wet dreams during Nofap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by petrunko-vladimirov, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. petrunko-vladimirov

    petrunko-vladimirov New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,
    I am new in the Nofap community. I am almost 22 years old, I've never watched porn and I've been fapping since the age of 16. Even from the start I thought it's bad and as much as I liked the orgasms, I hated the feeling of emptiness and tire afterwards, so I've tried to stop it even from the first months of doing it, but I still had periods of masturbating more often etc. Recently I watched some videos on youtube about the Nofap challenge and people telling about the effects, so now I feel a real motivation to quit masturbation starting from 4 June 2015 1:00 a.m.
    My biggest challenge is that I don't have that busy schedule (yet) and I am relatively new in the city, in which I live, so I don't have many friends (yet) and I happen to often have many days off, and this drives me crazy. I didn't masturbate, but I experienced erection and ejaculation, without any stimulation, like a wet dream. Does this count as a failure?
  2. natureboy_br

    natureboy_br Fapstronaut

    I am new on this... But If you can't control it I don't think about it as a failure .
    I see that as an action from your body not from your mind.
  3. Pancho

    Pancho Fapstronaut

    No, to me that's no failure. You say you don't use porn? So your problem is you feel you are masturbating too much?
    Some may disagree with me but I think a low level of masturbation is fine.
    Nowadays I think we have a lot more privacy than we used to in western society so we can get away with doing it more.
    Being able to remember intimate moments with a woman and masturbating seems healthy to me. Our focus should be on real women, real human beings and real relationships; finding those sexually stimulating is great.
    Loosing the ability to fantasise and the memories is not so good.
    natureboy_br likes this.
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    A wet dream happens when you are unconscious and does not mean a reset. Masturbation is a conscious deliberate choice to stimulate yourself artificially and is a reset. :(
  5. Pancho

    Pancho Fapstronaut

    I haven't had a wet dream in 20 years....hell I'd be overjoyed if I had one!
  6. petrunko-vladimirov

    petrunko-vladimirov New Fapstronaut

    thanks for the replies, guys. I decided to go for Nofap, because I believe that this challenge will make me stronger, more energetic, will help me discover my strengths and connect better with women..