OCD and NoFap

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by MysterMagi, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. MysterMagi

    MysterMagi Fapstronaut

    Without getting to personal, I suffer from a bizarre form of OCD known as dermatillomania, which is basically an extreme compulsion to pick at one's skin. It is also tied with trichotillomania, which is compulsive hair pulling/plucking. This OCD has put me in the hospital a few times due to the mental pain it carries.

    Since I started this NoFap journey in November of 2013, I have notice huge improvements regarding my OCD. I feel like I am on the path to recovery. Those who have been witness to the destructiveness this OCD causes me have also commented that I seem to be getting it under control. Nobody has any idea about my NoFap quest, so they are not basing this judgement on the fact that I have given up something that was also taking over my life.

    I am wondering if there is a known connection between masturbation/porn use and OCD. Does anyone have any info on this? Perhaps there is a way to use both NoFap and OCD-control as tools for recovery.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014
  2. Staal

    Staal Fapstronaut

    I only have personal experience. My life has been OCD HELL for 10 years.. all sorts of OCD, panic attacks, depression, anger, anxiety and perversion.. BUT..
    THe only thing that REALLY helps.. is abstaining from PMO. Seriously. The less I do that, the more normal, the more ME I become.
    Theres is definetly a correlation.
    NoFap has always been the best cure for me!.

    Another thing for you to consider. Try to not act out compulsions(might be easier said than done!).
    And if you have pure-O. Try to do as much high intense concentrated manual work. Or problem solving, in school tests etc.

    I'm still under treatment and not an expert. But I do know what OCD is like. I lost my only GF cos of that shit.
  3. Tobias

    Tobias Fapstronaut

    Very inspiring MysterMagi and Staal, real life case studies of the health benefits of noFap! This certainly keeps me going!
  4. I have a pretty mild case of dermatillomania..(never been diagnosed)
    but I do obsessively pick at pimples/imperfections/scabs..and it has resulted in minor scars all over my body.
    I used to have trichotillomania so I always like to keep my hair short.
    I also have been noticing that my overall symptoms of these (mild) cases of OCD have been vanishing.
    Thanks for sharing.