Misogyny and me

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by That'sJustDandy, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Not sure where else to post this. But I can't think of a better place really - hope it makes sense as I talk.

    I've never thought of myself as a misogynistic person - I'd have described myself as a feminist. But looking at myself at the moment, I'm struggling to reconcile my view of me with my actions.

    I'd not say I hate women or have any feelings of superiority over them. But when I look at all the porn I've used, and how I've lied to my partner, how warped my interpretation of sex has become and how I've treated her... It's hard to maintain the argument.

    It feels like I compartmentalised my mind - I've used this concept before in regards to my addiction:
    • On one hand, nice person, tried to be kind, affectionate and gentle
    • On the other, using porn for multiple hours most days. And the porn itself makes me feel ashamed and repulsed my partner
    It feels like I'd split my mind so that the bad side could exist (and grow...) but the good side got to be too.

    I dunno. I'm not looking for someone to tell me I'm not, just musing I suppose. But if anyone does have thoughts about overcoming this sort of thing and improving yourself, or relevant experiences, feel free to share.
  2. my life again

    my life again Fapstronaut

    Hey man,
    I was actually in a very similar position - my PMO habits were very much out of sync with my values. I’ll be honest, identifying as a feminist doesn’t make improvement easier, it’s a tough road regardless. But what really helped me was, I realised, a form of cognitive behavioural therapy. I’d done a lot of work on changing my behaviours (avoiding PMO, trying other habits etc.) but it was still really hard - my mind always kept wandering back to PMO. The moment I actually felt the temptation disappear completely is when I used affirmations to realign my cognition - repeating things like “I respect women in every way” and “My behaviours are in line with my values” every day really made things easier. Good luck! Lemme know how things progress or if you want any other advice
    That'sJustDandy likes this.
  3. Yeah, it feels like I've done out a gaze and realised I'm a worse person than I realised, and that I'd lied to myself to let myself get so bad...

    That sounds really interesting - I've almost found myself having a conversation with myself around urges that went very similar, almost talking myself down. The only thing I find negatively is it takes a degree of mindfulness and control to have that conversation, but I suppose it gets easier as you practice it.

    No, I'm not thinking it will or trying to virtue signal or anything. Just a reflection on how far from "me" I feel like I am... Feels like I've messed myself up quite a lot...
    my life again likes this.
  4. Actually, any more thoughts or practical things like this would be great, please.

    I need to change my thinking - anything around that would be amazing.
  5. HelplessPleaseHelp?

    HelplessPleaseHelp? Fapstronaut

    Hi buddy, first, thanks for sharing.
    Secondly, as a man it is natural to think about subjects like this.
    I'm not sure you are mysogenic, but if so, try your best not to be. If you feel that stop using porn will develop the sensitive side in you so do it. If you feel that talking nicier to people will help you achieve it, do it. Eventually, all of us wish to be better persons to the ones surrounding us, whether they are women or man, the only thing that differentiate us from each other, is what we do about it. It's ok that you share your feelings with everyone, it is important to me that you will not dwell on it each day but really try to be your best.

    Take care.
  6. I try not to dwell, and I'm trying to be better. But I also worry about what it says about me - if I do something, in some level it defines me. And just because I'd never noticed it realised, or its distasteful, doesn't mean that the label is any less applicable.
  7. my life again

    my life again Fapstronaut

    In terms of practical tips the first thing I'll say is to remember that this could be one of the hardest things you can do. Depending on how long you've had these habits for it'll take a long time to extinguish, and it's normal to relapse several times before you finally get things right. So the most important practical advice I can give you is to always, always keep trying, and don't beat yourself up if you fail. It took me nine months.

    The second tip I'd give is to use a habit tracker (e.g., HabitShare). If you can successfully abstain for a few weeks, then that will always serve as motivation for what's possible if you relapse and it'll help you visualise your progress in the long run. Also helps for goal setting.

    The third is to try and be a scientist. For me, I relapsed maybe around 10 times before I finally succeeded. But every one of those times I questioned what went wrong and how I can improve - usually it was something to do with my triggers, having a sense of privacy, or just sheer boredom. Most of the time it wasn't actually because I was super horny - it was just because it was a habit. If you can find the trigger for the habit and deal with it successfully, then quitting becomes that much easier.

    My fourth tip is that it's easier to replace bad habits with good ones, rather than just stopping the bad habit outright. Ask yourself, is there any benefit that I'm getting from PMO that I can get from something else? For me, a lot of it was the simple rush of pleasure and taking advantage of time I had alone. But meditation ticked those boxes as well (and was far more productive), so I tried taking that up instead. Didn't quite satisfy the horniness in the moment but it was surprisingly effective overall - and if you make something like mindfulness meditation a habit, it can also help train you to acknowledge your thoughts, but not chase them. I wouldn't be surprised if that also contributed to my success.

    Lastly, and this one might not be in your complete control, but if you can try and keep external stressors to a minimum. It might be tough if you're going through lockdown at the moment, but for me when I was stressed I tended to resort to PMO out of habit - because it's easy to think, why the hell not.

    Good luck man, I hope at the end of this you can become more in tune with who you want to be.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
    That'sJustDandy likes this.
  8. Some great stuff there, including some things I'm doing (but it's good to have them confirmed).

    I meant to say thank you but forgot to, do thank you for sharing this with me (and anyone else!)
  9. SequinHistory

    SequinHistory Fapstronaut

    Hey. I totally get where you’re coming from and I have the same thought process. I think it’s a really good thing that we’re having this kind of personality crisis, because we’re coming to terms with how we were contradicting our values/beliefs. In some warped way, I think I was almost trying to change my values/beliefs to align with my porn/fantasy habit (which was obviously a terrible idea). Now I recognise that it’s not good enough to simply say “I’m a feminist”, “I respect women” etc. I realise that I have to act in this way too. It sounds like you’re in the grief stage of recovery which is the stage for self-discovery and healing, but it also very much a make-it or break-it period. Stay strong and keep reminding yourself that you can be the person you want to be.
    That'sJustDandy likes this.
  10. SequinHistory

    SequinHistory Fapstronaut

    By the way, I’m in therapy (paused at the moment because of COVID-19) and I am tracking the journey with a journal. I have advice and material taken from the sessions so feel free to take a look. Be careful if you decide to complete any of the material as it can be emotionally triggering.
    That'sJustDandy likes this.
  11. Thank you, I'll make sure to read :)
  12. Agreed. I feel like I'd not understood this before somehow. I think I'd disconnected myself from reality, taken myself out of the context of right and wrong.

    This feels very me. I keep struggling with the idea of being able to change myself, versus this bring me but not needing to be acting this way - if that makes sense?
  13. Read over your log - really interesting, thank you.

    Well done for keeping going, hope you're ok.
    SequinHistory likes this.