I need advice for things to do

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Daredevil99, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. Daredevil99

    Daredevil99 Fapstronaut

    My brain is extremely messed up because of porn, my dopamine levels all over the place sometimes I crave porn for ages and then I feel very flat and nothing feels interesting. I am very alone right now, no close friends I can meet small town work from home. I just want advice for people who are trying to occupy themselves, I feel i end up going on my phone when at home but scrolling twitter/ deals websites for some strange reason Its like my brains hooked up trying to find a good bargain or something to buy perhaps to give me dopamine because I'm trying to avoid searching up porn. im into gaming but sometimes feel it doesn't provide fun anymore and I really struggle to stay off porn for more then a few days
  2. I draw, I read, I watch movies, I listen to music, I workout, I explore outside, I play video games, I wander the internet, I practice incremental self improvement, I learn new skills, I started a new trade, I write in my journal, I contemplate my existence, I drink copious amounts of coffee, the list goes on.

    Make your phone go dead and don't charge it for a few days.

    have you tried finding a new obsession, addiction is hard you just have to replace it with something else that requires focus and is hard to pull away from.
    Jagg45 likes this.
  3. Daredevil99

    Daredevil99 Fapstronaut

    I think I need to do this with my phone, I have developed repetitive strain in my hands from typing too much so my main hobby to distract is gaming but I can't currently I need to find a good TV show or something I can do which won't put pressure on my hands, maybe drawing idk
  4. drawing can be sore on the hands, most touchy activities, maybe hiking, would help with the hand pain since you wont be using them.
  5. sh0gun

    sh0gun Fapstronaut

    What did you do for hours as a kid? Is there any way you can start doing those things again?

    It is best to do things that involve other people and gets you out of the house.
  6. For me I found it best that I do things I enjoy that are away from screens. I feel like I spend too much time already on my computer and phone. So I'll go to the gym, go for a walk, read a book, clean the house. Really it's anything to keep me busy.