What are the true reasons for rebooting?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by g0lliver, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. g0lliver

    g0lliver Fapstronaut

    I've been reading a lot around on this forum. As a new abstainer, I'd like a few questions answered.

    What are the real reasons for rebooting? I know porn is unnatural, and it warps our expectations of women. That I agree with 100 percent. I vow not to watch any more as it is seriously affecting my sex life.

    HOWEVER - masturbation in it's own entity - need it be a bad thing? Maybe it can approached as an exercise - just a form of physical stimulation without stigma or need for porn.

    I read so much on here about guys not M'ing, then having an almost unbearable desire for women, which calms down into not wanting to be with a woman at all?

    Why would anyone not want to be with a woman?

    I don't get this.... maybe i'm being dense, as a newbie... but I'm giving up porn so I can open my eyes to beautiful, real women, and enjoy them healthily and without warped expectations.

    And, finally would not M'ing once a week to real, happy experiences that I have had be acceptable? As these things happened to me, and I revel in their memory, it is not fantasizing..... thoughts?
  2. Read up on sexual transmutation and you'll see how valuable the male seed really is, and how important it is to cultivate it instead of using it and throwing it around aimlessly.

    The benefits of semen retention are amazing, so much so that 95% of us feel that masturbating, even if it's once a week or not is entirely pointless.
    Also, most of us do not trust ourselves to even engage in masturbation just once a week, as this can lead to further experimentation, and can even lead into porn. You just have to be realistic. If you really genuinely feel that you could masturbate just once a week, then be my guest. For most men, it's almost impossible. There are "chaser effects". You do it once, your body will crave the rush again, and again. It's never just a "one off".

    Most of us feel horrible after engaging in masturbation, at all. So we stay away from it. The act of it alone makes most of us feel disgusting afterwards. There's a reason for that feeling, so why ignore it? Might as well just stop altogether. Your body is trying to tell you something. Your body wants to retain it's seed for a reason. Retaining your semen is good for you. Read up on all of the things that your semen possesses, such as protein, acids, vitamins etc...

    I've never heard of any one abstaining from PMO and then feeling like they do not want to engage with women. You must have read someone's post wrong.

    A lot of the things you've asked I could have expanded on in length, but to be honest with you, most of this has all been answered hundreds of times already on different posts.
    FreedomIsHere and Indignation like this.
  3. Indignation

    Indignation Fapstronaut

    Some negative and positive reinforcement from my own experience.

    Negative after PMO: Guilt, Lower energy, less focus, more prone to day dreaming about porn which leads to less getting done and more nervousness towards women.

    Positive from Nofap: Confidence(You are doing something most men in this modern age can't find the strength to break away from), more energy(from sperm retention), some people get a lower voice(Testosterone?). No more guilt and you begin to start to feel innocent again. All in all you begin to feel more pure, like this is how we should've always been. But over the years it's been twisted by our lust and social beliefs. Spiritually, emotionally and mentally you feel amazing the longer you abstain. Not 24/7, but most of the time after the big withdrawals.

    With masturbation I would recommend that you go without it, because of the benefits and also like alltherage said the chaser effect would probably make you want to go to porn to get a better high.

    Nofap will not make you asexual. It will help you start viewing sexuality differently though. Not so much as a drug to get high off of. You will be able to clearly understand what you want or don't want sexually instead of being a slave to your lust and desire.
    mikepian and AlltheRageBackHome like this.
  4. NewStart2015h

    NewStart2015h Fapstronaut

    Hmm I think a bit differently about this to be honest. When I started NoFap I was convinced hardmode forever was correct and I went 100 days hardmode however now I have started to re introduce just m to my life again and I find it great to be honest. I keep it to at least once every 2 weeks and I don't fantasize I only stay in the present and the physical sensation of it. I no longer see any need to deprive myself of it and I get no chaser effect from it and no guilt.

    Porn is the problem because it fucks your brain up. And I do think you need to steer well clear of masturbation untill you are fully rebooted, however long that takes you but I think M in itself isn't that bad at all and I think it's healthy to be able to give yourself some pleasure.

    I consider myself a very addcitive person and I've been addicted to lots of things in my life and I read up an interesting thing about people like myself: That we go from one extreme to another, we go from chainsmoking to doing shit tons of excercise and then when we relapse we go straight back into chainsmoking. We do not understand how to live in moderation and I think it's important to learn how to do that.

    This all depends on who you want to be to be honest. I believe in sexual transmutaion and I think there is a lot of good in semen retention but it all depends on how ambitious you are and what you want to be doing. I quite want a relaxed and ordinary life so I am happy with just trying to regulate myself and trying to find moderation. I have Md twice since 100 days and I am not even slightly or remotely interested in porn. I genuinelly cannot see myself ever going back there but I think M every now again is healthy. Also I am in a place where I don't want to be with anyone sexually very much so it just makes sense.. It's a nice feeling and I think if you regulate yourself to just enjoy it and not depend on it or let it intefere with your life it's fine.
    mv8652 and DKR like this.
  5. Indignation

    Indignation Fapstronaut

    Nice! I'm surprised you don't have the chaser effect! Different strokes for different folks I guess hehe.
  6. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    In answer to your two questions, as I feel they haven't been fully answered.

    Often people reboot for the wrong reasons, they want a girl, their SO tells them they need to etc. But the issue with that is that they are not the motivator in the equation. If you yourself, are not the motivator, you will never recover. That being said I am rebooting because I don't want the effects of porn in my life. I feel it is wrong. I don't like how it makes me feel. A really big one, I don't want that brought into my marriage one day and it simply isn't fair to her. Plus all the physical side-effects etc.

