New to NoFap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Used4Death, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Used4Death

    Used4Death New Fapstronaut

    Hey, I'm 22 and have been masturbating since I was around 12. It didn't seem like a problem for me until I got older. I became Christian when I was 15, and as Christ became a bigger part of my life, I realized that porn and lust was damaging to my life. Now, it's a constant battle between me as a person vs addiction, and me as a christian against something I believe as wrong.

    Christianity has helped me become happier and feel fulfilled, but my addiction interferes with my happiness. I'm sad to admit that I do believe it has become an addiction, as I can tell that it hinders me from living my life; job, hobbies and social aspects.

    My faith is very very important to me, and I'm convinced that I cannot live a happy life unless I'm straight with God. I'm not here to discuss religion, I'm just here to support and seek support in order to get my life on a more satisfying life.
  2. LegoT

    LegoT Fapstronaut

    May the Lord bless you for seeking this path and may He receive the glory for your success.
  3. hansdd

    hansdd Fapstronaut

    Hello used,

    I'm also a Christian. Recently reading in the New Testament I became more clear on what's happening. Christ on many occasions cast out devils or evil spirits. We don't talk about this much nowadays. I am convinced evil spirits want to possess us. When possessed we aren't ourselves any more and end up doing things we have vowed never to do. I'm now making sure they don't have room to come in....
    Would love to stay in touch. You can IM me through Skype: hans.duerichen
  4. NoFapAsian

    NoFapAsian Fapstronaut

    Hey. it's great that you're doing this for religious reasons. Another proof that religions are good for you.
    the fact of the matter is PMO is not good for you, just like smoking is not good for you. Hopefully you can get rid of it asap. good luck.