Gay thoughts, anal play and PIED

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Vanquisher12, Jul 18, 2021.

  1. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    Hello there friends,

    Been fighting this for a long while and just wanted to tell someone about it and get it off my chest.

    As you may have known already, I had consumed porn for four years before starting NoFap, and the last year of that was largely oriented toward gay porn. This has prompted me to not only think more about gay sexual fantasies, but also experiment with playing with my anus, and several times I have given myself a prostate orgasm. I’m concerned if this in part has contributed to me PIED in a way by getting my brain wired toward seeking anal pleasure rather than genital pleasure. What’s more, the most unsettling and demoralising thing is that while I can get an erection up if I concentrate and think about sexual thoughts involving me with another guy, there’s no such luck when thinking about girls in the same way, I assume because my addled brain is seeing the latter pathways as not stimulating enough and too familiar. Now I know I’m not gay because I always used to be aroused by girls only in years past, though I’m concerned I might be bi, but I’ve realised that even if I am, I don’t have to entertain the fetish of being with another male and can still pursue my wish to find a girlfriend I can spend my life with. I am making the effort to resist at all times any urges to finger myself or think gay thoughts, fortunately I know what the underlying causes of my PMO habits are now and that’s really helping to build great NoFap streaks, but periodically these urges still come back and I think it would help to let all the stress from it out on here.

    I just hope abstaining for long enough, plus making the effort to interact more with women once these rotten social distancing restrictions are dismantled, will be able to free me from this shite once and for all and give me my erections toward girls back.
  2. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    This is probably a fetish/escalation thing. I have been through similar phase and it significantly faded. It is not uncommon to hear there or in other places stories about people who acted on some porn induced fetish and ended horribly bad. Porn allows to indulge in fantasies that might be very uncomfortable or even traumatising for us in real life.
    formothermary and Vanquisher12 like this.
  3. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I mean, this is just my take, and could be totally wrong, but I think you hit the nail on the head, you are not gay, nor bisexual, just a dopamine junkie that found that can stimulate the prostate directly instead of just a couple of muscle spasms during orgasm, and now is hooked to that new level of dopamine release, and incidentaly gay porn and fantasies serves the purpose of fueling the craving for such type of stimulation.

    So it sounds 100% like escalation to me.

    Very straightforward question, on real life, do you feel attracted, to men? like, you see a guy get aroused and fantasize? or is more imagined scenarios that arouse you?
  4. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    Yep, I’m sure it’s due to escalation. Originally I only masturbated while thinking about girls without porn for about six years, then I started watching porn featuring girls for another three-ish, before moving onto first transwoman porn and then gay porn. Then I found out about prostate stimulation, and here I am in this wretched state - unable to get any erection when thinking about girls even though I still enjoy fantasising about them, and only capable of getting any kind of erection through gay fantasies I do not want.

    I just hope it will disappear, I’m just a bit disappointed that nothing has really changed yet despite 20 days of NoFap, but maybe that’s just due to impatience.

    I did experiment with a male friend at school once (that was before watching any form of porn but I did masturbate twice a day at that time), I must admit that directly now, and all my gay fantasies are about guys my age I’ve been friends with, but those fantasies were in private with imagined scenarios, never when actually around them (and they’ve got much more regular since I started watching gay porn). Also I’ve never just looked at a man and immediately started fantasising about him, and have never become aroused just by looking at strange guys. Even in this corrupted state my eyes are still drawn to women, even though I don’t get any erections because of the PIED.
    Freedom_from_PMO likes this.
  5. Now, I'm no mathematician, but it looks to me like you took a decade to get where you are. It's going to take more than 20 days of NoFap to climb your way out of that hole. Keep going, though - at least you're heading in the right direction.
  6. iwontfail67

    iwontfail67 Fapstronaut

    definitely not gay, just addicted to increasingly extreme shocks in porn. Cut that shit out of your life.
  7. Pugsley

    Pugsley Fapstronaut

    It would like to speak up in defense of, what seems to be, an unpopular opinion here.

    Maybe You are bi, if You are, that doesn't mean You have to do anything with guys. You can still pursue only women, but don't beat Yourself up for Your feelings.

    And, if You enjoy anal stimulation, there are plenty of women who enjoy giving that as well.

    Only You can know who You are and what You like.
  8. That's one possibility as well, but we talk about porn here. I'm in a similar situation, but without ,,anal stimulation/play etc''. It's quite stupid, in my opinion at least (and others from what I read), to determine your sexuality through porn. You need real experiences, relationships, sex, crushes etc. with real people to be 100% sure when you are confused about something so important as sexuality. If you are uncomfortable, you feel guilty, ashamed and depressed or anxious just because you watched some taboo types of porn, I think you should stop there because a real intercourse with a man or a woman(in the case of a female) might be extremely traumatic for certain people and might lead to a much worse outcome. But yeah, you can do what you want, it's your life and own decision after all.