    A lot of guys choose not to M because we can't M and not P. If we M, maybe the first time it is just M, but then it is M and fantasy, and then eventually back to PM. Some of us just can't handle having it in our lives at all. Now, I will say I am still in the reboot so I don't know for certain, but yes there are flat lines. I have had some too, it happens, but that is natural. Sometimes our body and brain just doesn't want to be sexual and that is okay. The unbearable desire is a result of higher testosterone levels and people choosing to not correct their mindset to divert from temptations. Now, that is just my opinion. I believe that if you don't correct your mindset, then you will eventually end up back relapsing. Very few of these people I have seen have come down to "not wanting to be with women at all," most people I find who have successfully done a full 90 day hard mode + reboot, don't necessarily not want to be with women, but they have the confidence, dedication, and will power to make not every bimbo on the street turn them on as they walk. That to me is how it should be. I personally don' have a constant horniness anymore, I don't have a boner all the time. I wake up with morning wood less and less, and unwanted boners dissipate faster. That being said, believe me I get plenty turned on when I make out with my girlfriend - however, we are not married so it is sticking to just making out.

    I hope this helps.
    FreedomIsHere likes this.
  7. ThatOneGuy56

    ThatOneGuy56 Fapstronaut

    There are a lot of reasons for me. I've honestly wish I had found this site sooner. I have been PO'ing (I have never M nor do I plan to) for more then a year now and I noticed that before the streak I was on now I changed. I began to crave porn more then real women, the porn I watched became more disgusting and foul and every time after I Po'd I felt "good" but later on I felt like I was wasting my time. Only recently in June I realized that Po'ing was not only a bad habit but for my religion it was a really bad sin. I tried multiple times (around 6 or 7) to make it at least a week without Po but I failed (mainly because I edged at the time). Then I found this forum and I really studied my addiction, the cause of it, the effects, the triggers, and now I'm doing great and I feel amazing and I don't plan on relapsing after my 90 day goal. I finally realized that Po really set me back- I still could talk to girls and be friends but I was too excited about porn in order to get closer to some of them. I have had past experiences with girls that I'm not exactly proud of (no sex mainly hookups) but I left that in the past. I do want a girlfriend but I want rewire my brain first before I even attempt to date someone. For now I can just make friends with them :p. All I wanted to do was stop be a slave to Po and be clean and have a clearer mind. Because of my streak I am having much fewer sexual thoughts, a lot more control on urges, finding women much more attractive, and I generally feel more confident.
    Real_OGH and FreedomIsHere like this.
  8. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing. Unfortunately, I did find this site sooner. But my pride say no. I wish that I had acted on this site sooner. Thank you again for sharing.
    ThatOneGuy56 likes this.
  9. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Since you asked, here are my reasons:

    1. My faith teaches that PMO (among other sexual behaviors) are gravely sinful, because they are destructive. And I have come to see that for myself (i.e., what follows).
    2. PMO was in the process of destroying me like a cancer. It I were to continue with it, it would go on warping my personality and my sexuality; deepening my slavery and addiction; warping me morally; and if it were discovered, it would wreck my career and many relationships.
    3. The time I spent was significant, with nothing to show for it.
    4. I had so much to hide before, and I detested what I was doing. I detested myself.
    5. There is nothing loving or generous or life-giving about any of it. That includes masturbation. I realize many think it's innocent; and for the immature, it's not the worst thing in the world. But it's not a help to maturity. It's the opposite of what we all aspire to be: people who give to, and care about, others.
    6. As integral to ourselves as our sexuality is, the pursuit of orgasm is not a way to make a life. We discover many OTHER things about sexuality -- and ourselves -- when we stop making orgasms the totem.
    7. One of the things I need -- I think we all need -- is the discipline and self-mastery to be able to be truly generous.
    8. I was and am ashamed of the way I treated the people in those images. They are all real people. Many, many people who are depicted in porn, are there because of suffering. Drugs, poverty, manipulation, blackmail, deceit, and other things got them into that business. Many, many times I looked at images in which it was pretty obvious someone was suffering and in pain. Even as I was fapping to those images, I could see it. Sometimes it was so obvious, and so disturbing, I couldn't fap to that image. So I'd move onto another one. And yet, there were times when the sorts of images I really wanted involved a grey area: maybe they were in pain, maybe they weren't. I continue to pray for those people, mindful that at one time, I was one of their exploiters; I gazed with desire at them, while they were suffering.
    9. I used to think that it was manly to be able to get myself excited, and ejaculate. How stupid that was! Now I realize true virility: I am able to control myself!
    10. I used to wonder: what will become of me? How can I go on like this -- i.e., as someone hungering and thirsting, longing and aching, for images? Never satisfied, craving more, more, MORE!? Do you know what that sounds like? HELL. An eternity of aching, thirsting, longing, with nothing to satisfy you. Hunger and emptiness, forever and ever. Now? I feel peace. I don't mean I'm never tempted. But I know where peace is, and I have found grace and strength to make my way there, and stay there. What does an eternity of peace and fulfillment of life sound like? It sounds like HEAVEN to me.
    Phyzik likes this.
  10. newman_unleashed

    newman_unleashed Fapstronaut

    I agree with not dating until I have done at least the 90 day reboot successfully. I want to be myself and see the girl for who she is. I have more energy, better skin, deeper voice, and unbounded confidence. The innocence mentioned above is to me the biggest benefit. I feel pure, and therefore free to be myself. Just had to reset after a 40 day streak, and man do I feel all the negative feelings and issues in full force. Guilt, inability to concentrate, low energy, negative thoughts, difficulty looking people in the eye. Still feeling the chaser effect, which makes things even more unpleasant. I hate what I did, but my body is asking to do it more. Sickening.
    Indignation, mikepian and Real_OGH like this.