
Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by cadia guardsman, Aug 13, 2021.

  1. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    So ive being dating a girl that i meet on my gym, we did a few trains together , it went well but overhall i tried to kiss her but she rejected me and she doesnt answer more my messages , since we are on the same gym what should i do if i see her? Ignore her? Just say hello? Or talk to her about what happened?

    When she rejected me , i said no problem and it wasnt an ugly rejection she just sees me as a friend
    NoEdgingForever and Vanquisher12 like this.
  2. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    Say hello and keep it moving.

    You attempted to kiss her, it didn't work out, life goes on.

    "no problem" was a good reaction.
  3. Just ask her honestly why she rejected you
    Express how you feel about that

    tell her if she doesn’t want to see you again, that’s ok. But a clear explanation would be appreciated because nobody deserves to be ghosted. You re a human being, not a dog.

    Just be honest
    nan1234 and cadia guardsman like this.
  4. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Well she will probably see me much more times since we train on the same gym ahahah and rhe rejection has i said wasnt that bad she still follows me on social media , she didnt got mad at me neither did i altough she didnt replied more to my message , it still sucks but it could had been worst
    I will say hi to her and maybe say that
  5. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    This. She was just interested in your friendship. You wanted more. Your interest weren't aligned. Just move on to another woman.

    This not going to work. Woman don't want to hurt your feelings, she is not going to be direct about this with you. She is ignoring his text messages, she is basically avoiding him. What do you thing she is going to do if you confront her about this? she is probably going to feel really akward and run away or maybe avoid you at all cost.

    Is not about what you deserve. Is about her showing you how she is. A woman that ghost you, is disqualifying herself from your life. She is alredy telling you that she treat people like crap.
    The quality of your life it totally correlated to the people you have in it. You should better remove woman like this from yours.

    Just wave at her and keep working out. She is now in the past. People that ghosted you don't deserve your time. Use it with people that have more integrity and values you.

    Another thing.. she wanted friendship, you wanted something more. She can dissapier or try to get you in friendzone.. stand your ground, or you start dating or you are not going to talk/hang again. Not in person or chat.
  6. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    Just move on mate, and don't look back, she obviously wasn't your type. You'll find a better girl one day, with whom you'll connect better and build a stronger bond. That sort of girl is the one you should be asking out and inviting into a kiss.
  7. What you are saying here is straight out of the red pill mentality. So much pride and anger. Lack of humanity.
    When you approach women you realize that everything you've been told and read since you were a child is wrong. Ask yourself if what you're saying is going to move the relationship forward with this woman. You'll see that what you're saying makes no sense. It's more of an avoidance strategy than a collaboration strategy. Worse, you're sure to have regrets because you didn't do your best to make things happen in a positive way. You can get rejected, I'm not saying you can't. The goal is to get rejected (or not) with 0 regrets.

    Honesty, vulnerability and knowing how to express what you feel is extremely attractive and makes you a person with great value and a great sense of self. I'm not saying it works every time. But you're sure to have no regrets. Rather than not saying anything just out of pride.
    It takes practice. That's the problem with people who give advice on how to seduce women. They don't practice.
    Everything you believe to be true about women is quickly challenged when you get out of your house and overcome your fears.

    I approach women almost every day, travel abroad and practice with a dating coach who is also my best friend(it's been 3 years, I started at 19). I think I know what I'm talking about. And even after 3 years of intensive practice, I tell myself that I am far from knowing everything and that I still have at least 5 years before becoming really really good.
    You're the kind of guy who says "focus on yourself and women will come to you". Whereas a guy who approaches women with a caring attitude has many more options. And lives a much more sexually and emotionally fulfilled life than a guy who waits for a miracle to happen.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2021
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  8. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Well she actually today send me a message saying i did nothing wrong and that she simply wasnt expecting that , she said she maybe send me the wrong ideia but she is with someone now
  9. misoramen

    misoramen New Fapstronaut

    I think it's good that she gave you that closure that you did nothing wrong. Now that you know how she feels and she knows how you feel, you can all move on.
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  10. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't persue a relationship with a woman like this. She showed him lack of integrity. I would definitevely remove her from my life.
    An important part of dating is leaving behind toxic woman, no matter how hot they are.

    Yes, this is what is told by woman and movies but it doesn't work in real life.

    So you choosed to chase woman. Work to get woman attention. That's totally femenine and is working against you.
    You are trying to convince woman you are a nice sensitive guy and she should spend time with you.
    I don't, I pursue my best selve, I work on myselve and let woman chase me and try to convice me they are a good catch. When you experience that, you are not going to settle for a woman that is not chasing you.
    Woman love to chase the man they desire, and will do anything to be with you. If you are the one chasing, you are the one doing everything for her.

    Well.. you are too young.. You lack a lot of experience. Is good that you are putting effort on it, but is going to be more rewarded if you put all that effort into you and not woman.
    Bob_the_Rebuilder likes this.
  11. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    I talked to her , she was behind me , i touched her shoulder but appeared on the other side, she laugh, and well it went well when she saw me her first reaction was her eyes shining lol, no problem , everything fine , she says she is with someone and she is only posting stuff with another girl, she seems to be really bisexual in my opinion