Minister Taking the Challenge!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ckj, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. ckj

    ckj Fapstronaut

    To anyone who reads this, I just want to say that I am really glad that I have found a place where people are willing to have the guts to take on self-discipline. I had no idea that this place existed until I caught it on a website.

    Here's my story:

    I have been masturbating/ejaculating/porn viewing since the age of 8. And I am almost positive some of you are going to call me a liar. Regardless, I'll be even conservative and say age 9-10. I had watched many porn videos when I was kid. I looked at stuff online and you know...watched the late night GGW video advertisements on television. I had sex for the first time at age 15. I noticed that I had a hard time staying "up" the first time that I had sex. I never knew why. I just attributed it to the fact that maybe I was naturally pre-dispositioned to not perform well. However, when the recipe called for masturbation+porn, I was a wild man, read to go at it no problem! I am now 22 years old, which means that (conservatively) I have been addicted to porn/masturbation for 12 years now. I am not proud of that, however, I also am not ashamed.

    I recently (about two years ago) made a commitment to living for Jesus in the best way that I know how. I am a minister (not a pastor). I serve the church that I attend in many ways. I also attend a Bible school that the church hosts on campus. I am dedicated to discipline more than ever. I am taking the nofap challenge because I still struggle with the same things that I used to struggle with (yes, including watching porn and masturbating). SO, with that being said, I am here to tell you that my date is 2/2/2014. And I am on the way to healing in my life! I have never tried this before at this level! I have never dealt with myself! But I am here to say, I'm ready to do this thing! Wish me luck! And for those of you that pray, pray hard for me!
  2. Rafa

    Rafa Fapstronaut

    Hello ckj i've just joined too and i am very happy to see another christian brother trough here, i have been fighting porn for some time now and im sure Jesus will provide us all the strenght to keep going. May God bless you too in your life as a minister!

    God bless us all in this community!
  3. I'm Christian too. There were times when I'm alone, I'll read the bible, trying to fight the urges.. Then I'll just get defeated. . PMOed then feel guilty then read the bible again. Just wondering if you guys have experienced that..
  4. Madrileño

    Madrileño Fapstronaut

    Hi Guys

    I can relate to what you're saying however now in my mid 50s I'm sorry to say this has been going on for me for a lot longer - I would say a significant problem since my 20s (before the Internet existed) but what I would call it a full blown addiction for at least the last ten years.

    Anyway, the point is that I'm also new here but have had a tremendous sense of finding the key at last in the combination of getting up to speed with the science and finding a place to talk. I think the two work very powerfully together.

    Discovering that my problem is not due to being a disgusting weak willed pyschologically flawed human being but is simply a matter of chemical paths being created that it takes time to rewrite has been incredibly liberating. I read somewhere it's like sledging down a slope. After you create a path in the snow that's where you will naturally go just following the incline in future. Maybe that's why its called an "inclination"???

    What we need are new paths and that takes time. But every time you go a different route in spite of the inclination you weaken that path and strengthen a new one.

    Secondly its a huge relief to be able to own up and talk in a supportive atmosphere.

    So you've got friends here ckj. Slide down a better side of the hill - we're cheering you on.
  5. ckj

    ckj Fapstronaut

    I am so excited to see you guys here with me! And to NewDay25- I have had that EXACT same thing happen, trying to read the word to fight it. Really man the only thing that really works is some serious discipleship and serious prayer along with an internal will to stop. There are those of us that want to stop because we know its wrong. And those of us who want to stop because we dont want to do it anymore. The ones who really want to stop have nothing that can stop them. They will literally do anything and everything. You generally have to just about hit rock bottom before you realize you have to quit before it destroys you completely. At least that is how it was for me. Hope that helps. Just fight the battle man :) Use the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18. Literally act like you're dressing yourself with it. And then pray the mind of Christ over your mind. Plead the blood of Jesus over your life! Do anything and everything to get away from it! Look forward to hearing from everyone!
  6. n0tn@nt

    n0tn@nt Guest

    Fantastic decision ckj!
  7. That's the thing... I think when I read the bible sometimes I'm not putting my faith in it. I don't "wear" it. I just read it like it's a spell that would magically make my addictions go away. It really takes believing, praying and taking action. "Mind of Christ".. I should always remember that. Thanks! :)
  8. December

