34 and living like a recluse

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by toomuchisolation, Apr 20, 2022.

  1. toomuchisolation

    toomuchisolation New Fapstronaut

    I don't leave the house unless I go out with my parents or if I go for a run. I race every now and again and it is the only way I am around people, but I don't talk to anyone and no one talks to me. I ran a marathon recently.

    I haven't had any friends since 2012, when I was in my early 20s. I got left behind in life and I had anxiety, depression and no confidence. I don't have a job, but I have 2 degrees. I didn't speak to many people at university. I don't know what I even want to do for a living.

    I've only ever had sex with one girl and that was through meetup. That was 4 years ago. I have nowhere to socialise because I have no friends, so I have nowhere to meet women.

    So my life is non-existent and I am sexually frustrated. Sometimes I feel like I am living a nightmare.

    I live with my parents, so I have a roof over my head. I have some savings. I am fit and stay healthy (can run a 16 minute parkrun), but I have physical hangups (norwood 4-5 hair and some acne scars). I want a hair transplant but it will use up half of my savings. I am scared of spending money because I'm not earning any. I want to fix my acne scars but it's not easy and I have had failed treatments before.

    Anyway it feels better to get all of that out. I am on day 14 of nofap and after 5 days I felt fantastic but now I am back to being miserable and sad. I can hardly look at porn anymore because it makes me frustrated beyond words.

    I hope someone can relate to this. Thanks
  2. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    I assume you'd like to change your situation. Which of your problems bothers you the most?

    Btw I'm in a somewhat similar state so you're not alone (sad pun) in this.
    Nathan4 likes this.
  3. Welcome. It's good to recognize the huge role social isolation plays in all this, just know it's not going to change overnight. My only real consistent social interaction is in person recovery meetings and I don't expect people to really understand my perspective but it's something. It's important to know a lot of it is just our culture so it's not going to be easy. The one thing we have as an advantage at this time is a lot of people are more interested in getting out and connecting socially after two years of lockdown, so there's a window of opportunity where conditions are more favorable but it's not going to last forever and it's not going to be like how it was before lockdown.
  4. sh0gun

    sh0gun Fapstronaut

    Hey man, there's nothing wrong going to social events alone. So many people are afraid to do that, and you'll find people have a lot of respect for you for being vulnerable like that and they tend to be more open towards you. The longer you go without using porn, the easier you will find it to connect with others.
  5. stanza88

    stanza88 Fapstronaut

    Hi, I will start to volunteering for the first time in my life. I'm doing it for different reasons and one of those is socialize. I feel I need help and hopefully i will get it by giving it to other peoples.
  6. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    This is basically me as well so if it helps, at least you know you're not the only one in this situation. I feel utterly LOST outside the house, like an alien just observing life. When people say you need to get out there I don't even know where out there is, I think I need a map because clearly this just isn't resonating with me. Once you fall out of society it feels impossible to get back in. Do people even make friends and meet women in their 30s? All of this is set in your younger years and falling out of it is terminal. I actually had a big friend group when I was younger but I chose the porn and isolation route instead, now I'm paying the price.
  7. kstoman

    kstoman Fapstronaut

    Hello I can relate since my wife left me in 2013 ive become a recluse also.Congrats on the 14 days nofap and keep it up it will get easier.Try going to a celebrate recovery meeting to interact with some people and talk
  8. At least you've had sex.
    Abel100% likes this.
  9. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    At least you can do some sport and that's great.
    skybrowser likes this.
  10. I'm only 20 but yes, I can somewhat relate. I'm severely isolated and only go out for school. Never had sex, girlfriend, or any close friends, though...

    I bet you no longer feel like you have it the worst now...
    Nathan4 and m9damn like this.
  11. TheLightOne

    TheLightOne Fapstronaut

    You can reach out to old friends via facebook
  12. Harry123d

    Harry123d New Fapstronaut

    How about trying to improve your relationship with the being you really only ever need.God.
    Goes a long way
  13. Bruce K

    Bruce K Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, i am too 34 single, still virgin, never had a girlfriend, addicted to masturbation from 13 or 14 years old..I used to masturbate 8 to 9 times a day. After masturbating my knees will pain. Want to quit but not able to, i was slave Then used porn to masturbate.. i was hooked to PMO for the last 23 years. Try to quit failed many times.. Longest streak was from May to september this year then relapse.. All my friends got married, I am the one left behind. stuck in a frustrating and irritating job... Getting Bald.. I think i lost my hair due to excessive masturbation and it is squeezing my confidence like hell.. And at our place it is difficult to find a girl for marriage if you are bald. Now i lost my young years on porn and masturbation.. I feel like i am finished.. Lost my Life goals to porn and masturbation.. I am suffering from stress 24 hours, anxiety, social fear, fear of talking to strangers.. suicidal.. I have decided to put this porn and masturbation thing out of my life forever.. I have been doing NO PMO from 16th october 2022, its been a week but there is no visible improvements.. and the worst part is my dick is desd and lifeless. I think i am on flatline.. I am scared of my future to the bones.. Like you i have little saving, me to i have little savings.. while all my friends are well settled , i am the one left behind, .. The consequences of what i have done is coming to me like a hell bomb on my life.. I am to blame for myself for this.. I do not find a way out now.. I have no choice either other than go through this hell.. A few years back i quite PMO for a month, it was awsome. I feel happy, confidence was high and i feel i can achieve anything in life then i relapsed, unable to rise up again.. Lets STAY OUT OF PMO together and walk out of this hell together...
    HarshT18, Freeddom_Taker and Yousuf23 like this.