How long does the flat line last?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by atak, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    I know it is different for everybody. I want more information about the flat line. Is it just one flat line and you are healed or can it be multiple flat lines over your journey?
    Zin and DannyCool like this.
  2. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    mine lasted about 2 weeks no urges and energy a little low
    victor0258 likes this.
  3. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    It is like a roller coaster, it goes up and down and flat and up and down and flat. It will for a while. Enjoy the flat line while you have it, because I am hornier than a goat right now coming off a flatline.
    ThatOneGuy56 likes this.
  4. That's good. Enjoy it. It will remind you that you are still a healthy man with his libido still in order.

    I think I'm going through a flat line right now. Either that, or I'm really good at transmuting this sexual energy :D

    I haven't had an erection for a good few days now, and haven't felt any strong urges for almost two weeks... I've been slightly concerned, but I'm sure I'm fine. Still early days anyhow.
  5. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    In all honesty, my girlfriend and I have "made-out" a lot over the past 3-4 days. Tonight I couldn't stop it and I did jizz in my pants. She and I are abstaining, but obviously with making out comes dry humping. As a result I am not resetting my counter because I recognize that I am not actively seeking that out. I will not let it be a reoccurring thing by any means and PMO is still out of the question as it has been since 40 days ago when I began NoFap.
  6. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    The only boners I have been getting during the last 32 days of NoFap are during my erotic dreams. Is this wrong?
  7. Zin

    Zin Fapstronaut

    I hate flat line so much. Soooo much. Hated it every attempt I've ever made at NoFap. Everytime I've had a good hardmode streak I end up caving into urges due to fear of the flatline never ending.

    I'm trying something different this time. Every ten days I streak I'm going to have sex. So I'm starving my brain of porn and then rewarding it with the real thing from time to time.

    Hopefully this should stop me flat lining but allow me to keep making steady progress.

    I think flatline is different for everyone. I'm not going to put up with it.
  8. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    Let me know how that goes. Do you have a journal?
  9. Zin

    Zin Fapstronaut
