How to know if you have ED if you are a virgin?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by YHH, Oct 10, 2020.

  1. YHH

    YHH Fapstronaut

    Im a virgin and battled with PMO all my life, now im 36.

    Im afriad to have sex to try if i have ED or not ?

    Any advice
  2. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Having ED is a tricky situation when you're a virgin and wish to have sex.

    However, ED is categorized by not getting/staying erect for sex, not being able to orgasm during sex, and/or not feeling pleasure during sex. If you haven't had sex, how do you know that you have ED?
  3. YHH

    YHH Fapstronaut

    I will not know obviously , but my issue is more mental rather than physical.
    I get morning woods, when i see a women i get an erection (when i visiluaze). Maybe thats an indication i still have something good.

    But as you said i need to try to know.
  4. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut


    I'm also 36 and virgin - and have been wondering about this ever since I discovered NoFap in 2017.

    I believe i have PIED because I'm no longer able to experience a full erection while fantasizing and I no longer feel the good feeling hormones when being near an attractive woman.

    Plus, I kissed a woman in a timeclub couple of times, no movements down there what so ever!
  5. Leomar91

    Leomar91 Fapstronaut

    Some people need emotional connection and get to known better with partner untill they get comfortable which surprisely gets you relaxed and let libido/erection pop up. So if you kiss a girl in club may tell nothing.