Do i need to tell people that close to me that i have PIED and depression?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Vast World, Oct 10, 2015.

  1. Vast World

    Vast World Fapstronaut

    I'm 21 y.o male, i'm really depressed right now not only because of my PIED but also because i need to abstain from show, game, anime, etc (the unsafe one) that i love that can prolong my reboot and feelings of guilt that i will make my family sad.

    Do i need to tell my family about my PMO, PIED, and depression? I'm afraid i'm going to make them unhappy and depressed.. and maybe tell my close friend too?

    I started PMO at 17 nearly everyday because of my depression that caused by my diseases (i have a problematic bowel and some kidney problem) that made my junior and senior high school life gloomy. Huge lifestyle change, i can't make any new friends, the pain from my diseases, troubling my family.

    A month ago i PMO'ed 1-2 times almost everyday because of depression caused from the need to take a leave again from the college because of my disease and surgery.
    I just discovered my PIED a week ago when i cant maintain my erection when PMOing.

    I'm really scared that my depression right now will be severe like my depression when i'm in junior high school (i really troubled my family in the past),
    Maybe i will have some flatline in the future that can make my depression will be more severe (i hope not) and i still have my disease to be careful of.
    I'm afraid it will not only trouble my family but also can disrupt my life in the future.

    If i need to tell my family and then go to the specialists, what kind of specialist that i need to visit? psychologist? urologist?
    Do i really need to check my biological/physical side?
    I'm afraid the cost will trouble my family,
    and i fucking hate troubling my family/making my family unhappy.

    I need your advice.
    Thank You.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
    Gerald likes this.
  2. It really depends. If you can trust your family and friends, then go for it. They can support you and give you the help you need with your problems, health, psychological or otherwise. I'm sure if you talk it out with your folks they'd understand and help shoulder any medical fees. I think you'd cause even more pain and hurt to your loved ones by keeping your problems within you. Especially if you're going through depression as it can cripple you long term if you don't get help for it. Depression is a much more serious issue which would require professional help in most cases.

    That being said, be wary of telling others about your PMO addiction. Sadly it would seem that most people don't take porn addiction seriously enough and laugh at people who say tell them they have problems with watching too much porn. Think carefully before you decide to tell your family and friends about your issues.
    Gerald likes this.
  3. Vast World

    Vast World Fapstronaut

    I see, i will think carefully about this and i need to overcome my depression.
    Thank you for the advice.
    Gerald likes this.
  4. DogDaysOfLife

    DogDaysOfLife Fapstronaut

    Those who are closest to you want to know what's going on in your life. Telling them about your depression could be a good thing. Too often, people who are depressed block others out, leaving them wondering why. Don't tell them about porn or your erection. Only doctors and significant others need to hear about that.

    Flatline does not mean you will become more depressed. It means temporary low sex drive.
    Gerald likes this.
  5. Vast World

    Vast World Fapstronaut

    I see so flatline will only lower my sex drive, im still new about this rebooting thing thank you for that.

    I will think about telling my family if i can't overcome this depression.

    Thank you for the advice.
    Gerald likes this.
  6. Gerald

    Gerald Guest

    Remember do not attach to your emotion for if you do then you become it, be aware of what your thinking, feeling, doing but you must calm the mind down to do so.
    Most can relate to your conditioning but you can redefine yourself and recondition your condition and forget the old you and await and welcome the new you but for him to come to you you must fight for him fight yourself your ego-self to find and attain the superman in you.
    You will suffer psychologically but you must be conscious for awakening the consciousness is the first step to liberating a new body, physically, energetically, emotionally, and finally mentally.

    Do not give up on giving in, live this what we call life, live for your dreams, for your loved ones, spend your energy in a loving way helping with love others instead of releasing the sacred sperm become the holy grail beloved.
    For you like many others will become Hercules with ongoing time you will realise that you were a mere mortal in the flesh but in the heart of the spirit one is immortal.

    Enjoy your Sunday :D.
  7. Sir Cranksalot

    Sir Cranksalot Fapstronaut

    All that stuff is private. They don't need to know. Also, you wouldn't want the wrong things to get out on the grapevine. If you need to divulge stuff, why not do it here or in another support group?
    Gerald likes this.
  8. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    I don't tell people about it. It's my business. Maybe some day in the future, when PMO is behind me, and I'm living the life I want, I may tell someone about it.

    I also have the tendency to not actually do things I talk about, for some reason.
    Gerald likes this.
  9. Vast World

    Vast World Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the advices and encouragement. :)

    I already told them about my depression caused by my diseases and my education in the past ( i have traumatic experience about this one from senior high school because of my diseases).
    I'm still in treatment for my depression and anxiety caused by these two (disease and education trauma), and now this.. depression from my PIED.. a new one..

    I dont know if it's enough from here or another support group,
    When i told my family and close friend about my other depression i feel like some of the burden has been lifted from me, but this depression caused by PIED and i'm afraid it will have reverse effect.
    If i really need to tell my family i think i will tell only my parents and i think it's better to tell them everything, if i don't i will feel some uncomfortable burden in me.
    Learning about PIED and reading success stories only helped a bit and depressed me more.

    I PMOed because to me PMO is like an optional natural reliever from my depression and anxiety (i can't always use antidepressant),
    I red that masturbation is healthy and normal many times,
    and.. actually it's not. I only know about PIED after i got it.. (need to raise awareness about this)

    IBS is one of my diseases, it's not caused by depression, but i've been told that depression, stress, anxiety can play a part too to make it worse.
    Gerald likes this.