Okay here we go!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by evanstar, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. evanstar

    evanstar New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone!
    Just signed up with nofap. Time to make some changes.
    I have been watching porn to masturbate to almost daily for more years than I'd like to think about now and it's time to gain some self control. I was just with someone the other day and actually had a hard time getting off while we were jacking off. He (yes I'm gay) finished long before me and it was a bit embarrassing. I had to go back to the images I'd been watching in porn. This can't be how it's supposed to work.

    I'm also really wanting to take a vow of chastity until I find the right person. It's a lot for me but it's what I really want.

    I'm nervous about giving up porn. Porn is my cigarette. It's my drug. It feels like it's what keeps me sane. I'm expecting when the urge comes either later today or tomorrow (the urge WILL come) I'm going to really have a hard time staying focused on things. I'm also worried that not going on porn will drive me to want to have actual sex, I guess I'll have to wait and see what actually happens and then jot down some thoughts. Anyways I look forward to reading more posts here and doing what I can to support you all as I hope to find support here myself. Also are there like, steps to follow here? Is there a "beginners guide?" I'm still learning more about the site. Thank you!
  2. 88rhinos

    88rhinos Fapstronaut

    I'm new too dude and I think you just took the first step; admitting that it's a problem. If you joined then that means there is at least a little willpower inside of you willing to fight hard and make the change. I'm not sure how to make that willpower grow or what the next step is from here (seems to be different for everyone), but be proud that you took the first step and use that pride and momentum to make the necessary change. Porn rewires our brains reward system (dopamine) maybe your next step could be to research that and see how porn has changed you.
  3. evanstar

    evanstar New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply man. We can do it!