The Harry Potter Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Don'tLookBack, Nov 27, 2021.


You in?

  1. Yes!!

    170 vote(s)
  2. Maybe later.

    8 vote(s)
  3. Nah.

    12 vote(s)
  1. Stay strong Don't give up
  2. devsMind

    devsMind Fapstronaut

    :emoji_mortar_board:HOGWARTS STUDENT - YEAR THREE - RAVENCLAW:emoji_eagle: - Day 29 :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    Finishing this year-it was fun, need to stay a little with family & returning again! :emoji_steam_locomotive::emoji_railway_car::emoji_railway_car::emoji_railway_car::emoji_railway_car:
  3. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Im in . Check in sunday.
  4. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the challenge!
  5. JohnnyDq

    JohnnyDq Fapstronaut

    Hogwarts Student - Year Three - Slytherin :emoji_snake: - Day 21

    :emoji_guitar: Slytherin rocks :emoji_metal:
    First day i am allowed to go to Hogsmeade. Finally my first ever butter beer. I am so excited.
  6. New Journey

    New Journey Fapstronaut

    Hogwarts Student - Year One - Day 10

    Before the celebrations began I got sorted into my house. This they done by putting this really weird talking hat on. It sat on your head and it told you what house you were to be put it. Yeah, weird right? I really didn't want Slytherin. You see, there was this boy called Draco. I mean what kind of name is that!? He seemed like a really slimy guy. He got Slytherin of course and I really didn't want to go there. Anything but Slytherin. To be honest I didn't have a clue about what this meant, but I just had this horrible feeling about it. I sat there chanting 'not Slytherin' and this hat started talking. Yeah, I know an actual talking hat! After about 30 seconds he shouted "Gryffindor!" So that's that, I'm in Gryffindor. I know that probably doesn't mean much to anyone here. Thankfully the two people I met on the train also got put into the same house.

    In other news for Christmas I got a Christmas jumper with the letter 'H' on. It's all the rage now, Christmas jumpers, so I'm guessing it's quite cool now?
  7. frosties

    frosties Fapstronaut

    :emoji_mortar_board:HOGWARTS STUDENT - FIRST YEAR - RAVENCLAW:emoji_eagle: - Day 9 :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:

    Each day is a battle but it's not near unbearable, I remember that even if I do have urges, I do not need PMO to survive, to function, so I go about my day. Last night I had a dream inside a dream, where I PMO and was sooo disappointed in myself but realised it was just a dream... Inside another dream

    I launched a reading challenge in the section "Events & Challenges" for anyone who's interested! It can help distract your brain from PM thoughts and make you learn something or have a good time reading.

    If anyone is looking for me I'll be in Ravenclaw's common room, reading a SciFi book and doing my homework.

    Fair day everyone!
  8. 1month3425

    1month3425 Fapstronaut

  9. Revanthegrey

    Revanthegrey Fapstronaut

    day check:
    I did the quiz hat and result was
  10. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    Guys I made a huge breakthrough today. I have been in the mindset that because I have an addiction, then it must mean that I am being controlled by it or that I am "trapped". No more. I am only controlled by this if I let myself be. I can choose to accept the freedom that has already been given. And I do accept it. Now I am living a life of freedom.
  11. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    Yes!! Welcome to Hogwarts my friend!
  12. devsMind

    devsMind Fapstronaut

    :emoji_mortar_board:HOGWARTS STUDENT - YEAR FOUR - RAVENCLAW:emoji_eagle: - Day 30 :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:

    Yeah today got once again to that train, surprisingly lasted far more than I predicted month ago!:D
  13. futurelight

    futurelight Fapstronaut

    Hello! Day 11 - Gryffindor year-one:emoji_lion_face:
    I'm leaving town tonight and will be in the countryside for about a week. Internet service there is unstable, so I'm not sure I'll be able to log in. At worst, I'll keep little "offline" notes about my condition and publish a big post when I get back. Happy holidays everyone. Keep your minds clear, friends.
  14. Revanthegrey

    Revanthegrey Fapstronaut

    Prisoner of Askaban at the moment, i will get out of this, no binge this time

  15. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

  16. frosties

    frosties Fapstronaut

    :emoji_mortar_board:HOGWARTS STUDENT - FIRST YEAR - RAVENCLAW:emoji_eagle: - Day 10 :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:

    Congrats! You should know you're my Ravenclaw role model haha

    Oh cool, what countryside is that?
  17. Beasthunter1998

    Beasthunter1998 Fapstronaut

    Untrained wizard day 5
  18. Been away for Christmas, but still on my streak, and made it to 30 days, and believe that takes me to Fourth Year!

    Day 30 - Hogwarts Student Year Four (Gryffindor)
  19. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    You're amazing!!
  20. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    No internet might be a blessing though!