Can i still have healthy babies even if i practice Semen Retention?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Balkanray, Jul 11, 2020.

  1. Balkanray

    Balkanray Fapstronaut

    Lets say i havent nutted for over 300 days?
  2. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    who says you cant?
  3. Balkanray

    Balkanray Fapstronaut

    Idk i have heard this before that you must cum many times for at least a week in order to have babies. I even read it today on the web. I have no idea if this is true.. Since i am the only one in my family who actually practises semen retention lol
  4. If anything the baby would be stronger if it were 300 days old in the sack before conception
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Balkanray

    Balkanray Fapstronaut

    How do you know? I really wanna investigate everything about this since i really wanna have a baby sooner or later. I heard sperm gets abnormal if u dont ejaculate, i only read about this somewhere but idk if this is true.
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  6. Balkanray

    Balkanray Fapstronaut

    Also dont ur balls die or something if u dont waste a seed for like... 2 years? I mean i did felt stronger at 200+ days of SR but i am just worried because i have no clue about human bodies lol

    Though mine didnt die xD but i am just curious because i wanna take this for a lifestyle.
  7. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    The body knows how to recycle unused sperm, it does that all the time.

    Even someone who is ejaculating a couple of times every day is not coming near to using up all of the sperm the body is producing. Old sperm that doesn't get ejaculated gets recycled and the body creates new sperm.

    That process happens whether you ejaculate regularly or not.

    To conclude, this is not something you need to worry about.
  8. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Sexual activity boosts fertility, so yes that could be a problem. If you want to have kids, have sex with the woman of your choice untill it works out. It's as simple as that. You obviously won't be able to retain during that period of time.
  9. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    Sperm retention
    1. Masturbating once a week is really good in increasing your fertility and also decreases chances of prostate cancer. (Sounds scary I know)
    2. But too much masturbation in a week actually decreases your fertility because the quality and qualntity of your sperm decreases.
    3. The motive of semen retention was to Focus more on productivity in your life. It has lots of mental and physical health benifits. Your sperm quality is at its best when you plan to have babies. But do mind the quality of your first ejaculation might not be that good so try to have babies in your second ejaculation.
    Deleted Account and Balkanray like this.
  10. Balkanray

    Balkanray Fapstronaut

    Alright sounds pretty good! So hold on a second.. masturbation once a week or 2 is actually good? To be honest i have fapped without porn and i have noticed people are more attracted to me and i feel very good in social situations, porn is more like draining. I become a lone self dependent confident wolf when i am practicing semen retention. Idk man maybe it's the dopamine thing.. i feel good ( even at the moment ) but i don't feel social AT ALL and i even told my mom to stop calling me yesterday. But i do feel super strong, confident, balanced etc.. just not social. I don't know why semen retention makes me more like a loner even though i get all the benefits.

    But yeah i guess you're right about those 3 things, i will definitely keep those in my mind when it comes to sex and having babies!
  11. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    Atleast I believe that masturbating once a week is ok because you do need some way to release that sexual energy. But some people on forums told me that for them masturbation detaches them from society and people.
    I would suggest you improve your social skills and give priority to your parents. It will take time but slowly your perspective of life will change and get better.. You are a loner because you chose to be. Otherwise you would have talked to your mom. Sit for once and think what are you doing wrong and what better you could have done
    Good luck
    Good luck
  12. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    You will have super-babies.
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  13. RetroRasta

    RetroRasta Fapstronaut

    I don't think the no nutting affects babies negatively part is accurate, probably some pro porn propaganda. If it were true then pious men, NoFappers or even people who lived before porn wouldn't have healthy kids. I know for a fact a lot of people around the world without internet access and who aren't lucky enough to find a mate, don't ejaculate but their offspring are healthy. You can look for scientific backed research but when it comes to this matter there's 2 conflicting opinions, The Pro Porn and the NoFap
  14. Balkanray

    Balkanray Fapstronaut

    I find it funny how some people think they know everything about me and decide to write it here too, it's amazing it makes me feel like slapping people in the face. First about i do agree with you, sexual energy should be moved.

    2nd i already have social skills, i make friends easily, people like me, been dating top girls from schools etc. I am indeed a very social person. But no man i don't choose to be a loner, i even lashed out to my parents last night and told them to leave me alone because i need alone time. I don't feel social at all lately the more i progress into Semen Retention. I never had this when i was fapping regularly. I never told my mom to stop calling me when i was fapping. I am not against NoFap or SR but seriously i am not the only one who has wrote threads about this.

    Sit and think? Come on man you did not seriously write this? I am not doing anything wrong with my life thank you very much.
    Breakthrough23 likes this.
  15. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    I mean I ain't a doctor or anything, but if I were, I'd prescribe you with some chill pills.
  16. RetroRasta

    RetroRasta Fapstronaut

    If NoFap is causing all that, then porn is the culprit. NoFap is a natural way of life so blaming abstinence is not really the way to go, rather I think it has to do with your dopamine levels. If you think Jacking off for life is the best way to go by all means don't let others tell you otherwise but the fact that your nofap journey showed you all that, it means porn has really rewired your mind. Its the dopamine, trust me.
    Balkanray likes this.
  17. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    I'm not a genius or some professional. But still take my advice bif you want.
    For what you said it looked like one of these 2 is the problem
    1. Either you fantasize a lot about sex or you don't. But in either case you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms of atleast the porn you used to watch, the dopamine you used to relase when you masturbated.
    2. Again. Maybe it's you only who chose to be a loner. Dont be arrogant. Sit and think about it.
  18. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    Someone give me a good explanation on semen retention
  19. RetroRasta

    RetroRasta Fapstronaut

    isn't that when you don't ejaculate? if you've ever jacked off or nearly came but you didn't, that's semen retention. I'm not sure if precum invalidates semen retention but I'll assume no.
  20. RetroRasta

    RetroRasta Fapstronaut

    sorry for the terminology but couldn't find a way to explain it without using those words.