Completely brain dead

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by SaiyanWarrior, Dec 11, 2020.

  1. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    What does adenosine do?
  2. Reboot at least 150 days
    From my tips that i am on day 70
    1-cold showers most important and helps reboot faster
    4-stay busy or try learn new things or language maybe ur libido is far gone but try hard
    5-block all porn websites and block all models on insta models are having sex and they show people their body to people masturbate they’re devils broo
    6-be realistic and believe u can do it

    This is my tips bro and i am on day 70 my urges are 0 And i can continue to 490 i am sure
    I wish i could help u in this comment
    SaiyanWarrior and Anonymous86 like this.
  3. nicestpartsofhell

    nicestpartsofhell Fapstronaut

    Dust yourself off bro. You are not alone! I myself and many others are in the same boat, especially with the numbness. Always remember that it's normal to fail at any of your goals, but you're only a failure when you give up.
    SaiyanWarrior likes this.
  4. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    I can relate to this too, been feeling quite numb the best thing that helps me is laughing with friends online etc, getting better in a sport or hobby you have helps too
    FezMan76 and SaiyanWarrior like this.
  5. SaiyanWarrior

    SaiyanWarrior Fapstronaut

    You did bro. I always neglected cold showers but you stating that it's very important then I'll try it atleast 4 times a week. And second thing I liked was "believing that I can do it".
    FezMan76 likes this.
  6. simonsaysthis

    simonsaysthis Fapstronaut

    One thing my friend I can tell you from recovering from drugs and alcohol is that you need to just rest in the fact that you will become that person again. It might seem like you are not doing enough but right now staying away from PMO and replacing that time with mediation, exercise and writing is your main job. Your brain didnt get rewired from porn in a day so it will also take time to undo the damage. Just keep going.
    SaiyanWarrior likes this.
  7. profconcept

    profconcept Fapstronaut

    I think this is a difficult part of recovery, especially if you have compounding addictions like weed and pmo. Sometimes all you can do is nothing, just rest and recover, which also puts you in a bad spot for relapse. So you have to both rest and recover by doing nothing and abstaining, while forcing yourself to stay busy enough that you don't relapse.
    SaiyanWarrior likes this.
  8. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    After 18 months of NoFap, my numbness and depression are finally starting to disappear. I notice that my cognitive abilities have also improved immensely. Back when I was addicted to PMO, I could never concentrate on anything for long durations of time, and I had to really strain my mind to accomplish tasks that other people seemed to do with such grace and ease. This is no longer the case now that I'm not perpetually frying my brain with unnatural surges of dopamine. The brain fog is one of the most frustrating things about being a PMO addict because it feels like you are living in a haze all the time, and you feel like an incompetent stooge in any situation where you're surrounded by people who aren't coomers.
  9. alameda

    alameda Fapstronaut

    inspiring stuff. thanks for sharing this
  10. SaiyanWarrior

    SaiyanWarrior Fapstronaut

    What do you mean
  11. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Caffeine does not do that. In fact, it does the opposite on the long run.
    There are mechanisms that involve those results, but they are a side-effect of caffeine consumption, not caused by caffeine but by other chemicals.
    That's absolutely correct
    It modulates certain things in the nervous system among many other things, principal responsable for the "tiredness/sleepy" feeling.

    So summarize it really quickly, caffeine mimics adenosine, partially or completely blocking it's receptors (as there is more than one kind, this have other serious implications apart of the ones I'm going to mention) the result is, you don't feel tired, the body overtime creates more receptors to compensate this, therefore creating the need of higher dosis to obtain the same result.
    This have many implications but the most noticeable one is that when you don't take your dosis, your brain (and other tissues) have much more receptors and it's much more sensible to adenosine, making you feel extremely tired, and it can even trigger pain at a muscular level.
    Napdmd likes this.
  12. profconcept

    profconcept Fapstronaut

    Recovering from a dopamine overload can leave you feeling drained and depressed, and sometimes all you can do is lay on the couch and do nothing, sometimes it's the best thing to do, but it also leaves you open to relapse
    SickSicko likes this.
  13. AJ777

