A Newcomer...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by samdaniel1337, Dec 8, 2021.

  1. samdaniel1337

    samdaniel1337 New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    I don't know how to start or what to say just want to take a break from this really time consuming activity and hope to do it. Sorry I am really bad at this...
    hydrothunder likes this.
  2. stanza88

    stanza88 Fapstronaut

    Hi, welcome in the community and i hope you will find your way through this. Already this post has been a huge step and you should be proud of it
    samdaniel1337 likes this.
  3. Zaiju

    Zaiju Fapstronaut

    Heya! Don't worry about it, I was pretty bad at introducing myself too lol! Welcome to the community sam, I wish you luck and power to do whatever you wanna do and the path you wanna take! Don't forget to check out some of the posts here that'll help you out on abstaining from PMOing for a while and you could look up some time management techniques too! An example could be making a daily routine or taking a dopamine detox so that it pushes you to develop an interest in stuff like working out and meditating if you're a whimsical person like me :p
    samdaniel1337 likes this.