Approximate time to heal PIED?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by hervesta, Apr 28, 2021.

  1. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    I know everyone is different and there is no sure calculation to see how long PIED takes to cure, however there are factors to what makes one cure faster than other. I will put them down below and I want you guys (preferably ones who have been here for a long time and know their stuff) to estimate how long I can expect to recover.

    Addicted from ages 13-18.

    PMO escalated when I was 16

    I would have PMO sessions roughly 1-2 maybe 3 times a week for ~30 minutes before age 16, then it was 4-5 times and ~1 hour and on rare occasions (mostly before I got PIED) 3 hours.

    Never had any sexual experience during teens.

    as of now I did get into a "heaven" phase where 12 days of month 4 I basically was healed, though now I lost all of that, I don't have any desire to watch porn, more and more of my intrusive thought are becoming more vanilla but the memories of HC p*rn is there. and I currently am at day 157. Ignoring this last part, how long should I expect it to take, from what I've seen I should expect healing in months 7-9, does this sound right?
  2. BravelyKegger

    BravelyKegger Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Honestly I think the 3 months is just fine, I believe once your morning wood returns you should be mostly good to go, I am 10 days in and still have non but usually it happens after the 1 month mark.
    Slowlybutsurely and helloo1221 like this.
  3. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    I am much older than you but my PIED is 90% gone after 90 days. I've heard younger guys can take longer but not always. Keep away from PMO and fantasizing and you will get better.
  4. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    fantasizing what exactly? porn scenes or sex in general?
  5. Since you are a younger user, according to Gary Wilson at least 6-12 months.
    90 days was the original estimate based on other addictions (nicotine, alcohol) that only applies to older users (40+) who did NOT grow up with high speed internet and porn tube sites, so they didn't fuck up their adolescent brains, which are more malleable and therefore save information at a deeper level.

    He also states that with younger addicts we start seeing cases which might never heal and never be normal.

    Watch this at the 10 minute mark:
    hervesta likes this.
  6. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    Specific sex stuff. I'm not gonna get into it here. The one thing that would always get me off in movies or imagination.
  7. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    Oh geez, how many cases have there been of people never healing? what are the factors that play into that? I, thank God, have been addicted for roughly half the amount of time than the average addiction span of many like Noah and Gabe, so I am going to assume on a hopeful wish that the ones who never heal were addicts from like 8 to 25...
  8. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Do you think that I have a chance to heal? Been a PMO internet addict since 2006, 29 years old is when my PIED/flatline onset in 2016, 2021 now and still haven't been able to abstain. But I'm going on 2 days right now so if I keep this up, do I have a chance?
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2021
  9. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    Ah so you got addicted during adulthood, is there by any chance you had sex before you got addicted? either way, you can still heal definitely. There are stories of older guys who were addicted for decades starting adulthood and healed fine within 1-2 years. Your first obstacle is quitting porn and fighting urges though. If you have trouble in that I suggest you seek in real life accountability. I personally told my mom and many of my friends who were all supportive of me and got me to the point where I don't even have urges at all, just PIED and intrusive thoughts are the issue here.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  10. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I never had sex in my life. I am gay, so I have some insecurity with that which I'm working on (don't judge). I originally got addicted to male photos from like 14 and then it gravitated to the internet when I was in my early 20's, and 29 is when my PIED/flatlined just happened after a masturbation session so that's why I'm concerned.

    I get no sexual urges.
  11. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    to put it shortly, YES you can heal and you WILL heal if you abstain from porn, orgasm, masturbation for about a year or 2, oh and try not to fantasize at all until 1. you cannot help it 2. it is not porn-like 3. your urges to go back to porn are gone mostly and 4. they are of people you know. However it would be a quicker recovery if you do not do so at all, because depending on the type of fantasy it can activate those neural pathways of addiction and slow down your progress. Don't worry if you accidentally slip into fantasy, because I'd say 80% of rebooters slow themselves down in someway or another (which makes a couple months difference)
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  12. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Thank you. It's been a hard year with COVID and I feel like I wasted it...
    hervesta likes this.
  13. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    Same, I actually had a 4 month long streak without even knowing it, then I relapsed into PIED when covid hit. though I kinda see it as a blessing to me because my PIED only hit when other factors came around like not being healthy or social for the past 7 months.
  14. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    I just reread your question. Yes stay away from all sexual thoughts and fantasizing as much as possible. Try to push the thoughts out of your mind. In other words when you catch yourself thinking sexual thoughts during the 90 days think about something else.
  15. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    I know I know. though for a small amount of rebooters, when they reach a certain stage of recovery, unforced normal fantasy can actually help them recover.
    Slowlybutsurely likes this.