    AJ777 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Just keep using those negative effects you are feeling as further motivation to abstain from PMO.
    Never give up bro no matter what. I'm on day 30 of no P. (Infrequent M./O.) And I still have days where I have really bad brain fog, depression, feeling unmotivated and unfocused and all sorts of other stuff. It really is just a matter of time after staying clean. And of course, as you already know, its far from easy, but its the best possible thing you can do to better yourself and live a happier life.
    Not sure what your exact goals are but Im trying for a PMO free life (hard mode) because even just M. leaves me feeling like shit sometimes.
    I hope you keep fighting man you obviously know how shitty P. is

    God bless
  14. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    Like any other stimulant, caffeine causes a negative feedback loop, which is when your body starts to produce less of certain hormones and/or brain chemicals because you are frequently abusing something that elicits the release of said hormones and chemicals in unnatural amounts. When you drink a cup of coffee or an energy drink, it signals your brain to release high amounts of epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol, and you feel a temporary surge in energy and cognitive clarity because your body is experiencing a mild state of the fight-or-flight panic response. When you begin to exploit this by consuming caffeine on a regular basis, your brain knows that it shouldn't be releasing stress hormones this frequently, and so it begins to dial back their production to bring your endocrine system back to homeostasis. This is why people tend to crash about an hour or two after their daily caffeine binge. In the long run, frequent caffeine consumers will notice that they can't even muster up a normal amount of energy unless they've had their daily fix, and this is because their brains have dialed back the production of stress hormones to the point where they are now required to force them out with a foreign substance. This phenomenon is reminiscent of former cocaine addicts who say that their addiction got to the point where they weren't even doing it for enjoyment anymore; they were merely doing it to retain normal levels of functioning.

    The same kind of principle applies to PMO addiction. The brain dials back the release of dopamine because it detects itself being flooded with unnatural amounts throughout the day, and so begins the addictive cycle of cooming causing depression, which leads to cooming more and more to temporarily relieve the depression. Some PMO addicts—myself included—also tend to develop problems with their adrenal function at the peak of their addiction because fapping to the more extreme genres of porn several times a day gets you all wired out. The brain was never intended to be bombarded with such overstimulation, and it responds by restricting the production of stress hormones. This can wreak havoc with not only your adrenal function, but your entire endocrine system too, as many hormones work in conjunction with each other. My adrenal function has improved immensely since I started NoFap 18 months ago, and I pretty much haven't felt this healthy since I was a kid!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2020
    Napdmd and Anonymous86 like this.
  15. Mate you beat me, I wanted to explain the mechanisms of caffeine and adenosine, but you explained it better than I could do. I wanted to add that cortisol and noradrenergic receptor sensitivity also gain homeostasis after a few weeks of caffeine abstinence.
    SickSicko likes this.
  16. SaiyanWarrior

    SaiyanWarrior Fapstronaut

    Like I understand meditation, diet, sleep and exercise but is cold shower bath really effective in reboot ?
  17. JI7097

    JI7097 Fapstronaut

    I personally wouldn’t say that cold showers are some wonderful thing. The most important part about cold showers for me is building up willpower and tolerance to discomfort. The increased tolerance to discomfort you get through cold showers can also help you be stronger against urges and not impulsively do what you want. When you are in the cold shower, you want to turn it warm and be comfortable. Similarly if you get an urge, you want to PMO. TLDR: Cold showers can help your willpower and discomfort tolerance which can translate to fighting urges.
    SaiyanWarrior likes this.
  18. simonsaysthis

    simonsaysthis Fapstronaut

    I can so relate to that. Also have several addictions. Since I recovered from drugs and alcohol, PMO started to get bad which is why I am here. Sometimes I try to redeem myself by doing all the right things at once. And in my exhaustion there comes a point where I say to myself: hey you really DESERVE a break now, take it easy, a little PMO isn't so bad if it's once in a while. Other times I don't do enough. Can't motivate myself to do anything. Nothing excites me. Everything is too much effort. I sit in front of a screen feeling sorry for myself until robot brain takes over. And leads me along the path I swore to leave behind.

    It´s always good to hear that others have the same struggles as me.
  19. SaiyanWarrior

    SaiyanWarrior Fapstronaut

    Take one thing at a time. Only change or build one habit at a time for sometime. Everyone can't be Bruce Wayne ( Batman).
  20. SaiyanWarrior

    SaiyanWarrior Fapstronaut

    Cold showers has more benefits than that it also activates certain regions in your brain and strengthen that. Helps you recover faster