Porn destroyed my life

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Bleachisco199, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. Bleachisco199

    Bleachisco199 New Fapstronaut

    Please someone help me my life is getting worse. I feel like a loser with no goal or job.I always wanted to be a successful businessman, but porn was always stronger than me.I hope if someone can give me an advice to overcome this problem. I get out from university twice and quite two jobs. Hope one day I become free and enjoy life like normal people.
  2. All I can say is that I know your pain bro.
    BreakTheSpell and Bleachisco199 like this.
  3. Archangel01

    Archangel01 Fapstronaut

    Like I see it, success in business has also a lot to do with delayed gratification, willpower and sacrificing short term pleasure for long-term goals.
    Those are all personality traits that grow through abstaining from PMO.
    Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and J.P. Getty's How to be Rich as a starter.

    1ANDDONE Fapstronaut


    I functioned perfectly well for years with my porn habit. It was when I was quitting it that it became a problem. There is really only one way to quit porn, and that is to quit it. Understand what you are quitting/giving up. It looks like porn, but that is just on the surface. We use porn to produce a sexual thought, and sexual thoughts are rewarded in the brain with a neurological reward event. You may hate porn, but you love that reward event, which we call a dopamine high for shorthand. The process is more complicated than that, but that is basically what you do when you use porn. The key to quitting is giving it up, 100%, for long enough that your brain no longer craves obtaining a dopamine high, at least not from porn. That is difficult to do, but still quite doable. If you are addicted quitting is going to hurt because you have trained your brain to expect that dopamine high via porn, and it is not going to like it when cut it off, which is where the withdrawals come it--but, good news, those go away and many people report that if they 100% avoid that dopamine high for around 90 days, they quit missing it. A dopamine high by the way is not evil; in fact it is necessary to living a great life on many levels. It is just that we figured how to use porn to trigger it, even though, at the time, when we are initially using it that way, we don't often think of it as using porn to trigger a brain reward.

    You can be just fine, but it will take some effort, pain, and studying the problem.
  5. Where are you from brother?
    There is Light at the end of the tunnel, trust me you will find relief along the way.
  6. shav

    shav New Fapstronaut

    Hi Guys,
    I have been on this journey for nearly 4 years, and I have had ups and downs. Lately my streak has been able to improve due to a FREE WEBSITE AND PROGRAM Never Fap Deleuxe. This aims to improve mindfulness through daily meditation guides and prctices which are easy to do and help other. I promise you that if you visit this website, it will help and this amazing resource is free that is why I liked to share this with you, as I hope this helps you guys. PS. If anyone is wonder my streak was on 2 days before this and was always like this and then this helped me reach to DAY 7!!!, Also I don't own this website.
    Bleachisco199 likes this.
  7. fmustang1981

    fmustang1981 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing
    Bleachisco199 likes this.