Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Mar 11, 2019.

Do you have what it takes to become a Super Saiyan?

  1. I don't know yet, i'm gonna start training now!

  2. Yes, but it will be hard.

  3. Not only Super Saiyan, but i can go even beyond. AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

  4. I can only reach the level of an Elite Warrior, nothing more than that.

  5. I can't even beat Yajirobe, i'm a failure. ;(

  1. jamalwilson

    jamalwilson Fapstronaut

  2. Nevistio

    Nevistio Fapstronaut

  3. vickyksr

    vickyksr Fapstronaut

  4. vickyksr

    vickyksr Fapstronaut

    Feeling week today people. Tempted at sight of an actress on TV. Then lost at a chain of thoughts of my crush. She seems so angelic, perfect, graceful, made of gold, divine, flawless. I feel like a slave to her beautiful radiance. I must collect my will and fight this urge, I don't even know what she is for real. Just her impeccable image is making me go crazy.
  5. I feel you bro..
    Day 23 check in - Hardest day so far!
  6. MJ Warrior 93

    MJ Warrior 93 Fapstronaut

    Still day 79

    Imagine how strong Mr Satan would be if he were to train under Master Roshi :emoji_joy::emoji_joy:

  7. SaiyanSoul

    SaiyanSoul Fapstronaut

    So i relapsed, but yeah i still function as a person, which shouldnt be any surprise and there is no point in judging yourself if it happens, but just try to remember the cause and try to avoid it in the future if you wanna go longer.

    I´ve also never had any problems with seeing any actress or person and relapsed by that, its mainly internet porn that has caused it. So Day Zero again i suppose until 19 tomorrow.
  8. darkenedverse

    darkenedverse Fapstronaut

    Day 6 #not using porn
    Day 6 #nofap

    Other stuff I'm fixing
    Day 59 of 60 #nosoda
    I did slip on the fast food (turkey sausage on English Muffin and caramal craze from Dunkin Donuts, but I couldn't finish the caramel craze after a few sips because I don't like sweets lke that anymore)
    Deleted Account, NCK and | Nico | like this.
  9. Of course you do! You're a great person!

    I relapsed too. Just so stupid! decided to look at some pics, pmo'd. I think it would have been pretty easy to say no. But I didn't and so -again- I taught my brain the wrong thing.
    Other than that it was a great day!

    The thought crossed my mind to quit this challenge. Not bc I give up, but bc it makes no difference. Either I do the right thing or I do the wrong thing. Sadly, the extra motivation that this Challenge used to give me has diminished to nothing.
    Or maybe it's just bugging me that I don't get to the higher ranks. And maybe that's the best reason to stay here. To finish the damn thing.

    (note: I expect that I don't relapse another time on the bloody last day of April)

    Since 8th of April I'm tracking things in a spreadsheet. From 23 days I spend 18 without porn that's a success rate of 78%
    Deleted Account, NCK and | Nico | like this.
  10. itz_gioc

    itz_gioc Fapstronaut

    Checking in day 205:

    Sir, I mean no disrespect, I’ll just be honest with you. But you just lost against a female elf... your willing to stoop so low to watch a cam girl. I know how you feel because I use to be in that position. I dug a deep hole in my life back then. But remember why your taking this challenge. I want everybody to know that your here to make change. I don’t want anyone here saying I relapsed because I saw a girl online. We are men. Act like one. Don’t say it’s hard. In reality, most of us are making it hard for ourselves. Remember to PUSH through your urges. If your angry, then get angry at yourself, don’t expect anyone here to baby you. Don’t think about the pain, don’t think about the suffering. Think about making yourself better. I’m still pushing.. and I love being at this stage in my life! Tbh I’m enjoying life every single day. Feel Good mindset. I’m looking at things with a whole new perspective. If you really want change, then CHANGE. Don’t think of an excuse like “oh ima just relapse next week because its been one month of NoFap, I deserve it..” No. Thats pathetic. If you’re truly a Super Saiyan then act like one.

