
Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ifthisislove, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    I'm so sick of binging 3-4 times (sometimes more) a night. This comes right after I went 18 days without PMO too. I'm back to my old ways and I hate it so so much.

    I've got everything going for me in the last week; a new job, employment, some money to fund self improvement courses and endeavours.

    But this is by far the biggest battle of my life. I need to truly conquer myself of this dirty habit. And I can't do it without you all. Help me help myself.
  2. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    That title should read as bingeing btw.
  3. Dude, don't despair. You're in the right place, surrounded by the right people. Take one day at a time, and learn from your mistakes. You can beat this.

    PS: binging is correct.
    SilverRogue and ***** like this.
  4. SuperKrishna44

    SuperKrishna44 Fapstronaut

    I know what you're talking about. Same problem here. Had a streak of 27 days long ago and after that it was much worse and I wasn't able to catch up to the 27 days for months now. Sadly every time I found a system which wasn't protected I relapsed worse than before. Now I've set everything in place to prevent that happening with installing P-blockers on every system/devices I have. So it's really hard to get access to P for me now and takes some effort. Daily meditation helps as well, but no possible access to porn being alone is very crucial for me.
    We can do this buddy!
  5. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys, I can beat this. And I will beat this. There's too, too much at stake.
    Getter Better likes this.
  6. Love your avatar, ifthisislove!

    Don't forget to celebrate your achievements too - 18 days is great, how long was it since you weren't going a day?

    But bingeing is bad (either spelling is fine ;)) and if you can do something to stop it that would be fantastic. I struggled with that for a long time - every relapse became a binge - and still do. I found a quick (ideally cold or ending with a cold blast) and going out of the house for a quick walk was a good thing. In fact, anything that broke an established routine that led into and supported the binge - just do something differently. I was watching one the Sacred Sexuality videos the other day and he put it nicely - maybe you are going to fail from time to time, but at least fail differently! It's helping me - what can you change?
  7. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    You're the 2nd or 3rd person to say that DonB on these message boards! Thanks..

    I think I'm at my most vulnerable in the early mornings and late at night. Or when I'm completely idle. Take today for instance, had a day off from work - had strong urges that kept growing, but remembered that I had somewhere to be and they subsided. So finding something to do is helpful.
  8. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    I'm still bingeing and can't break out of this routine. I will wake up tomorrow with a constant headache, foggy mind and bloodshot eyes. And at work I will feel less of a man.

    I pledge that when I wake up tomorrow morning I will see to it that I break this habit. Day 1: Monday. No more games. There is far too much at stake.
  9. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    You need to watch this video, it will explain a lot. When you relapsed you experienced a "chaser effect". It isn't hard to break you just need a day or two of no p and no pmo. It has some other stuff in it but describes the chaser effect. It talks about it from a sexual experience that was without porn but it is the same effect. I have had sex with my wife and then the next day failed to porn and didn't understand why. It is the same with pmo and then you can't stop, stress can cause problems breaking the cycle too.
  10. brainrenewal

    brainrenewal Fapstronaut

    ifthisislove - you're experience is shared, I let myself relapse and binged after 15 and 8 days respectively. When I binge I go right to the most extreme material. I just saw something so sick last night (legal, but sick - it's a sick society that makes this legal) that I realized that porn hurts everyone who comes into contact with it. There's no more ambiguity, I need to stop.
    ifthisislove likes this.
  11. I have this exact same problem as well.I get into double digits of my streak and then I binge to porn for almost 1 week before I get back on the horse.I hate it and it's frustrating.
  12. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    Brain Renewal - totally get where you're coming from and I must confess to myself that the reason I came to NoFap in the first place was because of extreme P which is barely legal.

    I don't like talking about it too much to be honest because it's just a lot of words that often don't get followed through with action. But I'm 4 days in without PMO so that must count for something.
  13. ds112358

    ds112358 Fapstronaut

    I know what you are feeling, mate. I've been there many times. I can't stay I've come up with a method not to binge after a relapse, but I know what it takes. It takes awareness and motivation. You need to be aware that you are not simply trying to break a habit. That habit isn't the cause of your bad life, it is just a symptom. You need to be aware that lifestyle, lack of emotion management, lack of prioritising values, making decisions based on here and now, these are the reasons why you have used your addiction. It isn't some intrinsic property, you have gone down that road as a result of other decisions you have made.

