Learning a new Language Challenge Join now!!!

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Ignis Divinis, Jan 31, 2022.

  1. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    You'd make a great teacher. I feel so much patience in you, @Ignis Divinis. You see some of the Spanish words and structures don't make much sense to me, some are very similar to English or Polish words.

    Sometimes I mixed the words that sound similar: joven, jueves or sentarse vs. sentirse. But I ACCEPT that. It's my new attitude to life, to the world, and every negative thought. In the past I would JUDGE everyone and everything. I didn't even realize that. It was my automatic mental behaviour.

    It will take me a lot of time to learn Spanish. Someone on the forum questioned my motivation - you'll have nothing from it, you don't even live close to Spain. But those stats in Anki, Memrise, Duolingo - make me kinda pleased :) Yet, the conjugations make me Scared a bit - but I ACCEPT that I'm learning it for fun. I like its sound. The apps set some daily goals for me. I need that stability and rhythm. Additionally, I have a topic to talk with you. So learning Spanish slowly pays off. :)

    In the past I wouldn't allow myself a hobby that was not going to result in getting a better job or securing my future.
    Ignis Divinis likes this.
  2. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    My bad, I meant "estar". Like Americans say: Close but no cigar :D
    Ignis Divinis likes this.
  3. KingWhalers

    KingWhalers Fapstronaut

  4. Ignis Divinis

    Ignis Divinis Fapstronaut

    hey sup, welcome, I'll add you to the list
    KingWhalers likes this.
  5. Ignis Divinis

    Ignis Divinis Fapstronaut

    thanks bro, I think you should study verbs, long time ago I watched a good video about verbs, but I can't find it, I'll explain it to you:

    Los Verbos son aquellos que expresan acciones, ya los conoces, pero lo esencial es la raíz, la mayoría de los verbos en español son regulares sino es que todos:
    Ejemplo: Estar, lo rojo es la raíz y nunca cambiará, lo verde se llama desinencia, Estuve, Estaré, Estamos, Estaremos, Estoy, Estuvimos
    siempre las desinencias Aré, aremos, hacen referencia al futuro
    lo desinencias abamos, aba, uvimos, hacen referencia al pasado
    that'll help you a lot bro, I think it should expand your vocabulary a lot

    hahhah, yeah something like that
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2022
    KingWhalers and Don80 like this.
  6. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    Hola, mis amigos. Gracias @Ignis Divinis te mi ayudas con la idioma. Hoy yo y mi esposa miramos un episodio de The Vikings. Te miras series?

    You can check this channel for learning German with TV series:
    Ignis Divinis likes this.
  7. Hey, my prior Spanish education has actually stuck around more than I thought, because I understood all of that!
    Don80 and Ignis Divinis like this.
  8. Ignis Divinis

    Ignis Divinis Fapstronaut

    es un placer ayudarte, yeah I watch series, I heard The Vikings is a great serie, probably I'll watch it, how is?
    thanks for the video bro, I was looking for something like that :emoji_thumbsup::emoji_sunglasses:
    Don80 likes this.
  9. Ignis Divinis

    Ignis Divinis Fapstronaut

    cool brother, you can learn the language, you have an advantage, you should use it, greetings
    TakingTheSteps and Don80 like this.
  10. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    Haha because it's level A1-A2 :D I'm glad you undestood my Spanish of a 5-year-old kid. But at least it was sentence in the PAST tense.
    Ignis Divinis and TakingTheSteps like this.
  11. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    Dia uno otra vez. Mi hija hecho el cama para mí (PLEASE help with the next part - to help me) para me ayudar. A veces hijos son útil :) Hoy tengo que ir al trabajo. Estoy un poco triste y enojado.

    Und wie ist dein Progress? @Ignis Divinis

    Que tal, @TakingTheSteps ? Is the American sign language becoming a lingua franca for the deaf?
    Ignis Divinis likes this.
  12. I haven't really been working on it very much lately, but a couple days ago I did learn some question signs. So now I know how to say who, what, when, where, why, and which. Those should be useful :)
    Ignis Divinis and Don80 like this.
  13. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    I found: ayudarme - does it mean "help me"?
    ayudarte = help you (you said)
    ayudarse = help him/her? (my conclusion)
    ayudarnos = help us
    ..... ? = help them?
    Ignis Divinis likes this.
  14. Ignis Divinis

    Ignis Divinis Fapstronaut

    well in the part para me ayudar está casí bien solo cambia a "para ayudarme" cuando hablas de ti se agrega al verbo me, Ejemplos:"Jugarme la carrera", "ayudarme a mi mismo"; "comprame la comida"
    A veces los hijos son útiles, agregas "los" para enfatizar, "útil-es" el final "es" hace referencia a plural.
    "Hoy tengo que ir al trabajo. Estoy un poco triste y enojado. " CorrectO!
    Don80 likes this.
  15. Ignis Divinis

    Ignis Divinis Fapstronaut

    ayudarse is more like something mutual, is like you help someone and him help you too
    ayudense is when someone give you the order or advice to help someone and that person help you too, "Hey Ayudense en la tarea"
    ayudarnos is like where everybody in the group help the other, it's a mutual help in group "hay que ayudarnos a salir de este problema"
    Help them is "Ayudenlos" "hey ayudenlos a salir de ese lio", "hey ayudenlos a cargar eso"
    ayuda is help me
    Don80 likes this.
  16. Ignis Divinis

    Ignis Divinis Fapstronaut

    I'm doing well bro, well I have a lot of doubts with the dictionary, it's kinda confusing
    Don80 likes this.
  17. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    I'd like to ask you @TakingTheSteps since you're a native speaker if I correctly understood the lyrics of the song which I've been recently listening to:
    Sitting in my class, just drifting away
    Staring into the windows of the world, yeah
    I can't hear the teacher, his books don't call me at all
    I don't see the bad boys tryin' to catch some play

    Does it mean that they want t act up? Do they want to play a trick on their teacher?
  18. Honestly, I have no idea what that means. I'm not familiar with the phrase "catch some play." It's probably some kind of slang or idiom used by certain communities that I have never heard before. Or it could be something the artist just made up, but I'm not sure. Your guess sounds right, probably, but I don't really know.
    Ignis Divinis and Don80 like this.
  19. FuriaPegazo

    FuriaPegazo Fapstronaut

    Hola, me apunto para aprender Inglés. Siempre he deseado hablar fluido y ya es hora de alcanzar de una buena vez esa meta.
    Don80 and Ignis Divinis like this.
  20. Ignis Divinis

    Ignis Divinis Fapstronaut

    bien hecho hermano, esa es la motivación!!!, you can do it!!!, apuntaré tú nombre
    Don80 likes this.