Unreal what 5 days does

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Damnation, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. Damnation

    Damnation Fapstronaut

    In theory everything you said is and should be correct, men should be allowed to show emotion and freely be as emotional as women. But in the real world we aren't. Yesterday alone I heard one woman I work with repeat 3 times, how seeing a grown man cry is the ultimate turn off.

    And the alpha beta thing is very real. 4 attributes tall, muscular, nice teeth and handsome face. Possess all 4 and it's like having a pass to do whatever you want in the presence of women.

    I am able to tell when the women at work are about to start ovulating. When they are about to start their periods they get real close to me, touch me, flirt with me. Married women. And when the conversation gets sexual, they all want pinned down and man handled, thrown around like a rag doll. It's the same conversation but with different women.
  2. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    That's sad. How could she say something like this ?. It's very selfish in nature, because crying makes you somebody else's 'problem'. At least, that's how these women think.
    Physical attractiveness is widely desired, in both genders. But it's never a 'pass' to do whatever the hell you want with the other. I read a post where a woman said the same about men, that being good-looking gives her the ability to treat men rudely and callously, all while profiting from the men financially. Both perspectives are wrong in my opinion.
    All females have an increase in sex-drive around ovulation and menstruation. But, for me it's never about seeking domination. Quite the opposite; it's more about fullfilling my own desire while staying faithful to my dignity and my partner's. Even during those 'heat' periods I never desire being treated poorly or treating the male partner poorly.
    Those female co-workers you have all show signs of internalized misogyny. Probably due to their up-bringing. Also, they seem very egoistical and self-centric to me. I don't advise you to consider them as standard specimens for women in general.
    Roady likes this.
  3. Damnation

    Damnation Fapstronaut

    This is all correct
  4. Damnation

    Damnation Fapstronaut

    I seriously doubt they want me to treat them poorly, they want me to take their power and free will away. They want a big strong man to ravage them, that feeds two needs for them A. To feel desired by an attractive man, (hugely important to a woman) and B. They have men in their lives that they have to instruct what to do, they have to take the reigns of the family and wear the pants so to speak. That's not natural for women, women's nature is to be submissive to a strong man, that's their desire. When they see a dominant male who wants to take away their power, it's a huge turn on. They know I won't hurt them, but the fear of the chance of pain, and the loss of control gets that dopamine flowing.
  5. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I see that you have a lot of prejudices. Across history many women have been leaders, like Zenobia who fought the roman empire in what is now known as syria. Or the nordic women, two years ago a grave was found in scandinavia and the skeleton was buried with weapons and a shield turned out to be a female (DNA analysis). The historical documents that the serie Vikings is based on all relate the tale of female shieldmaidens. In north africa, we also had many women who fought along side men during the french occupation, In algeria mostly. And especially during the civil uprising that lead to independance. Like Fadma Nssoumer and so many others that even date back to the islamic expantion in north africa. And these are only a few examples, I didn't mention the females who contributed to science and even electronic technology. Also, the very first computer program (prototype) was created by a woman (Ada lovelace). Albert Einstein's first wife was also a physician like he was. And so many others.
    Both you and the other member seem too stuck in prejudices. Or maybe, you are trying to make yourself believe them for some unknown reason. Trust me this attitude will bring you more misery and pain. And sexual relationships don't generate happiness, if hollow they only create suffering and unwanted memories.
    By the way it wasn't me who derailed the thread; it was going to end up this way anyway because thr OP chose to start with unhealthy ideas.
    It was deemed to generate useless conflicts or be completely forgotten.
  6. Damnation

    Damnation Fapstronaut

    The only thing here that is unhealthy is the vain attempt at poorly executed mental gymnastics, with the intent of convincing any of us that some how a woman is equal to a man. You are not, no amount of toxic feminism will ever make you equal to a man.

    A woman will never match a man in combat, turn off your television, it's fantasy. Nature did not intend for you to be a man. As a woman you will find pleasure and happiness submitting your body and will to a powerful man.