    And motivation, there is tonnes of information out there. Just make sure your motivation comes from within you, and is internal. It should not arise from external life events. Your desire, your values, your identity, these are what matter.

    I hope you have a successful recovery. Message me if you need help, I am more than happy to talk to you.

  14. Buzzltyr

    Buzzltyr Fapstronaut

    Strength to all you fapstronauts out there who are soldiering on!
    ifthisislove and NoFapturnat like this.
  15. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    Today I've been up since 6am to get to work and I had very little sleep the night before. When I got home at about 6.30pm I had a little pit stop until I got to the gym at about 8pm and afterwards, rather than head home, thought I'd hit the hot tub, sauna and steam rooms to not only kill time, but to also unwind for the day. I finally got back at 10.30pm or so with 1-2 emails to write up and now it's just hit 11.45pm. And you know the craziest thing of all? I'M NOT EVEN THAT TIRED. I feel I've got a little more in me and catch up with some other work, but I should perhaps go to bed at some point soon.

    And if there's anything to be learnt from this, the energy I've got from abstaining PMO is working wonders. And long may it continue. If there was ever a ringing endorsement that this actually works, THIS IS IT.
  16. brainrenewal

    brainrenewal Fapstronaut

    ifthisislove - What you are saying is so true! I'm on day four, I've had a day full of running about town and meetings from morning til night, but it's nearly 10pm and I'm still wired. I think that a lot of it is that the rush of endorphins and oxytocin and what have you that come from an O is *designed* to make us tired. Evolution gave it as a gift so that real, loving partners would bond after sex. But with PMO, it's just draining energy and promoting lethargy with no purpose. There also might be something to what the Indian writings say about nutrients from semen being re-absorbed into the body. While that stuff interests me, I am careful not to go too far down that path right now because it can produce unrealistic standards (e.g. if I'm not an ascetic monk in the Himalayas I'm not doing NoFap right!) - As early Alcoholics Anonymous learned, "easy does it", and that idealized images of perfection can get in the way of sustainable, healthy recovery. That being said, I feel like I have a lot more energy than before.
    ifthisislove likes this.
  17. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    Every time I wake up in the last week I've been hit with a wave of the most powerful of adrenaline shots that goes straight to the head. As if it's saying WAKE UP NOW. If anything, sleeping in is really difficult! But right now at this point in my life (without sounding in any way complacent), I have SO MUCH going on. My job, keeping fit, self-improvement and projects I'm working on outside my full-time employment leave me with very little time or room for everything else. If anything, I'm enjoying life. After all, isn't that what it's really all about?
  18. Buzzltyr

    Buzzltyr Fapstronaut

    You are doing absolutely great! Keep yourself as busy as you can especially for the first 2 weeks (and if possible the first month). This is the time when urges are the strongest and particularly if boredom is a trigger for you.
  19. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    Well, yesterday evening I was hit a bombshell of a setback, I lost my job after I just got it. I was in a daze, so full of shock, as though a freight train had knocked me down. I nearly gave in temptation but that's the old me. I didn't go back to my PMO ways. I'm going to keep on keeping on and keep being busy.

    I'm just so lucky I have such a supportive network around me that bring out such positive energy. Nothing negative. Guess it's time for me to find work..
  20. zavich

    zavich Fapstronaut

    hang in there ifthisislove
    i'm sorry to hear about that job loss ,
    but don't be sad, commit yourself to keep your FIGHTER state on, the new "you" will find another job soon.

    remember the goal of this fight , you want to be a better man to do better things that might change this messed up world ,I'm sure god will stand with you if you were truthful about it.

    it might be a good idea to meet a friend or a relative to talk about it and let the negative feelings out , you can even insult your old boss as much as you like :D