    December Fapstronaut

    Ckj pornography grips a lot of the christian community because its so taboo. Churches don't tackle it. When I was growing up, I wasn't aware that pornography is extremely destructive. Anyway kudos and good luck to you! I'm going to pray for our churches to learn how to deal with this....
  9. iwillovercome

    iwillovercome Fapstronaut

    So, I was just thinking. I grew up LDS. I believe in Christ. I have admitted to multiple bishops my PMO problem, all my immediate and some extended family, roommates and close friends, 2 clinical psychologist, 1 social worker, my mission president (person in charge on a 2 year LDS mission), got a blessing from one of my bishops to stop, attended 12 step from 3 different groups over 1 year, attended 2 groups with a professional clinical psychologist at BYU and now I'm trying this journal/forum. I started at around 10 years and I am 23...Although I have tried what seems like everything, I am going to keep going. Keep trying. Keep journaling. Keep admitting I need help. Keep plea-ing with Christ that I need help. That he can help me. That he can heal me. I am going to keep praying. I am hopeful thanks to this forum. 2 days clean.
  10. nofap2014

    nofap2014 Fapstronaut

    Stay strong ckj!

    It is important to remember as you go forward that you are not alone in this struggle. It may seem like it, but you are not! We are all members of Christ's body. As you stated, you need to put on that Holy Armor for battle. I encourage you to read these forums to gain focus and reason in this most unreasonable area of our lives. The Sacred Sexuality videos and website would probably be a good look for you also if you haven't checked it out yet.

    You are in my prayers. Keep the faith even if you slip, all is not lost. The fact that you are trying to do better is the biggest step.
  11. That is so true, December. My prayer is that when I have recovered from this addiction Christ will use me to minister to others. I really hope that will happen.
  12. psycho

    psycho Fapstronaut

    yea, stay strong, thats really important.
    keep your relationship to god and you can do this with Jesus help!
  13. chrisdep

    chrisdep Fapstronaut

    Brothers: Take a listen to these broadcasts on Maintaining Sexual Purity of January 8th, 9th and 13th which are excellent.

    This is physiological, psychological and spiritual battle we are in. "Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul." (1 Peter 3:11)

    I continue to learn that our sexual desires when given over to God and used within his ordained boundaries is such a great blessing, but when used outside those boundaries they can be become such a pain and a burden in our lives. The battle is first won in the mind yet we have to realize that there are physiological aspects to this addiction where our brains need rebooting before we can finally overcome. After all, we need to look at this issue wholistically as we are comprised of body, soul and spirit which are inextricably linked - each component affects the other.

    Praying for us all to find the victory in Christ one battle at a time!
  14. chrisdep

    chrisdep Fapstronaut

    Here's a thread with some good, concrete advice.
  15. ckj

    ckj Fapstronaut

    Just wanted to do a check up with everyone. I'm porn free still! I guess because I've fapped everyday since 10 yrs old, taking long breaks is not exactly what my body is used to. I can go about four or five days it seems. And then I can't pee anymore. Also feels a lot like I've been punched in the sack. Anyone else experienced this? Let me know! love you guys!
  16. GuyWhoWillStopPMOing

    GuyWhoWillStopPMOing Fapstronaut

    What do you mean "you can't pee"? This could be a health issue, I never heard of a similar case.
    I don't know if it will help, but you could try drinking more water (it will cause you to urinate more and keep the channels unobstructed). If you think you need, try to see a doctor. Be careful what you say to him, because the doctor could be one of those morons that say that "masturbation is a good habit".
    This feeling of "being punched in the sack" happens a lot when you are with a girlfriend, have a lot of contact with her, but no sex in the end. Your "old brain" does not know that you will not have sex and starts preparing your body (your genitals, specifically) to reproduction. When you are without her again, the sperm that were ready to leave you body does not leave (unless you masturbate) and you got this awful feeling. Again, I never heard about someone having this feeling without being with a girl. Unless you are having a lot of nasty thoughts during the day without masturbating, it should not happen. If this is the case, try to find other things to think about (Philippians 4:8).
    God bless you, man. There is a lot of people here wishing to help, some with faith and some without it. Listen to them all and keep what you find to be usable.
  17. ckj

    ckj Fapstronaut

    Yes sir. I've been celebate for about five years now.
  18. ckj

    ckj Fapstronaut

    Yeah man. I think my body is totally adjusting. I feel like I might be having some type of withdrawals that I don't know about. Withdrawing from porn can definitely be like withdrawing from any other addiction. And by the way, you're right about the doctors. Masturbation isn't a good habit. Ejaculating is, however. But you have to have a wife to do that in an honorable manner. Therefore, what is a man to do besides marry? haha Thanks for the advice!