Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Mar 11, 2019.


Do you have what it takes to become a Super Saiyan?

  1. I don't know yet, i'm gonna start training now!

  2. Yes, but it will be hard.

  3. Not only Super Saiyan, but i can go even beyond. AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

  4. I can only reach the level of an Elite Warrior, nothing more than that.

  5. I can't even beat Yajirobe, i'm a failure. ;(

  1. zars

    zars Fapstronaut

    check in day 10,into double figures now lets keep this steady and move ever forward.
  2. Yambo

    Yambo Fapstronaut

    Day 11

    I think she's a player. There are a lot of girls around these days who are just playing. My brother was played hard.
    But this couldn't be the case ofcourse. I think you always need to stay calm so yeah you're doing great. Just meet up with her and see what happens next.
    Redemptionisrequired, zars and MJ93 like this.
  3. Shen Wulong

    Shen Wulong Fapstronaut

    Day 10
    Feeling strong bouts of anger and hate
    Going to throw it all at the gym
  4. Kingfisher

    Kingfisher Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

  5. Shen Wulong

    Shen Wulong Fapstronaut

    Day 1 again
    Slipped up lat night but not upset or putting my self down
    This is another learning opportunity
    I feel all the progress I made so far wont all leave with one slip
    Sometimes we have to take 2 steps back before taking another step forward, lets keep going
    Jan 1st is a month away. Lets end the year strong
  6. zars

    zars Fapstronaut

    check in on day 11! had urges and sexual thoughts last couple nights, but I guess this can be because a woman opened a door to me literally half naked when I was doing a delivery at like midnight to get some extra income as a student! strangely I could feel vibes from her like she wanted to talk or me to come in or some shit but I was kinda flustered.Even stranger she called my mobile the following day lol and then said oh sorry think its the wrong number, in my mind I feel there was a half chance even full chance to actually pull a hot middle aged woman, just literally wasn't expecting someone to open the door like that tbh and didnt know how to deal with it.But we stay strong felt weak in the gym yesterday but its a shoulders today!
  7. Yambo

    Yambo Fapstronaut

    Day 12

    I hope everyone here is doing well
    Still no urges this streak that's because I know my weaknesses better and better (deleted instagram, no hangover etc.)
  8. MJ Warrior 93

    MJ Warrior 93 Fapstronaut

  9. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    582 days semen retention
  10. Insightout46

    Insightout46 Fapstronaut

  11. DRAGON_

    DRAGON_ Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

  12. Kingfisher

    Kingfisher Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

  13. Yambo

    Yambo Fapstronaut

    Day 13

    yesterday had a few beers and afterwards when I came back home I felt a bit ‘weak’ because after a few beers my willpower is on vacation. But I just ignored the feelings and felt a sleep.
  14. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    583 days semen retention
    Yambo, Insightout46 and MJ93 like this.
  15. MJ Warrior 93

    MJ Warrior 93 Fapstronaut

  16. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

  17. hewm

    hewm Fapstronaut

    Day 40. Let's keep going! Don't give up, it's all worth the pain
  18. Sawamura

    Sawamura Fapstronaut

  19. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Checking in Saiyans!

    390 days free of Porn, and 318 days free of MO.

    My stress levels went down this week and diminished by the end of the week. I have grown and worked on my perspective regarding various situations that would plague my mind with worry and anger. More on this on another day.

    For today, I just want to remind everyone that abstinence is only part of the journey. Do not expect a miracle by just counting the days. Yes, your brain will heal with time and time of absitnence is a very important factor. It is not, however the only key in this journey. You are severely crippling your recovery if you do not understand this. Addiction is born from the desire to alleviate despair, to run from responsibilities and perceived negative emotions and stressors. When you are tackling your PMO addiction, any addiction for that matter, you MUST, address the underlining issues. What did you run from? Why? You need to take the time to write this down and explore your mind. You must learn to face the issue and handle it with proper and positive habits. Work towards making sense of all the clutter in your mind.

    Stay strong my friends!
    i89rt5, KaiokenX20, MJ93 and 4 others like this.