    You're writings lead me to the conclusion that you have never been taken by an alpha man. And that your spouse is likely small or weak. I have sympathy for you.

    Feminism is a festering disease in the mind of too many modern women, it robs you of femininity.
  7. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I was worried you wouldn't answer. But honestly you didn't disappoint, you are more depressed than what you would like to imagine. BTW all the example I have given you are REAL, not fantasy. Fantasy is good for entertainement, and for imagination.
    The kurdish women who took weapons against ISIS terrorists are REAL, not fantasy. And many of them died alongside men while resisting misogynistic criminals.
    Dude, go seek therapy before you either hurt someone or yourself. You have psychological issues and it's your frustration(emotional) speaking for you.
    As for matching someone in combat, it doesn't require to be some massive steroid monster to defeat a attacker, agility is also an important factor, hence why martial artists don't look overly muscular but are effective nevertheless. The early humans both participated in hunting, males and females alike, many early societies were either matriarchal or egalitarian, while other were patriarchal. Because in order to survive and be successful no one should become a burden for the clan. Go look for it if you wish. It was recently discovered that many prehistoric women had very strong arms, mostly due to a lifetime of manual labor and possibly hunting.
    I find this alpha man attitude to be completely disgusting and borderline psychopathic. It's definitly not a good partner material and not worth my attention and affection.
  8. Damnation

    Damnation Fapstronaut

    Guys, we just found the first psychic psychologist in the world, she's managed to diagnose me with clinical depression without ever speaking. I'm impressed, as I know all of you are.

    Or are you just another demonstration of why men find it difficult to respect women?....nah I'm sure that's not it......

    And lastly, no one asked for your attention, you've butted into a conversation that had nothing to do with women. Only to prove the point in the paragraph above.

    And in true feminist form, you've contributed absolutely 0 to the conversation, you're inherently incapable of creating or contributing to a conversation. So, what do you do? hijack and run off the tracks, the thing you aren't intelligent enough to make a contribution to. Feel free to see your way out of a man's conversation, you'll never be one, no matter how much you try.
    I'm The Chosen One likes this.
  9. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    It's obvious because accumulated negative emotions (espescially resentement) lead to depression, it's like a time-bomb waiting to explode.
    And judging from all your words, you have an impressive amount of negativity and poisonous feelings.
    I don't need to be a man, and I don't feel like becoming one. The only thing I didn't contribute to is polishing your ego, sorry that's not my speciality. I don't intend to let anyone walk over me anytime soon.
    It has a lot to do with women actually, the whole thread started with female-bashing, unfairly and unjustly. You had to expect this, because we are human beings with egos and pride , just like you.
  10. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately, that is how it is for them.
  11. Having read the thread in its entirety, this rings very true! she-dernatinus, there are some very vile people on this forum who blindly adhere to a unique mix of pseudoscience, toxic masculinity, and sophistry. They find others who drink the same kool-aid and marvel at how women are attracted to them, how alpha they are, how many superpowers they now have.

    It’s all too much for me. I separate the practice of retention and transmutation from the rest. All I know is that any man who said those sort of things in public would be shamed. And rightfully so!
  12. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    What do you mean by ‘Alpha’?
    Size? That’s all you got?

    Size isn’t everything man.
    What’s your personality? Do you come across as 1.Cute ‘n Strong,
    2. An overconfident Beast, an arsehole?

    Also, it depends on every woman. Some like 1., some like 2.

    Nothing Can be generalised for any gender!
  13. This thread mega cringe brothers. Just here trying to get stacked and kick the porn habit. Not into this red pill toxic masculinity misogynistic BS.

    I suppose we can all be comforted that people such as Damnation would never be so brazen as to voice their opinions publicly. Still, the thought that men actually think this way is disturbing to say the least.

    Do better.
  14. xerneas4u

    xerneas4u Fapstronaut

    Go far. Like 3,000 days far.