i do when this type of thoughs come???

  2. david-ca

    david-ca Fapstronaut

    In my experience you either have to resist it which is not easy or you can go out of your house and visit a friend or walk or sth that takes your mind of porn.
  3. asfixiated

    asfixiated Fapstronaut

    Hey man!

    I wrote a post this morning about this very phenomenon - it's called "Cognitive Distortion". Check the post "Meta-Meta-Cognition" in my signature! It might help you.

    Basically, thinking that "your brain is making you fap" is the wrong way to look at it - your brain has urges and your best bet is to observe those urges, relax and let them pass. However if you start thinking things like "Oh no! It's an urge! Here we go! I'm definitely relapsing! I'm not going to make it, just like last time!" you need to realize that those are just thoughts as well, and you can relax and let them pass as well, just like an urge.

    Nothing can "make" you relapse - it's never too late until you PMO!

    Good luck, and welcome to the forums!
    wally_s and I'm Spiderman like this.
  4. Exactly! Understand that you're just rewiring your brain, removing old habits.
    Take control of your mind and you're get there!
    I'm Spiderman likes this.
  5. msa2388

    msa2388 Fapstronaut

    The problem with nofap is you're also fighting natural desires that your brain is programmed to want. Two basic instincts we posses are finding food and passing on our genes. When your brain isn't passing on its genes it seeks an alternative. If you're consistently making it that long I'd imagine that you're not fighting off urges just for porn. I'd recommend really assessing if you've made progress, focus on the improvements you've made. If you can honestly say you're life is on an upswing besides the small setbacks than it might be time to explore the possibility of someone else getting you off for a change. Go find a partner, fall in love and all that jazz...and get intimate if you find the right person.

    My two cents.
    I'm Spiderman likes this.
  6. david-ca

    david-ca Fapstronaut

    Exactly msa2388
    It's not like quitting smoking,smoking is not a natural desire because you are entering an addictive substance into your body there is nothing natural about it but on the other hand sexual desires are completely natural and when you have passed puberty your body wants to pass your genes and when it can't it makes you want to somehow satisfy your need