I don’t want to live like this

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Like_Clockwork, Oct 22, 2022.

  1. Like_Clockwork

    Like_Clockwork New Fapstronaut

    I basically said everything about the background info in my last post, and right now I feel so hurt and depressed I’m crying in the bathroom at work and I just don’t want to live. I’m stuck between not wanting to be alive and not feeling like killing myself is a viable option. I just want things to be ok, but it hurts so bad
  2. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

    Me tooooooooooooooo justtttttttttttttt wannaaaaaaaaaaaa dieeeeeeeee asssss soonnnnnn asssss posssssibleeeeeee.
  3. Julian Baker

    Julian Baker Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hey guys,

    I know life can beat us up to the point that all we want to do is just end all this pain and suffering, but you're experiencing what you are for a really good reason, even if you can't quite see what that is right now. The future is bright. Really bright. The fact is, things can only get brighter when we hit the dark lows you have hit right now. The only way is up. If it wasn't, you'd have already taken that drastic measure, but that is not written in your stars. It never has been.

    It's time to start dreaming bigger, brainstorming, planning and building that future you clearly judge your current life against. You already see it, you have just paid a little too much attention to the other version of your lifes story. The one that warns you where you don't want to go. That's all.

    All you need to do is start making the extra effort. A simple first step, or two, or three. What ever they are, you need to act on them, because your future isn't coming to you...you need to move towards it. And if you are waiting for it come to you, then rest assured, you will be waiting for a very long time.

    I know I don't know you, so please forgive me when I say I know what you need, but in this instance, I'm going to make that pressumpution: You need to start making that extra effort. Even if it's to get out for 30 minutes a day. Or start practising the art of self-love. And boy, I know how hard that can be when we're drowning in self-loathing, but you don't have any where else to go, so start moving out of this darkness and towards the light. Don't worry if it hurts your eyes to begin with. They'll adjust with each positive step you take. And with each positive step YOU WILL BE MOVING CLOSER & CLOSER to the greatness of your end goals. To the greatness that awaits you in this life.

    Try and consider that maybe, just maybe, your current circumstances areactually the greatest thing that has ever happened to you, because right now, you have nothing more to lose and everything else to gain!

    Draw a line in the ground now and say "Right, I am going to get up early and go for an extra long walk. During this walk, rain or shine, I will enjoy all the elements of this world and look to appreciate the greateness that is this wonderful natural life. That greatness includes me, even if I can't entirely see it all at this moment".

    Then reflect on the good times in your life. The good people who love you, and who would miss you immensley, if you were to leave them behind. Think about the people you have looked up to and why you admire them. Follow in the footsteps of those who have successfully walked the path youfind yourself on, if nothing else. That's what saved me. The thought of hurting loved ones. If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for them, and in time, I promise you, you will be doing it not just for yourself, but thousands more.

    There will be people in the future who will need your success.

    This is not the end. This is just the beginning. The beginning of something great and you will be headlining that glorious story!
  4. Hey look, a lot of us here have been in the dumps. I used to be fat, tired, lazy, stupid, forgetful, clumsy, and I had failed at every aspect of life. My whole adult career I bounced around from one entry level job to another. I used to be married, and my wife couldn't take it, so she cheated on me.

    And after the marriage, I saw some seriously dark days. Thoughts of suicide were the norm. I was lonely, without friends, rejected, and always in dire financial straits.

    But on New Year's Eve 2018, I made a decision. I really didn't think that NoFap would have an impact on me. But it was the only thing that I could do. I just wanted to quit porn for a while.

    I said a prayer to God, that I could not, under my own power, quit. Would He help me? Minutes later, I am on You Tube, and for the first time, a NoFap video comes in the feed. What is "NoFap"? I wondered about this new terminology. I wanted to keep up with it, because English changes over the years.

    But it was this site, and so I got obsessed with the resources. I read like crazy, started a journal, and I did my first streak.

    Subsequently I rebooted, and I did a lot of things I always wanted to do. It changed my self-esteem, what I believed about my potential. I started writing some books, I made a podcast, I started to hit the gym hard. I had all this crazy energy. I lost 100 lbs. Girls started looking at me. I got back to my music and started performing and recording.

    So probably you have invested your life into various jobs and people, and that stuff didn't work out. Consider making a strong investment in yourself, like the moderator suggests in this thread.

    That investment is the 90 day hard mode reboot. You are paying for the benefits of it by suffering through it. The benefits are going to be powerful, from income to self-esteem. You won't regret it, no matter what you have to go through.

    But also like the moderator says, nobody can do it for you. You have to put in this effort yourself. And it will pay.
  5. Libra

    Libra Fapstronaut

    Put your faith in God and seek him. You might be shocked how your life will change. You have to quit being negative. What you say is what you are. If you want to change you have to put the work in and be disciplined. Life is hard but what you put in is what you will get out of it. Take it one day at a time. Im only saying these things to you bc they were all told to me. I've been there. Life goes on. How you deal with your problems and over come them is what makes you who you are.
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