    God bless
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2020
  11. | Nico |

    | Nico | Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Even though this wasn't directed at me, i really needed to hear this, because ive been acting like a child recently.... thank you, amazing streak you got there brother, keep up the great work. God bless
  12. SaiyanSoul

    SaiyanSoul Fapstronaut

    I´ll do better, there is 12 days until my birhtday, not that i really care at this point, because the first obstacle is 15 and then beyond.

    But i guess people have their doubts, and rightly so, been here and showed no significant progress so thats about to change.

    Also dont look down on others who hasnt been long on their streak.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2020
  13. blindjustice

    blindjustice Fapstronaut

  14. SaiyanSoul

    SaiyanSoul Fapstronaut


    Time will tell, Getting the higher ranks is annyoing when one keeps relapsing but it will eventually be reached, i´ve been since last year so thats an indication that im not giving up no matter what.
  15. itz_gioc

    itz_gioc Fapstronaut

    SaiyanSoul, my intention is not to bring you down. I’m literally exposing your weakness. And motivating you to make a serious change in your life. The I don’t care attitude won’t get you far. This is for the people that do care. And I’m serious when it comes to making changes. Idk what your goal is, all I know is that your trying to stop this addiction. Call me an elitist, call me a jerk, call me anything you want. That’s fine. Lol

    Life just feels great at this stage. I’m motivated to do anything I want. And have the ability to just take it into action. God is great!!! And I love it!!!

    I feel like my purpose is to help people. And I want everyone here to experience the same fulfillment and happiness that I’m experiencing. Is that so bad? I’m helping people who are struggling and motivating them to do better. Especially when this pandemic is an issue. You will for sure find a reason to relapse. The people here have to find their purpose and strive for greatness. And be delivered from this sick, disgusting, mindset

    My intention is to help you. Unless you want me to say. “SaiyanSoul you did your best. I’m sorry you relapsed. Please don’t do it again. You are great! Keep it up!” Sure, I can just say that to you only. If that makes you feel any better lol

    Or I can be straight up honest with you and expose what’s holding you back? Up to you.

    And happy early birthday :)

    God Bless
    Deleted Account, NCK and SaiyanSoul like this.
  16. itz_gioc

    itz_gioc Fapstronaut

    No problem brother! And thank you! I pray that we can make it through this addiction. Everyday is a battle!
    Deleted Account, NCK and | Nico | like this.
  17. SaiyanSoul

    SaiyanSoul Fapstronaut

    Yeah i know, better with the truth honestly tho.

    The Pandemic sure makes things boring, but i can still work and do some stuff that dont require me to be home, cuz THAT would drive me F***** Crazy.

    Thank for the early birhtday greet, im gonna check in every day tho, i dont know it just feels like a regular thing of my day schedule now after work, funny how that goes XD Hey why arent you in the Super Saiyan blue list btw ?
    Deleted Account, NCK and itz_gioc like this.
  18. itz_gioc

    itz_gioc Fapstronaut

    Hahaha no worries! I haven’t been posting on this thread since I wasn’t really active on other threads. I’ve been mainly posting on my NoFap journal entries that’s about it.

    Please feel free to message me if anyone is having problems!
  19. itz_gioc

    itz_gioc Fapstronaut

    Everyone keep this in mind. I don’t want anyone here looking up to me. I’m just a normal person just like you. I just want to let you know that the grass is greener on the other side. Life is suppose to be a roller coaster. You will have more bad days than good days. I feel like that’s a good thing. Life would be boring if everything was always going your way haha

    I’m a Christian and I follow Jesus Christ. And many of you may not know this but he saved me through this challenge. Don’t hold me back. Because I want to expose the truth! The truth will set you free.
  20. Rubzi

    Rubzi Fapstronaut

    Crap chaser effect got to me after fooling around with gf. Went full PMO...

    Updating my filters and day counter in the morning.

    Day 0 again for me. Checking back in with you after the 7 days milestone. Stay strong brothers, temptation can get to you at anytime