New Member and why I joined

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by cardinal biggles, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles Fapstronaut

    Hi everybody,

    I started the NoFap challenge today, I've tried quitting porn and masterbation many times but always fell back into the rabbit-hole but I'm more hopeful that by having other people I can share my experiences with instead of keeping it as my dirty little secret.

    I went through a break up a year ago, we were together for five years and she broke up with me while I was struggling to stay away from porn and it definitely played in the downfall of our relationship, she tried to help me quit but I would always fall back, I would be happy whenever she left the house as it gave me the chance to watch porn uninterrupted, when she went to bed early I would sneak out out and watch it downstairs and when we did have sex I would spontaneously try things that she wasn't okay with. I also became less enthusiastic about having sex, by the end she would have almost all the time initiate having sex and I would (sometimes) force myself to comply.

    After the break up I went through a dry spell but soon found porn as a comfort and would start masterbating regularly and over anything porn, girls on tinder and instagram, memories of previous sexual encounters. Yesterday I had my first sexual experience since the break up, it was with a stranger and I got ED, this wasn't all down to porn, anxiety and the fact she was a stranger who I had little chemistry with played a part but it caused my already shattered self confidence to take another nose dive. It's been a tough year for everybody but I want to make progress and I'm hopeful that doing this challenge can lead to brighter things. I'm starting a new job next week and am hopeful this could be a new chapter.

    If you made it this far thanks for reading it, I don't expect everybody to read it I just don't have anybody to really talk to right now and really want to get this off my chest.

    jesusthatfreak and The Passenger like this.
  2. Welcome to the forum. You will fit right in. Sorry to hear about your relationship difficulties, it is an all too common occurrence for porn addicts. Don't fear reaching out to me or others here. Most of us are very approachable people who have been through/seen it all. Good luck on your journey!
    cardinal biggles likes this.
  3. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles Fapstronaut

    Thanks Man, I was reluctant to join at first because I thought this would be like most online forums but it's so good to see guys supporting each other for once
    The Passenger and jesusthatfreak like this.
  4. The only thing we don't expect to see here is the Spanish Inquisition.
    cardinal biggles likes this.
  5. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles Fapstronaut

  6. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    Welcome... lots of knowledge and experience on here... please use us
    cardinal biggles likes this.
  7. CalixTOP

    CalixTOP Fapstronaut

    Hey man, started same day as you. I'm also worried about ED. Since I stopped I already had sex with my girlfriend, but I'm always worried if my cock is ok and always think that I should "test it", but After a while i give up because I dont want to watch porn and I'm only at the beggining of the journey.

    Anxiety is cruel, lets hope we can both overcome this
    cardinal biggles likes this.
  8. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    Hey bro,

    My story is quite similar to yours. I also was in a long relationship for 4-5 years and ruined it with porn. Then relapsed for a long time to cope with being single. Finally, I have my act together and have been making significant improvements.

    Basically, what I've done is recognize PMO addiction primarily as an Internet Addiction, not a sex addiction. And then I began to strictly regulate my device usage. I also needed to change my physical environment (i.e. move).

    Perhaps this doesn't work for everybody, but I like to share my story because it seems to help some of the guys here. This is the post with my best advice, perhaps you will relate to most of it.
    cardinal biggles likes this.