Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by iaj, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. Hesychast

    Hesychast Fapstronaut

    I think it's a good thing to steel ourselves against- there might be some initial triggers/urges discussing this now, but imagine when VR gets to the point of full immersion and tactile feedback.

    It's funny, there's that whole conspiracy theory about technology being pushed forward to lull us all into a false sense of security so the 'global elite' can push their agenda forward, which is debatable... Then you consider it through the lens of fully immersive VR environments becoming a reality, and you do have to wonder. Once everyone's comfortably thrashing it to completely fake yet convincing virtual images, what kind of political moves will be pulled whilst everyone's backs are turned?

    I'm against this tech in general; I have to accept that it is in the process of happening and there really is no turning back. For us reading this thread though, perhaps it might be thought-provoking enough to take a step back and assess the situation when these seemingly perfect technologies become commonplace...

    I, for one, will be playing in the sunshine.
  2. Hesychast

    Hesychast Fapstronaut

    Interesting that I posted precisely the opposite view at around the same time, hahah... I think the main issue with VR has been the bulkiness of the headsets and terrible resolution though right? It was a novelty when I was growing up, but I have this really clear memory of there being this VR headset tank game at the local arcade. It made your eyes hurt but it was really addictive, being able to look around the world as you played etc.
    It seems that we're reaching the point of the headsets weighing less than a couple hundred grams and the graphics pretty much being HD. I personally think we're 2-5 years away from the first affordable, full-immersion VR devices coming to market.
    TBH, I hope you're right and it never catches on...
    recon117 likes this.
  3. w95chris

    w95chris Fapstronaut

    Well I am known for my telepathy skills so there you go ;)
    It will take some time for it to be developed in order to match the technology today. I remember some years ago that PS4 offered you VR headset but I no longer hear anything about it. I also recall that they were expensive if you wanted a quality one (100-150€ or more) so they are not gaining ground as of yet. Not to mention that you look like an idiot wearing that thing and I think that a lot of them are not comfortable so after an hour max you could not take any more
    Let's hope it stays that way though
    Hesychast likes this.
  4. iaj

    iaj Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Good point and true! However the VR experience itself is so immersive that as a ‘drug’, it’s stronger than the regular 2D high. Hence potentially having severer symptoms.
  5. Damn, what a scary topic, I've read all replies.
    There should be more awareness jn the world about this, otherwise Rest in Peace to future generations!5
    iaj and Rexamilli Vanilli like this.
  6. Ya tell me about it never got into the stuff but it's just getting big isn't it I gotta get a grip now I can only imagine how hard that is to walk away from if you ever do probably leads to sex robot use eventually.
    iaj likes this.
  7. smh_fam

    smh_fam Fapstronaut

    Within 10 years there will be 8K 120fps 360° 7.1 Channel Surround Sound VR porn.

    I think that's when they'll start finding people dead in their bedrooms with a VR headset on (from dehydration and exhaustion) and things will start getting regulated.
  8. Real Men will be rare like diamonds and gold....
    iaj likes this.
  9. iaj

    iaj Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  10. I strongly recommend the book by russian writer Victor Pelevin - iPhuck10, its about this subject(VR porn). Altough its a tough read, he kind of predicted this virus (the book is from 2017) which will further lead to more loneliness and expansion of VR porn tools.
    In the novel People can live their own movies with VR porn and almost 99% of population dont have real sex, because they can live out any sick fantasy they like via VR. Very clever book, in the spirit of Brave New World or some other anti-utopias.
    Mr.Tony and iaj like this.
  11. You're right, you could imagine what will happen afterward, how would relationships be ?

    Some men wouldn't need wives in more in their life, as they would tey all sorts of ugly kinky fetish imaginable over VR.

    I once tried VR on some PS4 video games, including RE7, that stuff look real, I really feel sorry for future Porn Addictes as that will be 100x more hard to quit from the 2D screen.
    iaj and Chevu Chelios like this.
  12. unimportant

    unimportant Fapstronaut

    Dude, they even have an automated masturbater that links up with the video your watching, controlling rhythm. Effectively you can sit there like a zombie fully immersed with a 10/10 impossibly hot woman riding you and feel it in real time with the video. It controls everything, pressure, rotating hips, etc.

    I can't get a vr set because I know I'll get that device then run off into the hills and never do anything with my life. I mean what's the point when you can just lay there and be literally milked by the most pleasurable simulation conceivable in this age.

    Admittedly though, if they ever come out with an android that is indistinguishable, might as well, like fuck it.
    iaj, Mr.Tony and Chevu Chelios like this.
  13. Not everything should be tried in this life... It's just a Rush of Dopamine in the brain.
    iaj likes this.
  14. Deysonn

    Deysonn Fapstronaut

    I have an occulus headset and must say VR porn is at another level. Definitely do not go there! Fortunately for me I was all ready well aware of the dangers of PMO and my usage was limited to a period where I fell off the NoFap wagon. I warn you it was very intense. And the thing is that I did not pay for the really high quality stuff, The videos I consumed were average for VR, not the really high resolution stuff. That is a whole other world you can get sucked into. I can see how your time, money and sexuality could get sucked away.

    Long story short, do not use VR porn or any porn for that matter....lol.
    iaj likes this.
  15. smh_fam

    smh_fam Fapstronaut

    Yeah, this is why I don't own a VR headset or a 4K monitor or TV.
    iaj likes this.
  16. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    I agree. It's good to leave out unnecessary temptations. It's one of the reasons why I don't want a smartphone. Being able to look up porn anywhere, at any time? No thanks... [​IMG]
    iaj and OhWhenThe like this.
  17. I would flip this around: Have VR for recovery/rebooting at recovery centers or some other place where you can rent time and can't choose to run porn software on it.

    Edit: Of course we need people to write recovery software first..
    iaj likes this.
  18. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Huh? What would this recovery software be like?
    iaj likes this.
  19. Description of the movie THX 1138 by George Lucas from 1971.

    "People in the future live in a totalitarian society. A technician named THX 1138 lives a mundane life between work and taking a controlled consumption of drugs that the government uses to make puppets out of people. As THX is without drugs for the first time he has feelings for a woman and they start a secret relationship."

    Do you see similarity to porn as drug ?
    Reborn16 and iaj like this.
  20. Deysonn

    Deysonn Fapstronaut

    I do, It also makes me wonder if Equilibrium was inspired by THX 1138.
    iaj likes this.