50 days hard mode! Full sack=full life!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by richie3846, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. richie3846

    richie3846 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys!
    I am proud to say I have gone 50 days without shooting a load, not even a wet dream. I don't even feel horny anymore (but I'm not flatlining) and I think I know why.....

    I have thrown myself into my music. I am already an OK pianist, but since January I have been pushing myself to improve. The biggest improvements have been over the last 50 days.

    I have absolutely no doubt that not cumming has allowed me to focus my energy and brain power in a way that I have never been able to before. My playing is improving by the day, and importantly I am getting huge dopamine rushes as a result. Sometimes whilst playing, I am overcome with tearful joy, and stop playing just to have a little sob of excited happiness.

    Aside from the piano, I have a huge desire to socialise much more, so am enjoying nights out etc., and, whereas before I was probably depressed, I now feel overjoyed to be alive.

    I read that some of you guys report improvements in female attention - I'm not really interested in that, however, I can report that I have noticed a big change in how I interact with people. I was fairly confident beforehand, but now I feel like I really don't care what people think of me. I'm now 100% confident in social situations, and find that I don't care what people think of me. Take me as I am, or p*ss off!

    For you guys struggling, you've got to find dopamine hits in positive ways. For me it's the piano, but I already had that, so it was a natural progression for me - dopamine from PMO, rewiring to dopamine from piano. I am seriously passionate about playing music. If you don't have a great passion in life, GET ONE!!!! It could even be work, if you enjoy your job. Build the framework for success, you have to be busy to succeed.
  2. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing! My biggest weakness is caring too much what other people think of me. This needs to change. Your story inspired me.
  3. I'm Spiderman

    I'm Spiderman Fapstronaut

    Thats awesome dude, i cant even reach the month.How can you do that? whats ur secret?
  4. richie3846

    richie3846 Fapstronaut

    I swear the secret is my passion for music. The piano has replaced the dopamine hit. Like I said in my post, get yourself a passion first, something you can throw yourself into, THEN give up PMO. You can do it Spiderman!!!
    dinydiny likes this.
  5. richie3846

    richie3846 Fapstronaut

    Wow! 62 days - that is amazing, well done. Sod the others, you are in control now, with 62 days in the bank!
    Indignation likes this.
  6. msa2388

    msa2388 Fapstronaut

    I have to say that music really does help immensely for some. I know that if I can get to my fiddle and practice it instantly stops any urges and I'll just get into the zone for a couple of hours. Listening to music also helps a ton too.

    The trick is trying to pick up my instrument or throwing on a set of fiddle tunes, or a concerto or symphony if I'm feeling haughty. I absolutely love it but when all I want to do is fap it's tough. One of my strategies that seems to be paying off is scheduling practice or listening during my 'oh shit' time which is about 330pm until 8pm right before bedtime. I have to force myself to but once it gets going I'm a-okay.
    PotentLife likes this.
  7. shaan

    shaan Fapstronaut

    Do u find any difference in your physical and mental health?
  8. shaan

    shaan Fapstronaut

    What about hair loss
  9. richie3846

    richie3846 Fapstronaut

    I've almost no hair on top at all, and shave my scalp daily. I can report, there is definitely more stubble on the previously almost smooth part. As for other health benefits, the jury is still out, because I keep myself in reasonable shape, and eat a balanced diet anyway.

    The most notable difference has been my energy levels. Whilst I've always been reasonably energetic, now I am very energetic, with no problems with tiredness, fatigue, or brain fog. I would now consider my energy and motivation levels to be above average.
    Indignation likes this.
  10. shaan

    shaan Fapstronaut

  11. shaan

    shaan Fapstronaut

  12. shaan

    shaan Fapstronaut

    How much u masturbate d before quiting
  13. richie3846

    richie3846 Fapstronaut

    34 years old. I masturbated most days, rarely more than once a day
    shaan likes this.
  14. shaan

    shaan Fapstronaut

    At what age u starte d?
  15. shaan

    shaan Fapstronaut

    I am very happy u quit this
  16. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! I am a semi-professional musician, too, I studied piano and composition (both classical & jazz) at the conservatory; but also computer science, and I can ony confirm your experiences!

    Playing music is like dopamin; especially when you play at full heart in rehearsals and concerts!

    During hard mode phases, I reached for the stars, practised, learned, was productive, everything. PMO addiction is in fact only an expression of inner doubts.
  17. I feel the same with photography... My passion. I hit 60 days tomorrow and the intensity of more focus and getting things done is more than its ever been. Ive certainly seen a spike or two in creativity too. Onwards and upwards brothers.. We're alive.
    im_alive likes this.
  18. richie3846

    richie3846 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the replies guys. In response to Shaan's question, I started masturbating from the age of 12, pretty much daily. I didn't discover porn till a little later, probably around 15-17 I think, though I can't be sure exactly when. I feel lucky that I just missed the high speed porn generation. It must be real tough for guys out there who have been exposed to it from an early age. I am now free and will NEVER return to the bad old days.
  19. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    @richie3846 And how old are you now, just for interest? I'm 43, already !

    That must not be necessarily the case. I know many young people and I find that even because they are grown up with smartphones and internet available all over, they also develop good ways to handle it.

    I came in touch with porn in the 80s, and I even have the feeling that the kick was even higher at this time. At this time, I needed to physically go out into certain kind of book stores, and there was always the thrill that you might get caught etc. A part of that kick is the addiction, at least for me.

    Buy anyway, I don't want to think back. The issue is that the addictive behaviour is still deeply stored in the mind, although it is a pattern which I don't need and don't want anymore since many years already. But I know that it can kick in at any time, so I'm concentrating on being balanced, I am focusing on living sober, and I am feeding my more mature personality. That all holds the the addictive behaviour in check.
    bomonti likes this.
  20. Iwant2breakfree

    Iwant2breakfree New Fapstronaut

    I have been struggling with the social anxiety too. I always used to evaluate myself from the way people used to judge me. As a matter of fact people never even bothered to judge me. But i couldn't stop caring if they care about me. I didn't know what its like to be normal.