Starting at Day 0

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Day Sunshine, May 11, 2020.

  1. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    Time to start the rebooting process! My aim is to reach 90 days. This is my first try, but I am really motivated since I found this website and read posts of other members.

    Today is day zero

    Did not masturbate today and the day is almost done here. Time to sleep soon.
    Because this website motivated me a lot, I did some jogging and excercises this morning and had a walk of 15 km in the afternoon. Cant remember the last time I was this active. Im really motivated to change my life for the better!

    See you tomorrow!
  2. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    Awesome, right there with you
    Deleted Account and Day Sunshine like this.
  3. Harry Sawe

    Harry Sawe New Fapstronaut

    Let's do it ..
    Day Sunshine likes this.
  4. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support!
  5. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your message and support!
  6. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    Day 1
    Survived day zero without any problems. Instead of watching porn, I browsed this website, a fine distraction; if you ask me. Only thing was.. I could not really get to sleep. Only slept at around 2:30 and woke up at 6:00. This messed up sleep shedule has a big link to PMO. For me it was always a sleeping pill. Even if I woke up very early, I did some PMO and got back to sleep. I have good hopes for today. Will keep you updated as the day progresses Forgot to mention, woke up with a healthy erection this morning.

    Also I've watched this video, very informative and motivational:
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
  7. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    Day 1
    Well, its already evening here, so also day 1 comes to an end soon. Good for that, cause I do feel some urge to start fapping again. I am used to masturbating every day, so did not expect it differently. I am very resistent to alcohol and drug addicition. Wonder if I am also resistant against porn addiction. No plans of masturbating this evening. So will see you all tomorrow where day 2 begins!
  8. TGI9000

    TGI9000 Fapstronaut

    Hey perfect! You can do it. At 20 days myself and it’s getting better slowly. Keep up and keep moving. That’s really what helped me a lot too. Sitting still is a huge thing to avoid
    Day Sunshine likes this.
  9. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    20 days already! Well done! I also wish you all the best! We can do it!
    Before the day ends, a great video I found. Have a look!

    Good night to everyone! Peace!
    TGI9000 likes this.
  10. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    Day 2
    Believe it or not, but we're there folks, day 2! I am happy to announce Im in good shape, woke up with an erection and feeling quite energetic today. Had a good night sleep from 22.30 till 5.20. This is pretty fine for me, there are nights where I only sleep for 4 hours. Did not do jogging and excercising today since I still have muscle ache from 2 days ago. I do think I will go for a ride of 15km with my bicycle later this day. Its always good to be out in the open, get some fresh air, move a bit. Sitting at home all day also gets you numb. Will update this post lateron, feeling good for now.

    Alright, quick update.. I feel very calm and at ease. I know its just day 2 and my goal of 90 days is still far away. But I really feel better, my mind is more clear, I just played guitar for an hour and it went pretty good. I got my acoustic classical guitar from long time ago, put some new nylon strings on it and started playing!

    Alright, did something pretty dangerous, went to Tinder on my mobile and scrolled down some girls. I know it sounds not clever, but I thought I knew my limits, just watching girls doesnt get me that excited. But this time it did, probably because Im not masturbating for a while. When I laid my mobile down on the table I felt the urge and the images of the girls were still in my mind, I could see them in front of me. Gotta be careful.

    Day 2 has almost come to an end. Did do some Tinder, but I do not really find this criminal behaviour. It does not get me hard and I dont fap!
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
    Buddhabro likes this.
  11. TGI9000

    TGI9000 Fapstronaut

    Hey good morning and fantastic to hear you are playing music. I ll go out to the forest later today. It’s a great thing to be in nature and soak up all the sights, the smells and impressions.
    Day Sunshine likes this.
  12. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    Day 0
    Back to Day 0, I relapsed :( more updates later.

    Well, here is the update. Where did I go wrong? Well, actually I know the answer. First I started chatting on HelloTalk, this was very innocent, it's just an app to learn a language, almost no pictures involved. Then I went to Facebook, it got worse. Images of good looking women started to appear. After this Tinder, I thought chatting didn't hurt nobody. Then I lost sight and went to Livejasmin, which is sex webcam site. Relapse, euphoria, feeling like shit. My feelings in the right order.

    All I can say is next try. This site is not shutting down in 90 days, so I can still complete such a challenge. Hope I last longer now
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  13. TGI9000

    TGI9000 Fapstronaut

    Take what you learned as inspiration for your next effort. You got this
  14. Pyara31

    Pyara31 Fapstronaut

    Hey! I read your posts and am sorry to know that you had just relapsed. I for myself relapsed today in the morning. It's Day Zero for me too. It sucks I know but don't worry you have got good confidence going for youself and since it was your first try at nofap, learn as much as you can from this relapse. Your posts remind me of myself back in the days when I first began this journey. It will eventually get better believe in that and continue moving forward. Look back at what went wrong and try to correct it next time. I am with you man, Let's do this together .
  15. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    Thank you, can use such support! Will start over, we all make mistakes.
  16. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    I'm with you on that! Let's do it together. Thank you very much for your supportive post. It was very good to read such text after the euphoria was over and I knew Day 0 was in sight. Like you said, I will indeed learn from this and use the knowledge with my next try. Thanks friend!
    Pyara31 likes this.
  17. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    Day 0
    Back to the start. Fapped twice yesterday, needed to let it all out so I could sleep.
    This day I woke up totally refreshed, went jogging at 6.00 and did some excerices after. Now I am ready for a longer streak, I know it is possible and I will do all in my power to do this.
  18. Hi mate I relapsed too today. I quit reddit nofap as there were too many triggers for me on there. I think you need to quit tinder as this will raise your dopamines you will end up on other websites pretty soon. I quit facebook and instagram recently for same reason. And just quit reddit as well.
    Pyara31 likes this.
  19. Pyara31

    Pyara31 Fapstronaut

    I completely agree with him. You have got to eliminate your triggers even if they are on your social media accounts. Replace them with something productive which helps you feel good truly. Be aware of the chaser effect now because it usually happens after a relapse. Try to avoid using the internet too much for a couple of days and distract your mind in doing other things. Do new stuff which you haven't done before or finish what you have always wanted to but couldn't. Now is the time to act and not procrastinate about it. Set a target for yourself everyday which you are going to hit in terms of level of productivity. You have got this bud, we are here for you. Much love and power from my side. Always remember that the solution to a problem lies in admitting that there is one.
  20. Day Sunshine

    Day Sunshine Fapstronaut

    Day 1
    Cool reading all the replies. I really adore all the encouragement. I deleted Tinder. I do still use Facebook and Hellotalk. This doesn't trigger me that much. And I really need the social contact since Corona is still around and I am working at home.

    Woke up at 3.30 tonight and couldn't sleep after. Read a Russian book and Hellotalk to ease my mind. Have not felt any urges. I probably sleep better the next night, no worries. I have a good feeling about this streak.

    Met a kind girl from Russia on Hellotalk and we chatted quite a while. She liked the way I played guitar and I hope she is single cause I really like her. Live in Netherlands myself but wouldn't mind to visit her nevertheless.

    So far my update, stay safe friends!
    Pyara31 and Deleted Account like this.