22yo Male - I've had enough of messing up.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by TrainTicket, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. TrainTicket

    TrainTicket New Fapstronaut

    Hi folks.

    I've known abut NoFap for a good year now, and essentially have been doing it on and off, trying not to fap but not really doing it seriously.
    I've had month long streaks before, which made me feel great, but the relapses afterwards were especially bad.
    I also noticed that I'm profoundly addicted to absent-mindedly clicking through various webpages, to the point that I even do it with content that barely even interests me. Even if it ain't pron can be a terrible timesink, simply because of novelty. It probably isn't good for my mental health either.

    My goal is not only to beat off beating off, but also to beat pointless web browsing, gaming and general computer related stupidity too.

    As the title says, I'm a 22 year old guy. I haven't had much in terms of real sexual experience. My fap-induced anxiety and overall lack of self love seems to play a major role in my constant shying away from relationships.
    As a musician, fapping has costed me loads of practice time, which in turn has really hurt my self-confidence. Every time I see/hear something awesome that is just above my skill level, some impressive technique, some impeccable groove, I keep catching myself thinking "Well, boy, if you wouldn't fap/browse/play vidya so much, you could do that with ease by now". The lack of confidence has also had a similar effect as with relationships, in that I've shied away from joining some bands that I now regret not joining.

    With this post I have declared that I will stop being such a useless git and actually do the things I want to do. I often go to bed after wasting hours feeling like a useless, idiotic little boy who can't postpone gratification.

    I think I oughta man up now.
  2. Tom

    Tom New Fapstronaut

    I know the feeling.. goodluck dude!
  3. aaron92

    aaron92 Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome to both of you :)
  4. montague415

    montague415 Fapstronaut

    Which voice is that? That's not a friendly voice, that's the confrontative voice of the superego. That voice is the very cause of a loss of confidence because it says; "you'll never amount to anything, you twit." It puts you on the defensive, it makes you feel small and empty. With that voice on your back you'll never be good enough. Dispel that voice.

    Work with a positive, supportive voice and you'll get much further. For example, hear a voice that goes something more like this; "There's a world of musical skill and experience to discover - and it's yours for the asking. There is vast enjoyment that comes from setting and staying with your cherished priorities. This is your life, yours to take and run with! So go! Practice with your full mind, heart, and soul! Love and enjoy it to the fullest!"

    Just my input. Could be dead wrong.