ED or PIED? Not sure what my issue is

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by ydaas, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. ydaas

    ydaas Fapstronaut


    I'm not sure if this is the right place to be asking this but I'm sure I have a problem.

    My issue is that i can reach orgasm but i cannot get "rock hard" if that makes sense. Im able to have sex and quiet frankly, I want to have sex a lot. However, unlike most guys, I cannot get rock hard or have had a wet dream in forever.

    A bit about me:

    I'm a 19y old male and started masturbation around grade 4. I was exposed to it at a young age and got hooked. I've been masturbating for as long as I can remember and I do it a lot. Average when I'm bored is around 6-8 a day. I've never used lotion or any lube so I've desensitized myself to that. I've had a few girlfriends and I've been able to have sex and reach orgasm but I could not achieve "rock hard". What I find weird is that I feel like I get more pleasure from "dry" masturbation than sex it is. Is this also a side effect of porn? I last a very long time during sex because I don't really feel much sensation.

    Would this be ED or PIED because I can have sex but i am really desensitized to it. Even on days i would have sex, i would go watch porn and masturbate later on.
  2. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Looks liked PIED to me brother. You started masturbating when you were only at grade 4..and got hooked really early. in addition you averaged around 6-8 a day, And that's what i call a shortcut to desensitization. All of the above symptoms are porn consequences.
    Most of the porn addicts at some point are getting aroused from porn way more than a women, Which is crazy.
    You're 19, You found nofap in a good timing and it still looks that you have some libido left unlike many of us. Consider yourself lucky. You are now aware of your problems and how dangerous porn is so you know that there's no point in coming back to that dark past. Do yourself a favor and quit porn AND masturbation FOREVER. This is totally healable with the right amount of self discipline, willpower and motivation.
    Remember my friend, Patience is key. Recovery might take a while since you started masturbating really early.. But it doesn't matter, Everything is worth it.
    Good luck! Keep updating us!
  3. Are you rock solid when you masturbate alone?
    Can you remember if you've ever been rock solid?

    In my honest opinion it doesn't really matter whether its ED or PIED. The reboot looks the same. If a reboot is what you want to do that is...
  4. ydaas

    ydaas Fapstronaut

    I don't ever remember being rock hard since I started off early and I'm guessing kids could never be rock hard at such a young age
  5. Ok. Well I was. Before i started watching porn. Anyway I would advice you to try a reboot to see if its psychological or if you have an actual physical problem and need professional help.
  6. ydaas

    ydaas Fapstronaut

    See that's the thing. Before I had a girlfriend, I used to masturbate and used to think that im "semi hard" because it's just porn and that ill get rock hard once its real. However, that didn't change even after I got a girlfriend. So I've never experienced having a full erection so I'm not sure if that's because of excessive masturbation or because I have a real medical problem. Im very young and I workout a lot and I'd consider myself very healthy so I'm just not sure. I just started my 90 days so I hope I can see SOME improvement that gives me hope that I'm recovering because if not, I really don't know what else to do.
  7. Sawyer

    Sawyer Fapstronaut

    I think I might have something similar to you, I can still get hard with woman but just not as hard as before, I never get random erections or morning wood anymore though, and it takes longer to get it up to porn, I’m doing 90 days aswell hoping it will increase my erection quality.
    ydaas likes this.
  8. I see. Well the 90 days. I think you'll need more. From what ive researched. But thats a good, free and simple start.(NOT easy)
    Anyhow you're definitely heading in the right direction. Keep this up and if you need any help, just shoot a message and we will respond best way we can ;)

    So yea. Begin with the 90 days and see where that gets you!
  9. domasfernandez

    domasfernandez Fapstronaut

    Bro hello, are you there?? What are you up to now?? Any improvements so far??