Can’t wait to be murdered in prison

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by mAtHy0o, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. Bon-Bon XO

    Bon-Bon XO Fapstronaut

    relapsing more than usual, got a record of over 4 1/2 months, but relapsed.
    I have a tip that has worked for 3 days now (ik, so long, right? lol).
    I have a whiteboard on my fridge, across from where I sit on the computer, and if I get urges, I can look up, and have a reminder right there.
    also, I was wondering if we could be ACs. I have 3, but, the more the merrier.
    I know from experience, it helps when you have someone to talk to.
    glad you're still kicking, dude.
    love ya!
    Moatasem likes this.
  2. Weird Ram

    Weird Ram Fapstronaut

    I would just say, Never give up.
    Just keep trying and moving ahead in your life. One day you'll succeed.
    I also have lots of problems in my life . But I never gave up and I will never ever. So, just keep trying to be better.
    I believe You will be happy and satisfy from your life.
    Enjoy your life.
    Moatasem likes this.
  3. Bon-Bon XO

    Bon-Bon XO Fapstronaut

    I'm so fucking proud of you for getting past 10 days, Day 11, keep it up!!!
    Moatasem likes this.
  4. Moatasem

    Moatasem Fapstronaut

  5. Bon-Bon XO

    Bon-Bon XO Fapstronaut

    that's ok bud, I relapsed for years. it's ok, promise.
    Moatasem likes this.
  6. Bon-Bon XO

    Bon-Bon XO Fapstronaut

    I have 2 videos that I hope will help you

    they may stop you relapsing, I hope.
    Moatasem likes this.
  7. im_done

    im_done Fapstronaut

    Lol the slippery slope argument is true.
  8. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Can't communicate? You seem to express yourself well here. Maybe you should explore writing, continuing with a journal, indeed. BTW, I've never known a normal person - certainty not me and the shit I've dealt with.

    yrjyrj and Moatasem like this.
  9. Moatasem

    Moatasem Fapstronaut

    I hope OP is okay, I'm very concerned. @mAtHy0o, I want to remind you that I have pedophilic urges that I'm very scared to tell my family about too, I don't act on them, even though I live in a rut everyday and my life is amazingly interminable, I don't think suicide is the solution, I think with proper lifestyle choices you can get better man. There are people who are influenced in their psychosexual stage, abused, and traumatized in their childhoods that they grow up to be actual pedophiles, and there are people who are simply porn addicts who have trespassed their moral boundaries and have gone to egregious content, either way there is hope, if you are the former, I believe that with proper lifestyle and routine choices, you can get better if you habituate a healthy life. If you are the latter, you are in great luck, because all you require is simply quitting your addiction to pornography, I'm the latter, though we're suicidal sometimes when we're at rock bottom and don't follow our lifestyle perfectly all the time and relapse a lot, we should try our best to not give up.

    I hope you're alive and doing well, God willing.
    mAtHy0o likes this.