    Let's say you like all types of porn, you start to identify as bisexual without any real experience with the same/opposite sex and ,,come out'' to your family and friends. Then you might try some things with the same sex and you find out that things are very different in reality than porn. You may find the experience disgusting, repulsive etc. and you might realize that after all, you are not that bisexual as you thought. But what do you do now? All of your friends and relatives(and maybe other people) know that you identify as a bisexual. Now you will tell them, that you are not?

    That's the thing with porn, you might really like some type/s of porn but in real life you would be disgust by it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2021
  9. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    Plenty is an overstatement. Statistically more women are submissives and more are vanilla.
  10. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    An update on this, the last couple of nights I’ve gained pretty strong erections from thoughts about girls, and though I’m not able to get strong erections when thinking about them during the day still, I do get some response from my penis now where before I usually didn’t. Additionally while I still get the occasional gay thought and a strong erection from it, I’m better able to dismiss them now, and have had no desire to practice anal play.

    All of this shows that my brain is starting to heal (I’ve been without porn now for around a couple of months, and feel no desire to get into it again), so all I need to do is keep going with NoFap and eventually all normal function should be restored. I feel so much better about this now, and to know that NoFap is working. I’ve been particularly inspired by the words of @modernstore99 that all porn-induced damage can be repaired over time.
    Chris_Cactusblossom likes this.
  11. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    even if 1% of women enjoy giving it that is already plenty, and i am sure more than 1% do, not necessarily every day and all the time but just to spice thing up so to speak.
  12. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    People aren't super open about stuff they do to spice things up, so it is still a lottery. My point is that caring too much about some overly specific kink might lead to unnecessary disappointment.
    ankith and Vanquisher12 like this.
  13. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    You definitely have HOCD based on what I can see. I had HOCD last winter, but through a continued NoFap effort those thoughts have mostly, if not fully, gone away. I don't feel inferior to other men like I did when I was addicted to porn. Doing NoFap will most definitely reduce those thoughts for you and make you less submissive if that's what you want.
  14. DrBrowser

    DrBrowser Fapstronaut

    Hello,I want to add some of my experience with regards to anal play and also extreme anal related P.
    I consider myself to be an absolute straight man, with no arousal around men whatsoever or by watching gay men in action but the last 2-3 years I have been digin into extreme anal stuff using dildos, I ended up buying a few extreme toys and using them often when I was left alone.
    I started in 2016 buying small stuff , always ended throwing them toys away because I often felt ashamed, wasted, miserable after using them after O.
    In 2020 because of the pandemic enclosure at home and my recently girlfriend broke with me right after that so I ended being enclosed with her for months without any escape to frustration but PMO, I always had some fancy to anal stimulation , found it pleasurable but it went downhill and in 2020 I started buying bigger toys , testing my phisical limits and with time wanting more extreme sensations, the feeling after using them was usually shame, tiredness, felt less of a person after falling to it, specially I could feel the lack of energy the days after that untill I could recover back the energy that went with it, also the physical sensations in my digestive and lower belly were not so nice since I had to "clean" before use and I used a not optimal but drastical way to do enema using cold water. I have never had erectile issues but last years it was harder for me to maintain erections with my sexual partners at moments , always felt arousal by girls and had proper phisical reactions to beautiful femenine treats but somehow maybe I neglected my penis health.
    Definitively , I feel so much stronger without PMO or doing that sexual activity even tho I engage in sex once a week or so with a friend but it feels not so demanding.
    My last few experiences with her have improved quite a bit because of my new routine with water pumps, my erection is stronger on all situations and it makes a difference on her enjoyment of the sexual act.
    Where am I trying to go with this?
    I decided to quit for good on that sexual kink of using big dildos since I felt it was detrimental for my overall health and well being but I have tried this in the past , thrown away not once but many times other toys I bought in the past just to end buying new ones because of my lack of self control over the huge urges that come and go from time to time.
    One is not free even if he thinks he is, urges come and go and it is really difficult to face them and defeat them and win them all. I have been strugling with this for years and I manage to stay away as long as months in a row but eventually when energy goes back to your body and builds up is when it is the most difficult to hold .
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  15. Nabson

    Nabson Fapstronaut

    La plupart des gens ici on connu le sexe gay qu'à travers la pornographie
    Sans la pornographie les gens ne penserai pas au porno gay
  16. @SickSicko You are spot on. It's all about prostate stimulation. Anything that releases dopamine in our brain.
  17. GeeJ

    GeeJ Fapstronaut

    You get strong erections from guys and girls. If you were bisexual would it be a big issue?
    You like playing with your butt, ok.
    Believe it or not a lot of straight ppl play with their butts.
    If you have seen the things I have seen straight guys do with their butts. They only conclusion would to get a sticker out and put 'You Gay' on their face.
    Thats where 1 of are G-spots are, it's bound to feel good.
    I shouldn't say.
    When you said you had anal orgasm with no penile stimulation. I was fascinated.
    I am a sexual freak. Get over it.