Finally hit bottom and trying to turn it around

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Newtothis2022, Sep 28, 2022.

  1. Newtothis2022

    Newtothis2022 Fapstronaut

    I'll leave the majority of details vague. I appreciate all those that have posted before me on this board and have made it easier for the rest of us to take the leap into nofap and no PMO.

    Currently, in my mid 30's and sitting on the edge of losing my job. I have been a heavy porn user ever since middle school. It was not until last year that I started doing some reading and realizing how many relationships have been ruined for me and why I am the emotionally disconnected person that I am.

    Since that time I have struggled with wanting to quit and saying just one more time... well here I sit a year later and almost out of a job. Pretty sure I can say this is bottom and I ready to turn it around.

    Hope to interact with some of you and beat this drug.
  2. Chili Dog

    Chili Dog Fapstronaut

    I'm right here with you. Back and spine injuries caused me to lose motivation to get out and exercise and see the sun. I would suggest going and getting out in the outdoor while the sun is still out. Join a AA group, you might not be an alcoholic but the methods that they and NA use could be helpful plus you can't jack in public meetings. Keep me posted. Hang in there. We can talk more. Talking is acknowledging the problem, let's get through the twelve steps together.
    Newtothis2022 likes this.
  3. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    If you're looking at joining a 12 Step group and your issue is porn and masturbation, why not join SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous) or SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) which focuses on whatever your sex issue is using the 12 Step methodology.
  4. Drako95

    Drako95 Fapstronaut

    Anyone feel free to add me on telegram drakofacts is the username
  5. Newtothis2022

    Newtothis2022 Fapstronaut

    Thank you to those that have responded. Not sure I'm looking to a 12 step solution yet.

    I've started a journal writing out thoughts as to how I got to my current situation and what I feel I've given up to this habit/addiction. Still working on some personal goals for the short term and long term.

    If anybody has used a good content filter/blocker for macbook feel free to share.
  6. mhm120988

    mhm120988 Fapstronaut

    Hi I've joined this community just yesterday. My situation is almost same like yours, difference is I'm younger than you. But still dreams are collapsing right before me which i dreamt about my whole life.....Well maybe they were right " When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change"... But anyway as far as i know there are good filter on MacBook or android or any platform.. I used some of them but everytime I uninstalled them whenever I felt the urges so it came to no use .. Maybe because i used free apps . But still you can do this. Don't give up. Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that doesn't mean who you are It is the rest of the story..
    Newtothis2022 likes this.