Tips on managing my acne through NoFap?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Micah Ayers, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. Hey, looking better never hurts, right? I just want to clear up my skin. I know abstaining, but I want to try something without store products too, y'know?
  2. Eliminate dairy and unnatural sugar (junk food) from your diet completely; you'll notice a ridiculous improvement
  3. Zin

    Zin Fapstronaut

    Cold showers help I've found, helps in terms of disciplining yourself but also its much less harsh on the skin, even when your just washing your face in the sink.

    Sleeping on your back/ changing your pillow case each day does wonders.

    It sounds obvious but pay attention to how much you touch your face. Subconscious touching is so bad for spreading pore infections. Once I started paying attention i realised how much I did this.

    Drink lots of water.

    Make sure you get plenty of sleep.

    Eat well. Avoid grease at all cost!

    These helped me loads. Good luck.
  4. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    If you do use store products use a cream with a low concentration of benzoil peroxide. The best one I found was 3.7%. It worked well and didn't screw up my skin like the strong stuff.
  5. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    Be kind to your skin. Don't be tempted to use harsh, antiseptic face washes that leave your skin dry and tight (I used to do this thinking I was "drying up" my acne, I was just damaging my skin) . The gentler the face wash you use the less you strip your skin of it's natural oils, and the less your body overcompensates by producing more sebum. It may sound counterintuitive, be even a gentle moisturiser can help.

    For a particularly bad outbreak I would use something natural like a tea tree / witch hazel based gel… powerfully antisceptic but natural. A dab on a bad spot before night can work wonders overnight.

    I'm going to agree with Zin with the drinking lots of water / not touching your face too much (try not to squeeze spots or blackheads… it doesn't help in the long run) and the taking cold showers thing (I'm now addicted to cold showers. Can't take a warm one). Eat loads of fruit and veg. Adding Tumeric to your food is good, and fish oil (omega 3) and zinc supplements can help., as can fresh air and sunshine (but not too much).

    Good luck, acne can be a horrible, self esteem zapping condition, but be kind to yourself, and try not to worry about it too much.
    Zin likes this.
  6. Zin

    Zin Fapstronaut

    I second witch hazel. Its awesome.
  7. dsareph

    dsareph Guest

    Have you looked into Accutane? I had terrible acne from ages 13-15. I tried every other form of treatment under the sun, to no avail. Two courses of 5 months each and I was completely cured, still haven't had as much as a zit to this day. If I had my time back I would have started as soon as I could.

    I know it's probably not the advice you're looking for, I know nothing about natural remedies, but I can tell you for certain this drug will clear you up.
  8. Thanks so much for the replies. I've been washing my face with unscented soap and I use coconut oil and lemon/lavender lately.

    Been drinking lots of water, will be staying away from sugars and grease.

    Thanks ;-]
  9. Sinner

    Sinner Guest

    Well I am now on a treatment of benzoyl peroxide, gentle face cleanser twice a day and eritromycine, and I really think M has a lot to do in acne, so ditching it should improve your skin.
    Zin likes this.
  10. Zin

    Zin Fapstronaut

    I dont see the link between the two but I have swear by this also. No matter how pseudo science it is.
  11. Sinner

    Sinner Guest

    Well, I think I do see the link, if you M the hormones inside your body work more, and a huge charge of testosteron is thrown away of your body, making hormones work more to produce new leading to an imbalance, so without doing it, the body won't work that much and the hormones are more quiet.