10 Day Challenge

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Sed, Oct 27, 2020.

  1. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Greetings Folks,

    I would like to challenge myself to a 10-day off PMO.

    I am going to document my progress every night and every morning.

    I know 10 days may not be much for most people, but it is for me.

    I will see you guys at night! Wish me Luck!
    NPainNGain likes this.
  2. NPainNGain

    NPainNGain New Fapstronaut

  3. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Hello Folks,

    This is night time which is the weakest time. I actually took a quick peek at pornographic material then I quickly came here.

    Man how addicted I am. Sometimes I rationalize my addiction and say to myself I can stop whenever I want. While in fact I really cannot.

    I am glad I made it here. I will see you tomorrow morning Fellas.
  4. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Thank you man!
  5. As long as you know what your goals concretely are, this shall be a piece of pie. Good luck!
  6. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your reply,

    As you might have guess I failed this simple goal
  7. Keep trying Sed. Change your tactics.

    Why not try 7 days of M and no P?

    Once you had that peek, you were toast
  8. How long did you last? Also, what is your goal(s) with NoFap?
  9. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    I will try.

    True that peak simply destroyed me
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
  10. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Less than 5 days.

    My goal is simply to stop PMO to have a clear mind. I do not want to jerk off literally 30 minutes before I have to go to work.
  11. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Hello Folks,

    I would like to clear something off my chest. I have stopped fapping for the last two days. I felt amazing today at work. I finished tasks that have been pending for weeks. I am not entirely sure if it is because of abstaining from PMO or simply because I was manic. But just one hour ago of writing this, I busted a nut and now I am back to feeling lazy, unmotivated, tired, and brain fogged.

    This post is mainly about one thing! I want to reflect with myself on why I want to stop PMO. Why I deserve to take this decision.

    I also would like to clear up any misconceptions I may have about my future. For some reason, when I envision the future, I see a successful man. A man who has a beautiful wife, great business, and have dinners with the likes of Elon Musk & Todd Howard. The issue with this is all of my actions indicate that I will probably end up having a miserable sex life, a mediocre career, and almost no substantial significance in the world.

    The goal is to know it is not impossible to have what I want and deserve. However, it is the tiniest decisions that we make on a day-to-day basis is that will eventually decide my fate. I simply cannot demonstrate what I am truly capable of with all of these fantasies running in my head several times a day.

    I will make it upon me to reflect here every night before I go to sleep (My weakest time)

    If you can leave me a comment of encouragement, I will be deeply grateful as it does matter and keep me committed.
  12. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    This my action as well as the strategy:

    1- I will stop PMO for 3 days.

    a. I will reflect before every night on the issues Pornography has on me. I will also put a link of an interesting article on PMO I find here on NoFap. I will also listen to the audiobook (Your Brain On Porn) Every morning while I have breakfast.

    2- I noticed that my social media use drains my ability to focus. Hence, I will stop Social Media for 3 days.

    a. I will leave my phone away from my office when I am at work. I will stop all Social media apps from being used regardless of any reason: (Youtube, Twitter, Snapchat)
  13. Denis1234

    Denis1234 Fapstronaut

    Hey there,i wish you good luck in your journey and stay clean from porn! Have you considered blocking porn sites on your phone? Use StayFocused app for your phone to avoid porn at work! Have a good day/evening and remember,relapsing is for losers!