47 Days... Are these the superpowers they were speaking of?

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Nah_WrongPerson, Dec 10, 2021.

  1. Nah_WrongPerson

    Nah_WrongPerson Fapstronaut

    I've been going PMO for 47 days now and I have to say... this feels great. Don't get me wrong, I still have my urges every now and then, but then, I either change my thought process or I look up something motivational to show me what I'd lose if I did it.

    What would I lose? These superpowers. I didn't know what they would entail, but I was open to any benefit I could get. I believe it was after about 1.5/2 weeks when I started to notice something... my motivation to do something and STICK with it has come back.

    I'm 24 now (just learned how to masturbate two years ago. I know... long story), and back in the day, I used to be on top of everything. I was known for being productive. Then I discovered P... slowly over time, my motivation to do anything productive/worthwhile started to wane. I wanted everything quick and easy. I didn't want to try at anything. All the business ventures/creative opportunities started to fall flat because I didn't have any motivation to put in serious effort. My life started to consist of P, weed, and video games.

    I realized as time progressed, I needed to quit. However, we all know how that goes. It wasn't until I started to mess around with women again and I saw that I didn't care to do anything with them. I knew I needed a change. I went on a streak of 23 days and then relapsed again. That's when I came over to this group and y'all helped provide me with the motivation to stay strong. Every time I felt like relapsing, I'd come over here and see that I'm not alone - everyone is struggling with the same thing, but everyone has each other's back... also I'd hit that panic button a couple times ;)

    Either way, after about a couple weeks, that's when I started to notice this new sense of life come back to me. The feeling of wanting to accomplish my goals. Instead of worrying about how hard it will be, I would focus on creating a plan and tackling the first step. This has, by far, been one of my most productive streaks that I've had in my life. Like I said earlier, I still get urges and blurry mental images (much better than the clear ones at the start), however, I know if I focus on those thoughts, things can go downhill really quickly. I know there's a huge debate around the superpowers achieved by NoFap, however, one superpower I can attest to with the utmost certainty, is the desire to do something with your life.

    I just wanted to share the experience on my journey so far with y'all because I don't believe I would've got this far without you. Thank you.
  2. AntiqueRevolverGuy

    AntiqueRevolverGuy Fapstronaut

    Yes and congratulations on 47 days. Thats a impressive achievement
    KaiokenX20 and Nah_WrongPerson like this.
  3. Nah_WrongPerson

    Nah_WrongPerson Fapstronaut

    Coming from the juggernaut over here haha, appreciate it!
    Coming from the juggernaut over here haha, appreciate it.
    BLACK RACER likes this.
  4. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

    Fantastic! Keep going and don't be discouraged by a strong wave or urges when it hits (not if, but when).
  5. Nah_WrongPerson

    Nah_WrongPerson Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, appreciate the heads up!
    BLACK RACER likes this.
  6. hewm

    hewm Fapstronaut

    Now I keep my room clean and workout everyday. I believe that if I let go of the new good habits, I'll fall back into P. This fear gives me accountability of keeping up the habit(s).
  7. MellotronScratch

    MellotronScratch Fapstronaut

    Keep on going, we are all winning, and very soon we will achieve our 50th day, good luck with everything...
    I've got a feeling we are all gonna make it.
    hewm and Nah_WrongPerson like this.
  8. Roberto Alverio

    Roberto Alverio New Fapstronaut

    We all gonna make it bro, stay strong.
    Nah_WrongPerson likes this.
  9. Nah_WrongPerson

    Nah_WrongPerson Fapstronaut

    Yessir, happy 50th man.
    MellotronScratch likes this.
  10. MellotronScratch

    MellotronScratch Fapstronaut

    Happy 50th to you too man. Good Luck with everything.
    Nah_WrongPerson likes this.