Bulletproof Method

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Guitoun, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. Guitoun

    Guitoun Fapstronaut

    I think it is safe to assume the most efficient method of overcoming an addiction is making that drug completely inaccessible to you.
    In our case, that's unfortunately impossible, unless ... you actually go ahead and throw away all your tech and screen-based devices and somehow lead a tech-free life like a monk getting one step closer to enlightenment each day on top of the mountain.
    Im curious, has anyone really gone through a similar path ? if not , aren't you (out of despair) seriously thinking about doing it ?
  2. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    The issue is that it's just not possible, even for physical drugs. Even if it works temporarily, if access is the only thing stopping you then you'll spend your whole life forever fearing the inevitable day that you're given that choice again.
    Manhill likes this.
  3. Guitoun

    Guitoun Fapstronaut

    I agree. For the long run , it would definitely be much more efficient and sustainable if a person would learn how to face and slay Demons instead of hiding.
    On the other hand, forced abstinence for a prolonged period of time will certainly give the brain the necessary peace and reset time to grow stronger and effectively overcome the addiction and the urge to use when one get off the mountain and rejoin society.
    So isolation will offer you the necessary momentum/jumpstart that you probably will never attain by yourself living in this inescapable sexual landmine of society.
  4. I tried to do it back in 2018. I cancelled my Internet subscription, cancelled my cell phone data plan, bought a Nokia 115 and kept my smartphone in my car (even though it had no Internet). I was able to live like that for about 1-2 months and it felt great. I felt so present and alive. But eventually I got dragged back into technology because we can't do shit without it. I even tried to go "cash only" and pay everything in cash but it turns out even that is becoming impossible to do. Some places don't take cash anymore and COVID made it worse.

    I also tried to shelter myself for 2 weeks in a cabin in the middle of nowhere in Lapland in early 2020 but even there they had 4G and wifi everywhere. I was still able to limit my consumption.
    Guitoun likes this.
  5. [​IMG]

    Attached Files:

  6. I've thought about switching to a flip phone but I need a GPS to know where I'm going and GPS systems are pricey. I'm still a new driver. I also like listening to podcasts, audiobooks and music so there's that too.
  7. Pathofsuccess_1

    Pathofsuccess_1 Fapstronaut

    You just need to be stronger than you’ve ever been and endure until your healed. Just. Don’t. Fap. and don’t peek or anything. Don’t let it hold you back. Just abstain now. Get through all of the terrible withdrawals and cravings you go through and you’ll find yourself living your best life.
  8. wicket

    wicket Fapstronaut

    I did. Unreasonable this day and age if I may say and doesn't lock the door of the "adult" shop a mile down the street.
  9. You can download the podcasts on a public wifi network or at a coffeeshop.

    Same thing for the GPS. There is an option in the Google Maps app to download entire, large areas for offline use.